"use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "t", { value: true }); exports.default = void 0; var _TreeNode = require("./TreeNode"); var _ContainerBase = require("../../ContainerBase"); var _throwError = require("../../../utils/throwError"); class TreeContainer extends _ContainerBase.Container { constructor(e = function(e, t) { if (e < t) return -1; if (e > t) return 1; return 0; }, t = false) { super(); this.Y = undefined; this.v = e; if (t) { this.re = _TreeNode.TreeNodeEnableIndex; this.M = function(e, t, i) { const s = this.ne(e, t, i); if (s) { let e = s.tt; while (e !== this.h) { e.rt += 1; e = e.tt; } const t = this.he(s); if (t) { const {parentNode: e, grandParent: i, curNode: s} = t; e.ie(); i.ie(); s.ie(); } } return this.i; }; this.V = function(e) { let t = this.fe(e); while (t !== this.h) { t.rt -= 1; t = t.tt; } }; } else { this.re = _TreeNode.TreeNode; this.M = function(e, t, i) { const s = this.ne(e, t, i); if (s) this.he(s); return this.i; }; this.V = this.fe; } this.h = new this.re; } X(e, t) { let i = this.h; while (e) { const s = this.v(e.u, t); if (s < 0) { e = e.W; } else if (s > 0) { i = e; e = e.U; } else return e; } return i; } Z(e, t) { let i = this.h; while (e) { const s = this.v(e.u, t); if (s <= 0) { e = e.W; } else { i = e; e = e.U; } } return i; } $(e, t) { let i = this.h; while (e) { const s = this.v(e.u, t); if (s < 0) { i = e; e = e.W; } else if (s > 0) { e = e.U; } else return e; } return i; } rr(e, t) { let i = this.h; while (e) { const s = this.v(e.u, t); if (s < 0) { i = e; e = e.W; } else { e = e.U; } } return i; } ue(e) { while (true) { const t = e.tt; if (t === this.h) return; if (e.ee === 1) { e.ee = 0; return; } if (e === t.U) { const i = t.W; if (i.ee === 1) { i.ee = 0; t.ee = 1; if (t === this.Y) { this.Y = t.te(); } else t.te(); } else { if (i.W && i.W.ee === 1) { i.ee = t.ee; t.ee = 0; i.W.ee = 0; if (t === this.Y) { this.Y = t.te(); } else t.te(); return; } else if (i.U && i.U.ee === 1) { i.ee = 1; i.U.ee = 0; i.se(); } else { i.ee = 1; e = t; } } } else { const i = t.U; if (i.ee === 1) { i.ee = 0; t.ee = 1; if (t === this.Y) { this.Y = t.se(); } else t.se(); } else { if (i.U && i.U.ee === 1) { i.ee = t.ee; t.ee = 0; i.U.ee = 0; if (t === this.Y) { this.Y = t.se(); } else t.se(); return; } else if (i.W && i.W.ee === 1) { i.ee = 1; i.W.ee = 0; i.te(); } else { i.ee = 1; e = t; } } } } } fe(e) { if (this.i === 1) { this.clear(); return this.h; } let t = e; while (t.U || t.W) { if (t.W) { t = t.W; while (t.U) t = t.U; } else { t = t.U; } [e.u, t.u] = [ t.u, e.u ]; [e.l, t.l] = [ t.l, e.l ]; e = t; } if (this.h.U === t) { this.h.U = t.tt; } else if (this.h.W === t) { this.h.W = t.tt; } this.ue(t); const i = t.tt; if (t === i.U) { i.U = undefined; } else i.W = undefined; this.i -= 1; this.Y.ee = 0; return i; } oe(e, t) { if (e === undefined) return false; const i = this.oe(e.U, t); if (i) return true; if (t(e)) return true; return this.oe(e.W, t); } he(e) { while (true) { const t = e.tt; if (t.ee === 0) return; const i = t.tt; if (t === i.U) { const s = i.W; if (s && s.ee === 1) { s.ee = t.ee = 0; if (i === this.Y) return; i.ee = 1; e = i; continue; } else if (e === t.W) { e.ee = 0; if (e.U) e.U.tt = t; if (e.W) e.W.tt = i; t.W = e.U; i.U = e.W; e.U = t; e.W = i; if (i === this.Y) { this.Y = e; this.h.tt = e; } else { const t = i.tt; if (t.U === i) { t.U = e; } else t.W = e; } e.tt = i.tt; t.tt = e; i.tt = e; i.ee = 1; return { parentNode: t, grandParent: i, curNode: e }; } else { t.ee = 0; if (i === this.Y) { this.Y = i.se(); } else i.se(); i.ee = 1; } } else { const s = i.U; if (s && s.ee === 1) { s.ee = t.ee = 0; if (i === this.Y) return; i.ee = 1; e = i; continue; } else if (e === t.U) { e.ee = 0; if (e.U) e.U.tt = i; if (e.W) e.W.tt = t; i.W = e.U; t.U = e.W; e.U = i; e.W = t; if (i === this.Y) { this.Y = e; this.h.tt = e; } else { const t = i.tt; if (t.U === i) { t.U = e; } else t.W = e; } e.tt = i.tt; t.tt = e; i.tt = e; i.ee = 1; return { parentNode: t, grandParent: i, curNode: e }; } else { t.ee = 0; if (i === this.Y) { this.Y = i.te(); } else i.te(); i.ee = 1; } } return; } } ne(e, t, i) { if (this.Y === undefined) { this.i += 1; this.Y = new this.re(e, t); this.Y.ee = 0; this.Y.tt = this.h; this.h.tt = this.Y; this.h.U = this.Y; this.h.W = this.Y; return; } let s; const r = this.h.U; const n = this.v(r.u, e); if (n === 0) { r.l = t; return; } else if (n > 0) { r.U = new this.re(e, t); r.U.tt = r; s = r.U; this.h.U = s; } else { const r = this.h.W; const n = this.v(r.u, e); if (n === 0) { r.l = t; return; } else if (n < 0) { r.W = new this.re(e, t); r.W.tt = r; s = r.W; this.h.W = s; } else { if (i !== undefined) { const r = i.o; if (r !== this.h) { const i = this.v(r.u, e); if (i === 0) { r.l = t; return; } else if (i > 0) { const i = r.L(); const n = this.v(i.u, e); if (n === 0) { i.l = t; return; } else if (n < 0) { s = new this.re(e, t); if (i.W === undefined) { i.W = s; s.tt = i; } else { r.U = s; s.tt = r; } } } } } if (s === undefined) { s = this.Y; while (true) { const i = this.v(s.u, e); if (i > 0) { if (s.U === undefined) { s.U = new this.re(e, t); s.U.tt = s; s = s.U; break; } s = s.U; } else if (i < 0) { if (s.W === undefined) { s.W = new this.re(e, t); s.W.tt = s; s = s.W; break; } s = s.W; } else { s.l = t; return; } } } } } this.i += 1; return s; } I(e, t) { while (e) { const i = this.v(e.u, t); if (i < 0) { e = e.W; } else if (i > 0) { e = e.U; } else return e; } return e || this.h; } clear() { this.i = 0; this.Y = undefined; this.h.tt = undefined; this.h.U = this.h.W = undefined; } updateKeyByIterator(e, t) { const i = e.o; if (i === this.h) { (0, _throwError.throwIteratorAccessError)(); } if (this.i === 1) { i.u = t; return true; } if (i === this.h.U) { if (this.v(i.B().u, t) > 0) { i.u = t; return true; } return false; } if (i === this.h.W) { if (this.v(i.L().u, t) < 0) { i.u = t; return true; } return false; } const s = i.L().u; if (this.v(s, t) >= 0) return false; const r = i.B().u; if (this.v(r, t) <= 0) return false; i.u = t; return true; } eraseElementByPos(e) { if (e < 0 || e > this.i - 1) { throw new RangeError; } let t = 0; const i = this; this.oe(this.Y, (function(s) { if (e === t) { i.V(s); return true; } t += 1; return false; })); return this.i; } eraseElementByKey(e) { if (this.i === 0) return false; const t = this.I(this.Y, e); if (t === this.h) return false; this.V(t); return true; } eraseElementByIterator(e) { const t = e.o; if (t === this.h) { (0, _throwError.throwIteratorAccessError)(); } const i = t.W === undefined; const s = e.iteratorType === 0; if (s) { if (i) e.next(); } else { if (!i || t.U === undefined) e.next(); } this.V(t); return e; } forEach(e) { let t = 0; for (const i of this) e(i, t++, this); } getElementByPos(e) { if (e < 0 || e > this.i - 1) { throw new RangeError; } let t; let i = 0; for (const s of this) { if (i === e) { t = s; break; } i += 1; } return t; } getHeight() { if (this.i === 0) return 0; const traversal = function(e) { if (!e) return 0; return Math.max(traversal(e.U), traversal(e.W)) + 1; }; return traversal(this.Y); } } var _default = TreeContainer; exports.default = _default; 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