import _typeof from "./typeof.js"; import checkInRHS from "./checkInRHS.js"; import setFunctionName from "./setFunctionName.js"; import toPropertyKey from "./toPropertyKey.js"; export default function applyDecs2311(e, t, n, r, o, i) { var a, c, u, s, f, l, p, d = Symbol.metadata || Symbol["for"]("Symbol.metadata"), m = Object.defineProperty, h = Object.create, y = [h(null), h(null)], v = t.length; function g(t, n, r) { return function (o, i) { n && (i = o, o = e); for (var a = 0; a < t.length; a++) i = t[a].apply(o, r ? [i] : []); return r ? i : o; }; } function b(e, t, n, r) { if ("function" != typeof e && (r || void 0 !== e)) throw new TypeError(t + " must " + (n || "be") + " a function" + (r ? "" : " or undefined")); return e; } function applyDec(e, t, n, r, o, i, u, s, f, l, p) { function d(e) { if (!p(e)) throw new TypeError("Attempted to access private element on non-instance"); } var h = [].concat(t[0]), v = t[3], w = !u, D = 1 === o, S = 3 === o, j = 4 === o, E = 2 === o; function I(t, n, r) { return function (o, i) { return n && (i = o, o = e), r && r(o), P[t].call(o, i); }; } if (!w) { var P = {}, k = [], F = S ? "get" : j || D ? "set" : "value"; if (f ? (l || D ? P = { get: setFunctionName(function () { return v(this); }, r, "get"), set: function set(e) { t[4](this, e); } } : P[F] = v, l || setFunctionName(P[F], r, E ? "" : F)) : l || (P = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(e, r)), !l && !f) { if ((c = y[+s][r]) && 7 != (c ^ o)) throw new Error("Decorating two elements with the same name (" + P[F].name + ") is not supported yet"); y[+s][r] = o < 3 ? 1 : o; } } for (var N = e, O = h.length - 1; O >= 0; O -= n ? 2 : 1) { var z = h[O], H = n ? h[O - 1] : void 0, K = {}, R = { kind: ["field", "accessor", "method", "getter", "setter", "class"][o], name: r, metadata: a, addInitializer: function (e, t) { if (e.v) throw new Error("attempted to call addInitializer after decoration was finished"); b(t, "An initializer", "be", !0), i.push(t); }.bind(null, K) }; if (w) c =, N, R), K.v = 1, b(c, "class decorators", "return") && (N = c);else if (R["static"] = s, R["private"] = f, c = R.access = { has: f ? p.bind() : function (e) { return r in e; } }, j || (c.get = f ? E ? function (e) { return d(e), P.value; } : I("get", 0, d) : function (e) { return e[r]; }), E || S || (c.set = f ? I("set", 0, d) : function (e, t) { e[r] = t; }), N =, D ? { get: P.get, set: P.set } : P[F], R), K.v = 1, D) { if ("object" == _typeof(N) && N) (c = b(N.get, "accessor.get")) && (P.get = c), (c = b(N.set, "accessor.set")) && (P.set = c), (c = b(N.init, "accessor.init")) && k.unshift(c);else if (void 0 !== N) throw new TypeError("accessor decorators must return an object with get, set, or init properties or undefined"); } else b(N, (l ? "field" : "method") + " decorators", "return") && (l ? k.unshift(N) : P[F] = N); } return o < 2 && u.push(g(k, s, 1), g(i, s, 0)), l || w || (f ? D ? u.splice(-1, 0, I("get", s), I("set", s)) : u.push(E ? P[F] :[F])) : m(e, r, P)), N; } function w(e) { return m(e, d, { configurable: !0, enumerable: !0, value: a }); } return void 0 !== i && (a = i[d]), a = h(null == a ? null : a), f = [], l = function l(e) { e && f.push(g(e)); }, p = function p(t, r) { for (var i = 0; i < n.length; i++) { var a = n[i], c = a[1], l = 7 & c; if ((8 & c) == t && !l == r) { var p = a[2], d = !!a[3], m = 16 & c; applyDec(t ? e : e.prototype, a, m, d ? "#" + p : toPropertyKey(p), l, l < 2 ? [] : t ? s = s || [] : u = u || [], f, !!t, d, r, t && d ? function (t) { return checkInRHS(t) === e; } : o); } } }, p(8, 0), p(0, 0), p(8, 1), p(0, 1), l(u), l(s), c = f, v || w(e), { e: c, get c() { var n = []; return v && [w(e = applyDec(e, [t], r,, 5, n)), g(n, 1)]; } }; }