const VALID_ID_PREFIX = "/@id/", NULL_BYTE_PLACEHOLDER = "__x00__"; let SOURCEMAPPING_URL = "sourceMa"; SOURCEMAPPING_URL += "ppingURL"; const isWindows = typeof process < "u" && process.platform === "win32"; function wrapId(id) { return id.startsWith(VALID_ID_PREFIX) ? id : VALID_ID_PREFIX + id.replace("\0", NULL_BYTE_PLACEHOLDER); } function unwrapId(id) { return id.startsWith(VALID_ID_PREFIX) ? id.slice(VALID_ID_PREFIX.length).replace(NULL_BYTE_PLACEHOLDER, "\0") : id; } const windowsSlashRE = /\\/g; function slash(p) { return p.replace(windowsSlashRE, "/"); } const postfixRE = /[?#].*$/; function cleanUrl(url) { return url.replace(postfixRE, ""); } function isPrimitive(value) { return !value || typeof value != "object" && typeof value != "function"; } function withTrailingSlash(path) { return path[path.length - 1] !== "/" ? `${path}/` : path; } const AsyncFunction = async function() { }.constructor, _DRIVE_LETTER_START_RE = /^[A-Za-z]:\//; function normalizeWindowsPath(input = "") { return input && input.replace(/\\/g, "/").replace(_DRIVE_LETTER_START_RE, (r) => r.toUpperCase()); } const _IS_ABSOLUTE_RE = /^[/\\](?![/\\])|^[/\\]{2}(?!\.)|^[A-Za-z]:[/\\]/, _DRIVE_LETTER_RE = /^[A-Za-z]:$/; function cwd() { return typeof process < "u" && typeof process.cwd == "function" ? process.cwd().replace(/\\/g, "/") : "/"; } const resolve = function(...arguments_) { arguments_ = => normalizeWindowsPath(argument)); let resolvedPath = "", resolvedAbsolute = !1; for (let index = arguments_.length - 1; index >= -1 && !resolvedAbsolute; index--) { const path = index >= 0 ? arguments_[index] : cwd(); !path || path.length === 0 || (resolvedPath = `${path}/${resolvedPath}`, resolvedAbsolute = isAbsolute(path)); } return resolvedPath = normalizeString(resolvedPath, !resolvedAbsolute), resolvedAbsolute && !isAbsolute(resolvedPath) ? `/${resolvedPath}` : resolvedPath.length > 0 ? resolvedPath : "."; }; function normalizeString(path, allowAboveRoot) { let res = "", lastSegmentLength = 0, lastSlash = -1, dots = 0, char = null; for (let index = 0; index <= path.length; ++index) { if (index < path.length) char = path[index]; else { if (char === "/") break; char = "/"; } if (char === "/") { if (!(lastSlash === index - 1 || dots === 1)) if (dots === 2) { if (res.length < 2 || lastSegmentLength !== 2 || res[res.length - 1] !== "." || res[res.length - 2] !== ".") { if (res.length > 2) { const lastSlashIndex = res.lastIndexOf("/"); lastSlashIndex === -1 ? (res = "", lastSegmentLength = 0) : (res = res.slice(0, lastSlashIndex), lastSegmentLength = res.length - 1 - res.lastIndexOf("/")), lastSlash = index, dots = 0; continue; } else if (res.length > 0) { res = "", lastSegmentLength = 0, lastSlash = index, dots = 0; continue; } } allowAboveRoot && (res += res.length > 0 ? "/.." : "..", lastSegmentLength = 2); } else res.length > 0 ? res += `/${path.slice(lastSlash + 1, index)}` : res = path.slice(lastSlash + 1, index), lastSegmentLength = index - lastSlash - 1; lastSlash = index, dots = 0; } else char === "." && dots !== -1 ? ++dots : dots = -1; } return res; } const isAbsolute = function(p) { return _IS_ABSOLUTE_RE.test(p); }, dirname = function(p) { const segments = normalizeWindowsPath(p).replace(/\/$/, "").split("/").slice(0, -1); return segments.length === 1 && _DRIVE_LETTER_RE.test(segments[0]) && (segments[0] += "/"), segments.join("/") || (isAbsolute(p) ? "/" : "."); }, decodeBase64 = typeof atob < "u" ? atob : (str) => Buffer.from(str, "base64").toString("utf-8"), CHAR_FORWARD_SLASH = 47, CHAR_BACKWARD_SLASH = 92, percentRegEx = /%/g, backslashRegEx = /\\/g, newlineRegEx = /\n/g, carriageReturnRegEx = /\r/g, tabRegEx = /\t/g, questionRegex = /\?/g, hashRegex = /#/g; function encodePathChars(filepath) { return filepath.indexOf("%") !== -1 && (filepath = filepath.replace(percentRegEx, "%25")), !isWindows && filepath.indexOf("\\") !== -1 && (filepath = filepath.replace(backslashRegEx, "%5C")), filepath.indexOf(` `) !== -1 && (filepath = filepath.replace(newlineRegEx, "%0A")), filepath.indexOf("\r") !== -1 && (filepath = filepath.replace(carriageReturnRegEx, "%0D")), filepath.indexOf(" ") !== -1 && (filepath = filepath.replace(tabRegEx, "%09")), filepath; } const posixDirname = dirname, posixResolve = resolve; function posixPathToFileHref(posixPath) { let resolved = posixResolve(posixPath); const filePathLast = posixPath.charCodeAt(posixPath.length - 1); return (filePathLast === CHAR_FORWARD_SLASH || isWindows && filePathLast === CHAR_BACKWARD_SLASH) && resolved[resolved.length - 1] !== "/" && (resolved += "/"), resolved = encodePathChars(resolved), resolved.indexOf("?") !== -1 && (resolved = resolved.replace(questionRegex, "%3F")), resolved.indexOf("#") !== -1 && (resolved = resolved.replace(hashRegex, "%23")), new URL(`file://${resolved}`).href; } function toWindowsPath(path) { return path.replace(/\//g, "\\"); } const comma = ",".charCodeAt(0), chars = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/", intToChar = new Uint8Array(64), charToInt = new Uint8Array(128); for (let i = 0; i < chars.length; i++) { const c = chars.charCodeAt(i); intToChar[i] = c, charToInt[c] = i; } function decode(mappings) { const state = new Int32Array(5), decoded = []; let index = 0; do { const semi = indexOf(mappings, index), line = []; let sorted = !0, lastCol = 0; state[0] = 0; for (let i = index; i < semi; i++) { let seg; i = decodeInteger(mappings, i, state, 0); const col = state[0]; col < lastCol && (sorted = !1), lastCol = col, hasMoreVlq(mappings, i, semi) ? (i = decodeInteger(mappings, i, state, 1), i = decodeInteger(mappings, i, state, 2), i = decodeInteger(mappings, i, state, 3), hasMoreVlq(mappings, i, semi) ? (i = decodeInteger(mappings, i, state, 4), seg = [col, state[1], state[2], state[3], state[4]]) : seg = [col, state[1], state[2], state[3]]) : seg = [col], line.push(seg); } sorted || sort(line), decoded.push(line), index = semi + 1; } while (index <= mappings.length); return decoded; } function indexOf(mappings, index) { const idx = mappings.indexOf(";", index); return idx === -1 ? mappings.length : idx; } function decodeInteger(mappings, pos, state, j) { let value = 0, shift = 0, integer = 0; do { const c = mappings.charCodeAt(pos++); integer = charToInt[c], value |= (integer & 31) << shift, shift += 5; } while (integer & 32); const shouldNegate = value & 1; return value >>>= 1, shouldNegate && (value = -2147483648 | -value), state[j] += value, pos; } function hasMoreVlq(mappings, i, length) { return i >= length ? !1 : mappings.charCodeAt(i) !== comma; } function sort(line) { line.sort(sortComparator); } function sortComparator(a, b) { return a[0] - b[0]; } const COLUMN = 0, SOURCES_INDEX = 1, SOURCE_LINE = 2, SOURCE_COLUMN = 3, NAMES_INDEX = 4; let found = !1; function binarySearch(haystack, needle, low, high) { for (; low <= high; ) { const mid = low + (high - low >> 1), cmp = haystack[mid][COLUMN] - needle; if (cmp === 0) return found = !0, mid; cmp < 0 ? low = mid + 1 : high = mid - 1; } return found = !1, low - 1; } function upperBound(haystack, needle, index) { for (let i = index + 1; i < haystack.length && haystack[i][COLUMN] === needle; index = i++) ; return index; } function memoizedBinarySearch(haystack, needle, state, key) { const { lastKey, lastNeedle, lastIndex } = state; let low = 0, high = haystack.length - 1; if (key === lastKey) { if (needle === lastNeedle) return found = lastIndex !== -1 && haystack[lastIndex][COLUMN] === needle, lastIndex; needle >= lastNeedle ? low = lastIndex === -1 ? 0 : lastIndex : high = lastIndex; } return state.lastKey = key, state.lastNeedle = needle, state.lastIndex = binarySearch(haystack, needle, low, high); } const LINE_GTR_ZERO = "`line` must be greater than 0 (lines start at line 1)", COL_GTR_EQ_ZERO = "`column` must be greater than or equal to 0 (columns start at column 0)"; function cast(map) { return map; } function decodedMappings(map) { var _a; return (_a = map)._decoded || (_a._decoded = decode(map._encoded)); } function originalPositionFor(map, needle) { let { line, column, bias } = needle; if (line--, line < 0) throw new Error(LINE_GTR_ZERO); if (column < 0) throw new Error(COL_GTR_EQ_ZERO); const decoded = decodedMappings(map); if (line >= decoded.length) return OMapping(null, null, null, null); const segments = decoded[line], index = traceSegmentInternal(segments, map._decodedMemo, line, column); if (index === -1) return OMapping(null, null, null, null); const segment = segments[index]; if (segment.length === 1) return OMapping(null, null, null, null); const { names, resolvedSources } = map; return OMapping(resolvedSources[segment[SOURCES_INDEX]], segment[SOURCE_LINE] + 1, segment[SOURCE_COLUMN], segment.length === 5 ? names[segment[NAMES_INDEX]] : null); } function OMapping(source, line, column, name) { return { source, line, column, name }; } function traceSegmentInternal(segments, memo, line, column, bias) { let index = memoizedBinarySearch(segments, column, memo, line); return found ? index = upperBound(segments, column, index) : index++, index === -1 || index === segments.length ? -1 : index; } class DecodedMap { map; _encoded; _decoded; _decodedMemo; url; version; names = []; resolvedSources; constructor(map, from) { = map; const { mappings, names, sources } = map; this.version = map.version, this.names = names || [], this._encoded = mappings || "", this._decodedMemo = memoizedState(), this.url = from, this.resolvedSources = (sources || []).map((s) => posixResolve(s || "", from)); } } function memoizedState() { return { lastKey: -1, lastNeedle: -1, lastIndex: -1 }; } function getOriginalPosition(map, needle) { const result = originalPositionFor(map, needle); return result.column == null ? null : result; } const VITE_RUNTIME_SOURCEMAPPING_REGEXP = new RegExp(`//# ${SOURCEMAPPING_URL}=data:application/json;base64,(.+)`); class ModuleCacheMap extends Map { root; constructor(root, entries) { super(entries), this.root = withTrailingSlash(root); } normalize(fsPath) { return normalizeModuleId(fsPath, this.root); } /** * Assign partial data to the map */ update(fsPath, mod) { return fsPath = this.normalize(fsPath), super.has(fsPath) ? Object.assign(super.get(fsPath), mod) : this.setByModuleId(fsPath, mod), this; } setByModuleId(modulePath, mod) { return super.set(modulePath, mod); } set(fsPath, mod) { return this.setByModuleId(this.normalize(fsPath), mod); } getByModuleId(modulePath) { super.has(modulePath) || this.setByModuleId(modulePath, {}); const mod = super.get(modulePath); return mod.imports || Object.assign(mod, { imports: /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(), importers: /* @__PURE__ */ new Set() }), mod; } get(fsPath) { return this.getByModuleId(this.normalize(fsPath)); } deleteByModuleId(modulePath) { return super.delete(modulePath); } delete(fsPath) { return this.deleteByModuleId(this.normalize(fsPath)); } invalidate(id) { const module = this.get(id); module.evaluated = !1, module.meta = void 0, = void 0, module.promise = void 0, module.exports = void 0, module.imports?.clear(); } isImported({ importedId, importedBy }, seen = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set()) { if (importedId = this.normalize(importedId), importedBy = this.normalize(importedBy), importedBy === importedId) return !0; if (seen.has(importedId)) return !1; seen.add(importedId); const importers = this.getByModuleId(importedId)?.importers; if (!importers) return !1; if (importers.has(importedBy)) return !0; for (const importer of importers) if (this.isImported({ importedBy, importedId: importer })) return !0; return !1; } /** * Invalidate modules that dependent on the given modules, up to the main entry */ invalidateDepTree(ids, invalidated = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set()) { for (const _id of ids) { const id = this.normalize(_id); if (invalidated.has(id)) continue; invalidated.add(id); const mod = super.get(id); mod?.importers && this.invalidateDepTree(mod.importers, invalidated), super.delete(id); } return invalidated; } /** * Invalidate dependency modules of the given modules, down to the bottom-level dependencies */ invalidateSubDepTree(ids, invalidated = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set()) { for (const _id of ids) { const id = this.normalize(_id); if (invalidated.has(id)) continue; invalidated.add(id); const subIds = Array.from(super.entries()).filter(([, mod]) => mod.importers?.has(id)).map(([key]) => key); subIds.length && this.invalidateSubDepTree(subIds, invalidated), super.delete(id); } return invalidated; } getSourceMap(moduleId) { const mod = this.get(moduleId); if ( return; if (!mod.meta || !("code" in mod.meta)) return null; const mapString = mod.meta.code.match(VITE_RUNTIME_SOURCEMAPPING_REGEXP)?.[1]; if (!mapString) return null; const baseFile = mod.meta.file || moduleId.split("?")[0]; return = new DecodedMap(JSON.parse(decodeBase64(mapString)), baseFile),; } } const prefixedBuiltins = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(["node:test"]); function normalizeModuleId(file, root) { if (prefixedBuiltins.has(file)) return file; let unixFile = slash(file).replace(/^\/@fs\//, isWindows ? "" : "/").replace(/^node:/, "").replace(/^\/+/, "/"); return unixFile.startsWith(root) && (unixFile = unixFile.slice(root.length - 1)), unixFile.replace(/^file:\//, "/"); } class HMRContext { hmrClient; ownerPath; newListeners; constructor(hmrClient, ownerPath) { this.hmrClient = hmrClient, this.ownerPath = ownerPath, hmrClient.dataMap.has(ownerPath) || hmrClient.dataMap.set(ownerPath, {}); const mod = hmrClient.hotModulesMap.get(ownerPath); mod && (mod.callbacks = []); const staleListeners = hmrClient.ctxToListenersMap.get(ownerPath); if (staleListeners) for (const [event, staleFns] of staleListeners) { const listeners = hmrClient.customListenersMap.get(event); listeners && hmrClient.customListenersMap.set(event, listeners.filter((l) => !staleFns.includes(l))); } this.newListeners = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(), hmrClient.ctxToListenersMap.set(ownerPath, this.newListeners); } get data() { return this.hmrClient.dataMap.get(this.ownerPath); } accept(deps, callback) { if (typeof deps == "function" || !deps) this.acceptDeps([this.ownerPath], ([mod]) => deps?.(mod)); else if (typeof deps == "string") this.acceptDeps([deps], ([mod]) => callback?.(mod)); else if (Array.isArray(deps)) this.acceptDeps(deps, callback); else throw new Error("invalid hot.accept() usage."); } // export names (first arg) are irrelevant on the client side, they're // extracted in the server for propagation acceptExports(_, callback) { this.acceptDeps([this.ownerPath], ([mod]) => callback?.(mod)); } dispose(cb) { this.hmrClient.disposeMap.set(this.ownerPath, cb); } prune(cb) { this.hmrClient.pruneMap.set(this.ownerPath, cb); } // Kept for backward compatibility (#11036) // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-empty-function decline() { } invalidate(message) { this.hmrClient.notifyListeners("vite:invalidate", { path: this.ownerPath, message }), this.send("vite:invalidate", { path: this.ownerPath, message }), this.hmrClient.logger.debug(`[vite] invalidate ${this.ownerPath}${message ? `: ${message}` : ""}`); } on(event, cb) { const addToMap = (map) => { const existing = map.get(event) || []; existing.push(cb), map.set(event, existing); }; addToMap(this.hmrClient.customListenersMap), addToMap(this.newListeners); } off(event, cb) { const removeFromMap = (map) => { const existing = map.get(event); if (existing === void 0) return; const pruned = existing.filter((l) => l !== cb); if (pruned.length === 0) { map.delete(event); return; } map.set(event, pruned); }; removeFromMap(this.hmrClient.customListenersMap), removeFromMap(this.newListeners); } send(event, data) { this.hmrClient.messenger.send(JSON.stringify({ type: "custom", event, data })); } acceptDeps(deps, callback = () => { }) { const mod = this.hmrClient.hotModulesMap.get(this.ownerPath) || { id: this.ownerPath, callbacks: [] }; mod.callbacks.push({ deps, fn: callback }), this.hmrClient.hotModulesMap.set(this.ownerPath, mod); } } class HMRMessenger { connection; constructor(connection) { this.connection = connection; } queue = []; send(message) { this.queue.push(message), this.flush(); } flush() { this.connection.isReady() && (this.queue.forEach((msg) => this.connection.send(msg)), this.queue = []); } } class HMRClient { logger; importUpdatedModule; hotModulesMap = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); disposeMap = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); pruneMap = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); dataMap = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); customListenersMap = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); ctxToListenersMap = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); messenger; constructor(logger, connection, importUpdatedModule) { this.logger = logger, this.importUpdatedModule = importUpdatedModule, this.messenger = new HMRMessenger(connection); } async notifyListeners(event, data) { const cbs = this.customListenersMap.get(event); cbs && await Promise.allSettled( => cb(data))); } clear() { this.hotModulesMap.clear(), this.disposeMap.clear(), this.pruneMap.clear(), this.dataMap.clear(), this.customListenersMap.clear(), this.ctxToListenersMap.clear(); } // After an HMR update, some modules are no longer imported on the page // but they may have left behind side effects that need to be cleaned up // (.e.g style injections) // TODO Trigger their dispose callbacks. prunePaths(paths) { paths.forEach((path) => { const fn = this.pruneMap.get(path); fn && fn(this.dataMap.get(path)); }); } warnFailedUpdate(err, path) { err.message.includes("fetch") || this.logger.error(err), this.logger.error(`[hmr] Failed to reload ${path}. This could be due to syntax errors or importing non-existent modules. (see errors above)`); } updateQueue = []; pendingUpdateQueue = !1; /** * buffer multiple hot updates triggered by the same src change * so that they are invoked in the same order they were sent. * (otherwise the order may be inconsistent because of the http request round trip) */ async queueUpdate(payload) { if (this.updateQueue.push(this.fetchUpdate(payload)), !this.pendingUpdateQueue) { this.pendingUpdateQueue = !0, await Promise.resolve(), this.pendingUpdateQueue = !1; const loading = [...this.updateQueue]; this.updateQueue = [], (await Promise.all(loading)).forEach((fn) => fn && fn()); } } async fetchUpdate(update) { const { path, acceptedPath } = update, mod = this.hotModulesMap.get(path); if (!mod) return; let fetchedModule; const isSelfUpdate = path === acceptedPath, qualifiedCallbacks = mod.callbacks.filter(({ deps }) => deps.includes(acceptedPath)); if (isSelfUpdate || qualifiedCallbacks.length > 0) { const disposer = this.disposeMap.get(acceptedPath); disposer && await disposer(this.dataMap.get(acceptedPath)); try { fetchedModule = await this.importUpdatedModule(update); } catch (e) { this.warnFailedUpdate(e, acceptedPath); } } return () => { for (const { deps, fn } of qualifiedCallbacks) fn( => dep === acceptedPath ? fetchedModule : void 0)); const loggedPath = isSelfUpdate ? path : `${acceptedPath} via ${path}`; this.logger.debug(`[vite] hot updated: ${loggedPath}`); }; } } function analyzeImportedModDifference(mod, rawId, moduleType, metadata) { if (!metadata?.isDynamicImport && moduleType !== "module" && metadata?.importedNames?.length) { const missingBindings = metadata.importedNames.filter((s) => !(s in mod)); if (missingBindings.length) { const lastBinding = missingBindings[missingBindings.length - 1]; throw new SyntaxError(`[vite] Named export '${lastBinding}' not found. The requested module '${rawId}' is a CommonJS module, which may not support all module.exports as named exports. CommonJS modules can always be imported via the default export, for example using: import pkg from '${rawId}'; const {${missingBindings.join(", ")}} = pkg; `); } } } function proxyGuardOnlyEsm(mod, rawId, metadata) { return metadata?.importedNames?.length ? new Proxy(mod, { get(mod2, prop) { if (prop !== "then" && !(prop in mod2)) throw new SyntaxError(`[vite] The requested module '${rawId}' does not provide an export named '${prop.toString()}'`); return mod2[prop]; } }) : mod; } const ssrModuleExportsKey = "__vite_ssr_exports__", ssrImportKey = "__vite_ssr_import__", ssrDynamicImportKey = "__vite_ssr_dynamic_import__", ssrExportAllKey = "__vite_ssr_exportAll__", ssrImportMetaKey = "__vite_ssr_import_meta__", noop = () => { }, silentConsole = { debug: noop, error: noop }; function createHMRHandler(runtime) { const queue = new Queue(); return (payload) => queue.enqueue(() => handleHMRPayload(runtime, payload)); } async function handleHMRPayload(runtime, payload) { const hmrClient = runtime.hmrClient; if (!(!hmrClient || runtime.isDestroyed())) switch (payload.type) { case "connected": hmrClient.logger.debug("[vite] connected."), hmrClient.messenger.flush(); break; case "update": await hmrClient.notifyListeners("vite:beforeUpdate", payload), await Promise.all( (update) => { if (update.type === "js-update") return update.acceptedPath = unwrapId(update.acceptedPath), update.path = unwrapId(update.path), hmrClient.queueUpdate(update); hmrClient.logger.error("[vite] css hmr is not supported in runtime mode."); })), await hmrClient.notifyListeners("vite:afterUpdate", payload); break; case "custom": { await hmrClient.notifyListeners(payload.event,; break; } case "full-reload": { const { triggeredBy } = payload, clearEntrypoints = triggeredBy ? [...runtime.entrypoints].filter((entrypoint) => runtime.moduleCache.isImported({ importedId: triggeredBy, importedBy: entrypoint })) : [...runtime.entrypoints]; if (!clearEntrypoints.length) break; hmrClient.logger.debug("[vite] program reload"), await hmrClient.notifyListeners("vite:beforeFullReload", payload), runtime.moduleCache.clear(); for (const id of clearEntrypoints) await runtime.executeUrl(id); break; } case "prune": await hmrClient.notifyListeners("vite:beforePrune", payload), hmrClient.prunePaths(payload.paths); break; case "error": { await hmrClient.notifyListeners("vite:error", payload); const err = payload.err; hmrClient.logger.error(`[vite] Internal Server Error ${err.message} ${err.stack}`); break; } default: return payload; } } class Queue { queue = []; pending = !1; enqueue(promise) { return new Promise((resolve2, reject) => { this.queue.push({ promise, resolve: resolve2, reject }), this.dequeue(); }); } dequeue() { if (this.pending) return !1; const item = this.queue.shift(); return item ? (this.pending = !0, item.promise().then(item.resolve).catch(item.reject).finally(() => { this.pending = !1, this.dequeue(); }), !0) : !1; } } const sourceMapCache = {}, fileContentsCache = {}, moduleGraphs = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(), retrieveFileHandlers = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(), retrieveSourceMapHandlers = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(), createExecHandlers = (handlers) => (...args) => { for (const handler of handlers) { const result = handler(...args); if (result) return result; } return null; }, retrieveFileFromHandlers = createExecHandlers(retrieveFileHandlers), retrieveSourceMapFromHandlers = createExecHandlers(retrieveSourceMapHandlers); let overridden = !1; const originalPrepare = Error.prepareStackTrace; function resetInterceptor(runtime, options) { moduleGraphs.delete(runtime.moduleCache), options.retrieveFile && retrieveFileHandlers.delete(options.retrieveFile), options.retrieveSourceMap && retrieveSourceMapHandlers.delete(options.retrieveSourceMap), moduleGraphs.size === 0 && (Error.prepareStackTrace = originalPrepare, overridden = !1); } function interceptStackTrace(runtime, options = {}) { return overridden || (Error.prepareStackTrace = prepareStackTrace, overridden = !0), moduleGraphs.add(runtime.moduleCache), options.retrieveFile && retrieveFileHandlers.add(options.retrieveFile), options.retrieveSourceMap && retrieveSourceMapHandlers.add(options.retrieveSourceMap), () => resetInterceptor(runtime, options); } function supportRelativeURL(file, url) { if (!file) return url; const dir = posixDirname(slash(file)), match = /^\w+:\/\/[^/]*/.exec(dir); let protocol = match ? match[0] : ""; const startPath = dir.slice(protocol.length); return protocol && /^\/\w:/.test(startPath) ? (protocol += "/", protocol + slash(posixResolve(startPath, url))) : protocol + posixResolve(startPath, url); } function getRuntimeSourceMap(position) { for (const moduleCache of moduleGraphs) { const sourceMap = moduleCache.getSourceMap(position.source); if (sourceMap) return { url: position.source, map: sourceMap, vite: !0 }; } return null; } function retrieveFile(path) { if (path in fileContentsCache) return fileContentsCache[path]; const content = retrieveFileFromHandlers(path); return typeof content == "string" ? (fileContentsCache[path] = content, content) : null; } function retrieveSourceMapURL(source) { const fileData = retrieveFile(source); if (!fileData) return null; const re = /\/\/[@#]\s*sourceMappingURL=([^\s'"]+)\s*$|\/\*[@#]\s*sourceMappingURL=[^\s*'"]+\s*\*\/\s*$/gm; let lastMatch, match; for (; match = re.exec(fileData); ) lastMatch = match; return lastMatch ? lastMatch[1] : null; } const reSourceMap = /^data:application\/json[^,]+base64,/; function retrieveSourceMap(source) { const urlAndMap = retrieveSourceMapFromHandlers(source); if (urlAndMap) return urlAndMap; let sourceMappingURL = retrieveSourceMapURL(source); if (!sourceMappingURL) return null; let sourceMapData; if (reSourceMap.test(sourceMappingURL)) { const rawData = sourceMappingURL.slice(sourceMappingURL.indexOf(",") + 1); sourceMapData = Buffer.from(rawData, "base64").toString(), sourceMappingURL = source; } else sourceMappingURL = supportRelativeURL(source, sourceMappingURL), sourceMapData = retrieveFile(sourceMappingURL); return sourceMapData ? { url: sourceMappingURL, map: sourceMapData } : null; } function mapSourcePosition(position) { if (!position.source) return position; let sourceMap = getRuntimeSourceMap(position); if (sourceMap || (sourceMap = sourceMapCache[position.source]), !sourceMap) { const urlAndMap = retrieveSourceMap(position.source); if (urlAndMap && { const url = urlAndMap.url; sourceMap = sourceMapCache[position.source] = { url, map: new DecodedMap(typeof == "string" ? JSON.parse( :, url) }; const contents =; && contents &&, i) => { const content = contents[i]; if (content && source && url) { const contentUrl = supportRelativeURL(url, source); fileContentsCache[contentUrl] = content; } }); } else sourceMap = sourceMapCache[position.source] = { url: null, map: null }; } if (sourceMap && && sourceMap.url) { const originalPosition = getOriginalPosition(, position); if (originalPosition && originalPosition.source != null) return originalPosition.source = supportRelativeURL(sourceMap.url, originalPosition.source), sourceMap.vite && (originalPosition._vite = !0), originalPosition; } return position; } function mapEvalOrigin(origin) { let match = /^eval at ([^(]+) \((.+):(\d+):(\d+)\)$/.exec(origin); if (match) { const position = mapSourcePosition({ name: null, source: match[2], line: +match[3], column: +match[4] - 1 }); return `eval at ${match[1]} (${position.source}:${position.line}:${position.column + 1})`; } return match = /^eval at ([^(]+) \((.+)\)$/.exec(origin), match ? `eval at ${match[1]} (${mapEvalOrigin(match[2])})` : origin; } function CallSiteToString() { let fileName, fileLocation = ""; if (this.isNative()) fileLocation = "native"; else { fileName = this.getScriptNameOrSourceURL(), !fileName && this.isEval() && (fileLocation = this.getEvalOrigin(), fileLocation += ", "), fileName ? fileLocation += fileName : fileLocation += ""; const lineNumber = this.getLineNumber(); if (lineNumber != null) { fileLocation += `:${lineNumber}`; const columnNumber = this.getColumnNumber(); columnNumber && (fileLocation += `:${columnNumber}`); } } let line = ""; const functionName = this.getFunctionName(); let addSuffix = !0; const isConstructor = this.isConstructor(); if (!(this.isToplevel() || isConstructor)) { let typeName = this.getTypeName(); typeName === "[object Object]" && (typeName = "null"); const methodName = this.getMethodName(); functionName ? (typeName && functionName.indexOf(typeName) !== 0 && (line += `${typeName}.`), line += functionName, methodName && functionName.indexOf(`.${methodName}`) !== functionName.length - methodName.length - 1 && (line += ` [as ${methodName}]`)) : line += `${typeName}.${methodName || ""}`; } else isConstructor ? line += `new ${functionName || ""}` : functionName ? line += functionName : (line += fileLocation, addSuffix = !1); return addSuffix && (line += ` (${fileLocation})`), line; } function cloneCallSite(frame) { const object = {}; return Object.getOwnPropertyNames(Object.getPrototypeOf(frame)).forEach((name) => { const key = name; object[key] = /^(?:is|get)/.test(name) ? function() { return frame[key].call(frame); } : frame[key]; }), object.toString = CallSiteToString, object; } function wrapCallSite(frame, state) { if (state === void 0 && (state = { nextPosition: null, curPosition: null }), frame.isNative()) return state.curPosition = null, frame; const source = frame.getFileName() || frame.getScriptNameOrSourceURL(); if (source) { const line = frame.getLineNumber(); let column = frame.getColumnNumber() - 1; const headerLength = 62; line === 1 && column > headerLength && !frame.isEval() && (column -= headerLength); const position = mapSourcePosition({ name: null, source, line, column }); state.curPosition = position, frame = cloneCallSite(frame); const originalFunctionName = frame.getFunctionName; return frame.getFunctionName = function() { const name = (() => state.nextPosition == null ? originalFunctionName() : || originalFunctionName())(); return name === "eval" && "_vite" in position ? null : name; }, frame.getFileName = function() { return position.source ?? void 0; }, frame.getLineNumber = function() { return position.line; }, frame.getColumnNumber = function() { return position.column + 1; }, frame.getScriptNameOrSourceURL = function() { return position.source; }, frame; } let origin = frame.isEval() && frame.getEvalOrigin(); return origin && (origin = mapEvalOrigin(origin), frame = cloneCallSite(frame), frame.getEvalOrigin = function() { return origin || void 0; }), frame; } function prepareStackTrace(error, stack) { const name = || "Error", message = error.message || "", errorString = `${name}: ${message}`, state = { nextPosition: null, curPosition: null }, processedStack = []; for (let i = stack.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) processedStack.push(` at ${wrapCallSite(stack[i], state)}`), state.nextPosition = state.curPosition; return state.curPosition = state.nextPosition = null, errorString + processedStack.reverse().join(""); } function enableSourceMapSupport(runtime) { if (runtime.options.sourcemapInterceptor === "node") { if (typeof process > "u") throw new TypeError(`Cannot use "sourcemapInterceptor: 'node'" because global "process" variable is not available.`); if (typeof process.setSourceMapsEnabled != "function") throw new TypeError(`Cannot use "sourcemapInterceptor: 'node'" because "process.setSourceMapsEnabled" function is not available. Please use Node >= 16.6.0.`); const isEnabledAlready = process.sourceMapsEnabled ?? !1; return process.setSourceMapsEnabled(!0), () => !isEnabledAlready && process.setSourceMapsEnabled(!1); } return interceptStackTrace(runtime, typeof runtime.options.sourcemapInterceptor == "object" ? runtime.options.sourcemapInterceptor : void 0); } class ViteRuntime { options; runner; debug; /** * Holds the cache of modules * Keys of the map are ids */ moduleCache; hmrClient; entrypoints = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(); idToUrlMap = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); fileToIdMap = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); envProxy = new Proxy({}, { get(_, p) { throw new Error(`[vite-runtime] Dynamic access of "import.meta.env" is not supported. Please, use "import.meta.env.${String(p)}" instead.`); } }); _destroyed = !1; _resetSourceMapSupport; constructor(options, runner, debug) { this.options = options, this.runner = runner, this.debug = debug, this.moduleCache = options.moduleCache ?? new ModuleCacheMap(options.root), typeof options.hmr == "object" && (this.hmrClient = new HMRClient(options.hmr.logger === !1 ? silentConsole : options.hmr.logger || console, options.hmr.connection, ({ acceptedPath, ssrInvalidates }) => (this.moduleCache.invalidate(acceptedPath), ssrInvalidates && this.invalidateFiles(ssrInvalidates), this.executeUrl(acceptedPath))), options.hmr.connection.onUpdate(createHMRHandler(this))), options.sourcemapInterceptor !== !1 && (this._resetSourceMapSupport = enableSourceMapSupport(this)); } /** * URL to execute. Accepts file path, server path or id relative to the root. */ async executeUrl(url) { url = this.normalizeEntryUrl(url); const fetchedModule = await this.cachedModule(url); return await this.cachedRequest(url, fetchedModule); } /** * Entrypoint URL to execute. Accepts file path, server path or id relative to the root. * In the case of a full reload triggered by HMR, this is the module that will be reloaded. * If this method is called multiple times, all entrypoints will be reloaded one at a time. */ async executeEntrypoint(url) { url = this.normalizeEntryUrl(url); const fetchedModule = await this.cachedModule(url); return await this.cachedRequest(url, fetchedModule, [], { entrypoint: !0 }); } /** * Clear all caches including HMR listeners. */ clearCache() { this.moduleCache.clear(), this.idToUrlMap.clear(), this.entrypoints.clear(), this.hmrClient?.clear(); } /** * Clears all caches, removes all HMR listeners, and resets source map support. * This method doesn't stop the HMR connection. */ async destroy() { this._resetSourceMapSupport?.(), this.clearCache(), this.hmrClient = void 0, this._destroyed = !0; } /** * Returns `true` if the runtime has been destroyed by calling `destroy()` method. */ isDestroyed() { return this._destroyed; } invalidateFiles(files) { files.forEach((file) => { const ids = this.fileToIdMap.get(file); ids && ids.forEach((id) => this.moduleCache.invalidate(id)); }); } // we don't use moduleCache.normalize because this URL doesn't have to follow the same rules // this URL is something that user passes down manually, and is later resolved by fetchModule // moduleCache.normalize is used on resolved "file" property normalizeEntryUrl(url) { if (url[0] === ".") return url; url.startsWith("file://") && (url = url.slice(isWindows ? 8 : 7)), url = slash(url); const _root = this.options.root, root = _root[_root.length - 1] === "/" ? _root : `${_root}/`; return url.startsWith(root) ? url.slice(root.length - 1) : url[0] === "/" ? url : wrapId(url); } processImport(exports, fetchResult, metadata) { if (!("externalize" in fetchResult)) return exports; const { id, type } = fetchResult; return type !== "module" && type !== "commonjs" ? exports : (analyzeImportedModDifference(exports, id, type, metadata), proxyGuardOnlyEsm(exports, id, metadata)); } async cachedRequest(id, fetchedModule, callstack = [], metadata) { const moduleId =; metadata?.entrypoint && this.entrypoints.add(moduleId); const mod = this.moduleCache.getByModuleId(moduleId), { imports, importers } = mod, importee = callstack[callstack.length - 1]; if (importee && importers.add(importee), (callstack.includes(moduleId) || Array.from(imports.values()).some((i) => importers.has(i))) && mod.exports) return this.processImport(mod.exports, fetchedModule, metadata); let debugTimer; this.debug && (debugTimer = setTimeout(() => { const getStack = () => `stack: ${[...callstack, moduleId].reverse().map((p) => ` - ${p}`).join(` `)}`; this.debug(`[vite-runtime] module ${moduleId} takes over 2s to load. ${getStack()}`); }, 2e3)); try { if (mod.promise) return this.processImport(await mod.promise, fetchedModule, metadata); const promise = this.directRequest(id, fetchedModule, callstack); return mod.promise = promise, mod.evaluated = !1, this.processImport(await promise, fetchedModule, metadata); } finally { mod.evaluated = !0, debugTimer && clearTimeout(debugTimer); } } async cachedModule(id, importer) { if (this._destroyed) throw new Error("[vite] Vite runtime has been destroyed."); const normalized = this.idToUrlMap.get(id); if (normalized) { const mod2 = this.moduleCache.getByModuleId(normalized); if (mod2.meta) return mod2.meta; } this.debug?.("[vite-runtime] fetching", id); const fetchedModule = id.startsWith("data:") ? { externalize: id, type: "builtin" } : await this.options.fetchModule(id, importer), idQuery = id.split("?")[1], query = idQuery ? `?${idQuery}` : "", file = "file" in fetchedModule ? fetchedModule.file : void 0, fullFile = file ? `${file}${query}` : id, moduleId = this.moduleCache.normalize(fullFile), mod = this.moduleCache.getByModuleId(moduleId); if ( = moduleId, mod.meta = fetchedModule, file) { const fileModules = this.fileToIdMap.get(file) || []; fileModules.push(moduleId), this.fileToIdMap.set(file, fileModules); } return this.idToUrlMap.set(id, moduleId), this.idToUrlMap.set(unwrapId(id), moduleId), fetchedModule; } // override is allowed, consider this a public API async directRequest(id, fetchResult, _callstack) { const moduleId =, callstack = [..._callstack, moduleId], mod = this.moduleCache.getByModuleId(moduleId), request = async (dep, metadata) => { const fetchedModule = await this.cachedModule(dep, moduleId); return this.moduleCache.getByModuleId(, mod.imports.add(, this.cachedRequest(dep, fetchedModule, callstack, metadata); }, dynamicRequest = async (dep) => (dep = String(dep), dep[0] === "." && (dep = posixResolve(posixDirname(id), dep)), request(dep, { isDynamicImport: !0 })); if ("externalize" in fetchResult) { const { externalize } = fetchResult; this.debug?.("[vite-runtime] externalizing", externalize); const exports2 = await this.runner.runExternalModule(externalize); return mod.exports = exports2, exports2; } const { code, file } = fetchResult; if (code == null) { const importer = callstack[callstack.length - 2]; throw new Error(`[vite-runtime] Failed to load "${id}"${importer ? ` imported from ${importer}` : ""}`); } const modulePath = cleanUrl(file || moduleId), href = posixPathToFileHref(modulePath), filename = modulePath, dirname2 = posixDirname(modulePath), meta = { filename: isWindows ? toWindowsPath(filename) : filename, dirname: isWindows ? toWindowsPath(dirname2) : dirname2, url: href, env: this.envProxy, resolve(id2, parent) { throw new Error('[vite-runtime] "import.meta.resolve" is not supported.'); }, // should be replaced during transformation glob() { throw new Error('[vite-runtime] "import.meta.glob" is not supported.'); } }, exports = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null); Object.defineProperty(exports, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: "Module", enumerable: !1, configurable: !1 }), mod.exports = exports; let hotContext; this.hmrClient && Object.defineProperty(meta, "hot", { enumerable: !0, get: () => { if (!this.hmrClient) throw new Error("[vite-runtime] HMR client was destroyed."); return this.debug?.("[vite-runtime] creating hmr context for", moduleId), hotContext ||= new HMRContext(this.hmrClient, moduleId), hotContext; }, set: (value) => { hotContext = value; } }); const context = { [ssrImportKey]: request, [ssrDynamicImportKey]: dynamicRequest, [ssrModuleExportsKey]: exports, [ssrExportAllKey]: (obj) => exportAll(exports, obj), [ssrImportMetaKey]: meta }; return this.debug?.("[vite-runtime] executing", href), await this.runner.runViteModule(context, code, id), exports; } } function exportAll(exports, sourceModule) { if (exports !== sourceModule && !(isPrimitive(sourceModule) || Array.isArray(sourceModule) || sourceModule instanceof Promise)) { for (const key in sourceModule) if (key !== "default" && key !== "__esModule") try { Object.defineProperty(exports, key, { enumerable: !0, configurable: !0, get: () => sourceModule[key] }); } catch { } } } class ESModulesRunner { async runViteModule(context, code) { await new AsyncFunction( ssrModuleExportsKey, ssrImportMetaKey, ssrImportKey, ssrDynamicImportKey, ssrExportAllKey, // source map should already be inlined by Vite '"use strict";' + code )(context[ssrModuleExportsKey], context[ssrImportMetaKey], context[ssrImportKey], context[ssrDynamicImportKey], context[ssrExportAllKey]), Object.seal(context[ssrModuleExportsKey]); } runExternalModule(filepath) { return import(filepath); } } export { ESModulesRunner, ModuleCacheMap, ViteRuntime, ssrDynamicImportKey, ssrExportAllKey, ssrImportKey, ssrImportMetaKey, ssrModuleExportsKey };