/** * @vue/compiler-dom v3.4.21 * (c) 2018-present Yuxi (Evan) You and Vue contributors * @license MIT **/ function makeMap(str, expectsLowerCase) { const set = new Set(str.split(",")); return expectsLowerCase ? (val) => set.has(val.toLowerCase()) : (val) => set.has(val); } const EMPTY_OBJ = Object.freeze({}) ; const NOOP = () => { }; const NO = () => false; const isOn = (key) => key.charCodeAt(0) === 111 && key.charCodeAt(1) === 110 && // uppercase letter (key.charCodeAt(2) > 122 || key.charCodeAt(2) < 97); const extend = Object.assign; const isArray = Array.isArray; const isString = (val) => typeof val === "string"; const isSymbol = (val) => typeof val === "symbol"; const isObject = (val) => val !== null && typeof val === "object"; const isReservedProp = /* @__PURE__ */ makeMap( // the leading comma is intentional so empty string "" is also included ",key,ref,ref_for,ref_key,onVnodeBeforeMount,onVnodeMounted,onVnodeBeforeUpdate,onVnodeUpdated,onVnodeBeforeUnmount,onVnodeUnmounted" ); const isBuiltInDirective = /* @__PURE__ */ makeMap( "bind,cloak,else-if,else,for,html,if,model,on,once,pre,show,slot,text,memo" ); const cacheStringFunction = (fn) => { const cache = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null); return (str) => { const hit = cache[str]; return hit || (cache[str] = fn(str)); }; }; const camelizeRE = /-(\w)/g; const camelize = cacheStringFunction((str) => { return str.replace(camelizeRE, (_, c) => c ? c.toUpperCase() : ""); }); const capitalize = cacheStringFunction((str) => { return str.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + str.slice(1); }); const toHandlerKey = cacheStringFunction((str) => { const s = str ? `on${capitalize(str)}` : ``; return s; }); const PatchFlagNames = { [1]: `TEXT`, [2]: `CLASS`, [4]: `STYLE`, [8]: `PROPS`, [16]: `FULL_PROPS`, [32]: `NEED_HYDRATION`, [64]: `STABLE_FRAGMENT`, [128]: `KEYED_FRAGMENT`, [256]: `UNKEYED_FRAGMENT`, [512]: `NEED_PATCH`, [1024]: `DYNAMIC_SLOTS`, [2048]: `DEV_ROOT_FRAGMENT`, [-1]: `HOISTED`, [-2]: `BAIL` }; const slotFlagsText = { [1]: "STABLE", [2]: "DYNAMIC", [3]: "FORWARDED" }; const range = 2; function generateCodeFrame(source, start = 0, end = source.length) { let lines = source.split(/(\r?\n)/); const newlineSequences = lines.filter((_, idx) => idx % 2 === 1); lines = lines.filter((_, idx) => idx % 2 === 0); let count = 0; const res = []; for (let i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) { count += lines[i].length + (newlineSequences[i] && newlineSequences[i].length || 0); if (count >= start) { for (let j = i - range; j <= i + range || end > count; j++) { if (j < 0 || j >= lines.length) continue; const line = j + 1; res.push( `${line}${" ".repeat(Math.max(3 - String(line).length, 0))}| ${lines[j]}` ); const lineLength = lines[j].length; const newLineSeqLength = newlineSequences[j] && newlineSequences[j].length || 0; if (j === i) { const pad = start - (count - (lineLength + newLineSeqLength)); const length = Math.max( 1, end > count ? lineLength - pad : end - start ); res.push(` | ` + " ".repeat(pad) + "^".repeat(length)); } else if (j > i) { if (end > count) { const length = Math.max(Math.min(end - count, lineLength), 1); res.push(` | ` + "^".repeat(length)); } count += lineLength + newLineSeqLength; } } break; } } return res.join("\n"); } const listDelimiterRE = /;(?![^(]*\))/g; const propertyDelimiterRE = /:([^]+)/; const styleCommentRE = /\/\*[^]*?\*\//g; function parseStringStyle(cssText) { const ret = {}; cssText.replace(styleCommentRE, "").split(listDelimiterRE).forEach((item) => { if (item) { const tmp = item.split(propertyDelimiterRE); tmp.length > 1 && (ret[tmp[0].trim()] = tmp[1].trim()); } }); return ret; } const HTML_TAGS = "html,body,base,head,link,meta,style,title,address,article,aside,footer,header,hgroup,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,nav,section,div,dd,dl,dt,figcaption,figure,picture,hr,img,li,main,ol,p,pre,ul,a,b,abbr,bdi,bdo,br,cite,code,data,dfn,em,i,kbd,mark,q,rp,rt,ruby,s,samp,small,span,strong,sub,sup,time,u,var,wbr,area,audio,map,track,video,embed,object,param,source,canvas,script,noscript,del,ins,caption,col,colgroup,table,thead,tbody,td,th,tr,button,datalist,fieldset,form,input,label,legend,meter,optgroup,option,output,progress,select,textarea,details,dialog,menu,summary,template,blockquote,iframe,tfoot"; const SVG_TAGS = "svg,animate,animateMotion,animateTransform,circle,clipPath,color-profile,defs,desc,discard,ellipse,feBlend,feColorMatrix,feComponentTransfer,feComposite,feConvolveMatrix,feDiffuseLighting,feDisplacementMap,feDistantLight,feDropShadow,feFlood,feFuncA,feFuncB,feFuncG,feFuncR,feGaussianBlur,feImage,feMerge,feMergeNode,feMorphology,feOffset,fePointLight,feSpecularLighting,feSpotLight,feTile,feTurbulence,filter,foreignObject,g,hatch,hatchpath,image,line,linearGradient,marker,mask,mesh,meshgradient,meshpatch,meshrow,metadata,mpath,path,pattern,polygon,polyline,radialGradient,rect,set,solidcolor,stop,switch,symbol,text,textPath,title,tspan,unknown,use,view"; const MATH_TAGS = "annotation,annotation-xml,maction,maligngroup,malignmark,math,menclose,merror,mfenced,mfrac,mfraction,mglyph,mi,mlabeledtr,mlongdiv,mmultiscripts,mn,mo,mover,mpadded,mphantom,mprescripts,mroot,mrow,ms,mscarries,mscarry,msgroup,msline,mspace,msqrt,msrow,mstack,mstyle,msub,msubsup,msup,mtable,mtd,mtext,mtr,munder,munderover,none,semantics"; const VOID_TAGS = "area,base,br,col,embed,hr,img,input,link,meta,param,source,track,wbr"; const isHTMLTag = /* @__PURE__ */ makeMap(HTML_TAGS); const isSVGTag = /* @__PURE__ */ makeMap(SVG_TAGS); const isMathMLTag = /* @__PURE__ */ makeMap(MATH_TAGS); const isVoidTag = /* @__PURE__ */ makeMap(VOID_TAGS); const FRAGMENT = Symbol(`Fragment` ); const TELEPORT = Symbol(`Teleport` ); const SUSPENSE = Symbol(`Suspense` ); const KEEP_ALIVE = Symbol(`KeepAlive` ); const BASE_TRANSITION = Symbol(`BaseTransition` ); const OPEN_BLOCK = Symbol(`openBlock` ); const CREATE_BLOCK = Symbol(`createBlock` ); const CREATE_ELEMENT_BLOCK = Symbol(`createElementBlock` ); const CREATE_VNODE = Symbol(`createVNode` ); const CREATE_ELEMENT_VNODE = Symbol(`createElementVNode` ); const CREATE_COMMENT = Symbol(`createCommentVNode` ); const CREATE_TEXT = Symbol(`createTextVNode` ); const CREATE_STATIC = Symbol(`createStaticVNode` ); const RESOLVE_COMPONENT = Symbol(`resolveComponent` ); const RESOLVE_DYNAMIC_COMPONENT = Symbol( `resolveDynamicComponent` ); const RESOLVE_DIRECTIVE = Symbol(`resolveDirective` ); const RESOLVE_FILTER = Symbol(`resolveFilter` ); const WITH_DIRECTIVES = Symbol(`withDirectives` ); const RENDER_LIST = Symbol(`renderList` ); const RENDER_SLOT = Symbol(`renderSlot` ); const CREATE_SLOTS = Symbol(`createSlots` ); const TO_DISPLAY_STRING = Symbol(`toDisplayString` ); const MERGE_PROPS = Symbol(`mergeProps` ); const NORMALIZE_CLASS = Symbol(`normalizeClass` ); const NORMALIZE_STYLE = Symbol(`normalizeStyle` ); const NORMALIZE_PROPS = Symbol(`normalizeProps` ); const GUARD_REACTIVE_PROPS = Symbol(`guardReactiveProps` ); const TO_HANDLERS = Symbol(`toHandlers` ); const CAMELIZE = Symbol(`camelize` ); const CAPITALIZE = Symbol(`capitalize` ); const TO_HANDLER_KEY = Symbol(`toHandlerKey` ); const SET_BLOCK_TRACKING = Symbol(`setBlockTracking` ); const PUSH_SCOPE_ID = Symbol(`pushScopeId` ); const POP_SCOPE_ID = Symbol(`popScopeId` ); const WITH_CTX = Symbol(`withCtx` ); const UNREF = Symbol(`unref` ); const IS_REF = Symbol(`isRef` ); const WITH_MEMO = Symbol(`withMemo` ); const IS_MEMO_SAME = Symbol(`isMemoSame` ); const helperNameMap = { [FRAGMENT]: `Fragment`, [TELEPORT]: `Teleport`, [SUSPENSE]: `Suspense`, [KEEP_ALIVE]: `KeepAlive`, [BASE_TRANSITION]: `BaseTransition`, [OPEN_BLOCK]: `openBlock`, [CREATE_BLOCK]: `createBlock`, [CREATE_ELEMENT_BLOCK]: `createElementBlock`, [CREATE_VNODE]: `createVNode`, [CREATE_ELEMENT_VNODE]: `createElementVNode`, [CREATE_COMMENT]: `createCommentVNode`, [CREATE_TEXT]: `createTextVNode`, [CREATE_STATIC]: `createStaticVNode`, [RESOLVE_COMPONENT]: `resolveComponent`, [RESOLVE_DYNAMIC_COMPONENT]: `resolveDynamicComponent`, [RESOLVE_DIRECTIVE]: `resolveDirective`, [RESOLVE_FILTER]: `resolveFilter`, [WITH_DIRECTIVES]: `withDirectives`, [RENDER_LIST]: `renderList`, [RENDER_SLOT]: `renderSlot`, [CREATE_SLOTS]: `createSlots`, [TO_DISPLAY_STRING]: `toDisplayString`, [MERGE_PROPS]: `mergeProps`, [NORMALIZE_CLASS]: `normalizeClass`, [NORMALIZE_STYLE]: `normalizeStyle`, [NORMALIZE_PROPS]: `normalizeProps`, [GUARD_REACTIVE_PROPS]: `guardReactiveProps`, [TO_HANDLERS]: `toHandlers`, [CAMELIZE]: `camelize`, [CAPITALIZE]: `capitalize`, [TO_HANDLER_KEY]: `toHandlerKey`, [SET_BLOCK_TRACKING]: `setBlockTracking`, [PUSH_SCOPE_ID]: `pushScopeId`, [POP_SCOPE_ID]: `popScopeId`, [WITH_CTX]: `withCtx`, [UNREF]: `unref`, [IS_REF]: `isRef`, [WITH_MEMO]: `withMemo`, [IS_MEMO_SAME]: `isMemoSame` }; function registerRuntimeHelpers(helpers) { Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(helpers).forEach((s) => { helperNameMap[s] = helpers[s]; }); } const Namespaces = { "HTML": 0, "0": "HTML", "SVG": 1, "1": "SVG", "MATH_ML": 2, "2": "MATH_ML" }; const NodeTypes = { "ROOT": 0, "0": "ROOT", "ELEMENT": 1, "1": "ELEMENT", "TEXT": 2, "2": "TEXT", "COMMENT": 3, "3": "COMMENT", "SIMPLE_EXPRESSION": 4, "4": "SIMPLE_EXPRESSION", "INTERPOLATION": 5, "5": "INTERPOLATION", "ATTRIBUTE": 6, "6": "ATTRIBUTE", "DIRECTIVE": 7, "7": "DIRECTIVE", "COMPOUND_EXPRESSION": 8, "8": "COMPOUND_EXPRESSION", "IF": 9, "9": "IF", "IF_BRANCH": 10, "10": "IF_BRANCH", "FOR": 11, "11": "FOR", "TEXT_CALL": 12, "12": "TEXT_CALL", "VNODE_CALL": 13, "13": "VNODE_CALL", "JS_CALL_EXPRESSION": 14, "14": "JS_CALL_EXPRESSION", "JS_OBJECT_EXPRESSION": 15, "15": "JS_OBJECT_EXPRESSION", "JS_PROPERTY": 16, "16": "JS_PROPERTY", "JS_ARRAY_EXPRESSION": 17, "17": "JS_ARRAY_EXPRESSION", "JS_FUNCTION_EXPRESSION": 18, "18": "JS_FUNCTION_EXPRESSION", "JS_CONDITIONAL_EXPRESSION": 19, "19": "JS_CONDITIONAL_EXPRESSION", "JS_CACHE_EXPRESSION": 20, "20": "JS_CACHE_EXPRESSION", "JS_BLOCK_STATEMENT": 21, "21": "JS_BLOCK_STATEMENT", "JS_TEMPLATE_LITERAL": 22, "22": "JS_TEMPLATE_LITERAL", "JS_IF_STATEMENT": 23, "23": "JS_IF_STATEMENT", "JS_ASSIGNMENT_EXPRESSION": 24, "24": "JS_ASSIGNMENT_EXPRESSION", "JS_SEQUENCE_EXPRESSION": 25, "25": "JS_SEQUENCE_EXPRESSION", "JS_RETURN_STATEMENT": 26, "26": "JS_RETURN_STATEMENT" }; const ElementTypes = { "ELEMENT": 0, "0": "ELEMENT", "COMPONENT": 1, "1": "COMPONENT", "SLOT": 2, "2": "SLOT", "TEMPLATE": 3, "3": "TEMPLATE" }; const ConstantTypes = { "NOT_CONSTANT": 0, "0": "NOT_CONSTANT", "CAN_SKIP_PATCH": 1, "1": "CAN_SKIP_PATCH", "CAN_HOIST": 2, "2": "CAN_HOIST", "CAN_STRINGIFY": 3, "3": "CAN_STRINGIFY" }; const locStub = { start: { line: 1, column: 1, offset: 0 }, end: { line: 1, column: 1, offset: 0 }, source: "" }; function createRoot(children, source = "") { return { type: 0, source, children, helpers: /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(), components: [], directives: [], hoists: [], imports: [], cached: 0, temps: 0, codegenNode: void 0, loc: locStub }; } function createVNodeCall(context, tag, props, children, patchFlag, dynamicProps, directives, isBlock = false, disableTracking = false, isComponent = false, loc = locStub) { if (context) { if (isBlock) { context.helper(OPEN_BLOCK); context.helper(getVNodeBlockHelper(context.inSSR, isComponent)); } else { context.helper(getVNodeHelper(context.inSSR, isComponent)); } if (directives) { context.helper(WITH_DIRECTIVES); } } return { type: 13, tag, props, children, patchFlag, dynamicProps, directives, isBlock, disableTracking, isComponent, loc }; } function createArrayExpression(elements, loc = locStub) { return { type: 17, loc, elements }; } function createObjectExpression(properties, loc = locStub) { return { type: 15, loc, properties }; } function createObjectProperty(key, value) { return { type: 16, loc: locStub, key: isString(key) ? createSimpleExpression(key, true) : key, value }; } function createSimpleExpression(content, isStatic = false, loc = locStub, constType = 0) { return { type: 4, loc, content, isStatic, constType: isStatic ? 3 : constType }; } function createInterpolation(content, loc) { return { type: 5, loc, content: isString(content) ? createSimpleExpression(content, false, loc) : content }; } function createCompoundExpression(children, loc = locStub) { return { type: 8, loc, children }; } function createCallExpression(callee, args = [], loc = locStub) { return { type: 14, loc, callee, arguments: args }; } function createFunctionExpression(params, returns = void 0, newline = false, isSlot = false, loc = locStub) { return { type: 18, params, returns, newline, isSlot, loc }; } function createConditionalExpression(test, consequent, alternate, newline = true) { return { type: 19, test, consequent, alternate, newline, loc: locStub }; } function createCacheExpression(index, value, isVNode = false) { return { type: 20, index, value, isVNode, loc: locStub }; } function createBlockStatement(body) { return { type: 21, body, loc: locStub }; } function createTemplateLiteral(elements) { return { type: 22, elements, loc: locStub }; } function createIfStatement(test, consequent, alternate) { return { type: 23, test, consequent, alternate, loc: locStub }; } function createAssignmentExpression(left, right) { return { type: 24, left, right, loc: locStub }; } function createSequenceExpression(expressions) { return { type: 25, expressions, loc: locStub }; } function createReturnStatement(returns) { return { type: 26, returns, loc: locStub }; } function getVNodeHelper(ssr, isComponent) { return ssr || isComponent ? CREATE_VNODE : CREATE_ELEMENT_VNODE; } function getVNodeBlockHelper(ssr, isComponent) { return ssr || isComponent ? CREATE_BLOCK : CREATE_ELEMENT_BLOCK; } function convertToBlock(node, { helper, removeHelper, inSSR }) { if (!node.isBlock) { node.isBlock = true; removeHelper(getVNodeHelper(inSSR, node.isComponent)); helper(OPEN_BLOCK); helper(getVNodeBlockHelper(inSSR, node.isComponent)); } } const defaultDelimitersOpen = new Uint8Array([123, 123]); const defaultDelimitersClose = new Uint8Array([125, 125]); function isTagStartChar(c) { return c >= 97 && c <= 122 || c >= 65 && c <= 90; } function isWhitespace(c) { return c === 32 || c === 10 || c === 9 || c === 12 || c === 13; } function isEndOfTagSection(c) { return c === 47 || c === 62 || isWhitespace(c); } function toCharCodes(str) { const ret = new Uint8Array(str.length); for (let i = 0; i < str.length; i++) { ret[i] = str.charCodeAt(i); } return ret; } const Sequences = { Cdata: new Uint8Array([67, 68, 65, 84, 65, 91]), // CDATA[ CdataEnd: new Uint8Array([93, 93, 62]), // ]]> CommentEnd: new Uint8Array([45, 45, 62]), // `-->` ScriptEnd: new Uint8Array([60, 47, 115, 99, 114, 105, 112, 116]), // `<\/script` StyleEnd: new Uint8Array([60, 47, 115, 116, 121, 108, 101]), // `= 0; i--) { const newlineIndex = this.newlines[i]; if (index > newlineIndex) { line = i + 2; column = index - newlineIndex; break; } } return { column, line, offset: index }; } peek() { return this.buffer.charCodeAt(this.index + 1); } stateText(c) { if (c === 60) { if (this.index > this.sectionStart) { this.cbs.ontext(this.sectionStart, this.index); } this.state = 5; this.sectionStart = this.index; } else if (!this.inVPre && c === this.delimiterOpen[0]) { this.state = 2; this.delimiterIndex = 0; this.stateInterpolationOpen(c); } } stateInterpolationOpen(c) { if (c === this.delimiterOpen[this.delimiterIndex]) { if (this.delimiterIndex === this.delimiterOpen.length - 1) { const start = this.index + 1 - this.delimiterOpen.length; if (start > this.sectionStart) { this.cbs.ontext(this.sectionStart, start); } this.state = 3; this.sectionStart = start; } else { this.delimiterIndex++; } } else if (this.inRCDATA) { this.state = 32; this.stateInRCDATA(c); } else { this.state = 1; this.stateText(c); } } stateInterpolation(c) { if (c === this.delimiterClose[0]) { this.state = 4; this.delimiterIndex = 0; this.stateInterpolationClose(c); } } stateInterpolationClose(c) { if (c === this.delimiterClose[this.delimiterIndex]) { if (this.delimiterIndex === this.delimiterClose.length - 1) { this.cbs.oninterpolation(this.sectionStart, this.index + 1); if (this.inRCDATA) { this.state = 32; } else { this.state = 1; } this.sectionStart = this.index + 1; } else { this.delimiterIndex++; } } else { this.state = 3; this.stateInterpolation(c); } } stateSpecialStartSequence(c) { const isEnd = this.sequenceIndex === this.currentSequence.length; const isMatch = isEnd ? ( // If we are at the end of the sequence, make sure the tag name has ended isEndOfTagSection(c) ) : ( // Otherwise, do a case-insensitive comparison (c | 32) === this.currentSequence[this.sequenceIndex] ); if (!isMatch) { this.inRCDATA = false; } else if (!isEnd) { this.sequenceIndex++; return; } this.sequenceIndex = 0; this.state = 6; this.stateInTagName(c); } /** Look for an end tag. For and <textarea>, also decode entities. */ stateInRCDATA(c) { if (this.sequenceIndex === this.currentSequence.length) { if (c === 62 || isWhitespace(c)) { const endOfText = this.index - this.currentSequence.length; if (this.sectionStart < endOfText) { const actualIndex = this.index; this.index = endOfText; this.cbs.ontext(this.sectionStart, endOfText); this.index = actualIndex; } this.sectionStart = endOfText + 2; this.stateInClosingTagName(c); this.inRCDATA = false; return; } this.sequenceIndex = 0; } if ((c | 32) === this.currentSequence[this.sequenceIndex]) { this.sequenceIndex += 1; } else if (this.sequenceIndex === 0) { if (this.currentSequence === Sequences.TitleEnd || this.currentSequence === Sequences.TextareaEnd && !this.inSFCRoot) { if (c === this.delimiterOpen[0]) { this.state = 2; this.delimiterIndex = 0; this.stateInterpolationOpen(c); } } else if (this.fastForwardTo(60)) { this.sequenceIndex = 1; } } else { this.sequenceIndex = Number(c === 60); } } stateCDATASequence(c) { if (c === Sequences.Cdata[this.sequenceIndex]) { if (++this.sequenceIndex === Sequences.Cdata.length) { this.state = 28; this.currentSequence = Sequences.CdataEnd; this.sequenceIndex = 0; this.sectionStart = this.index + 1; } } else { this.sequenceIndex = 0; this.state = 23; this.stateInDeclaration(c); } } /** * When we wait for one specific character, we can speed things up * by skipping through the buffer until we find it. * * @returns Whether the character was found. */ fastForwardTo(c) { while (++this.index < this.buffer.length) { const cc = this.buffer.charCodeAt(this.index); if (cc === 10) { this.newlines.push(this.index); } if (cc === c) { return true; } } this.index = this.buffer.length - 1; return false; } /** * Comments and CDATA end with `-->` and `]]>`. * * Their common qualities are: * - Their end sequences have a distinct character they start with. * - That character is then repeated, so we have to check multiple repeats. * - All characters but the start character of the sequence can be skipped. */ stateInCommentLike(c) { if (c === this.currentSequence[this.sequenceIndex]) { if (++this.sequenceIndex === this.currentSequence.length) { if (this.currentSequence === Sequences.CdataEnd) { this.cbs.oncdata(this.sectionStart, this.index - 2); } else { this.cbs.oncomment(this.sectionStart, this.index - 2); } this.sequenceIndex = 0; this.sectionStart = this.index + 1; this.state = 1; } } else if (this.sequenceIndex === 0) { if (this.fastForwardTo(this.currentSequence[0])) { this.sequenceIndex = 1; } } else if (c !== this.currentSequence[this.sequenceIndex - 1]) { this.sequenceIndex = 0; } } startSpecial(sequence, offset) { this.enterRCDATA(sequence, offset); this.state = 31; } enterRCDATA(sequence, offset) { this.inRCDATA = true; this.currentSequence = sequence; this.sequenceIndex = offset; } stateBeforeTagName(c) { if (c === 33) { this.state = 22; this.sectionStart = this.index + 1; } else if (c === 63) { this.state = 24; this.sectionStart = this.index + 1; } else if (isTagStartChar(c)) { this.sectionStart = this.index; if (this.mode === 0) { this.state = 6; } else if (this.inSFCRoot) { this.state = 34; } else if (!this.inXML) { if (c === 116) { this.state = 30; } else { this.state = c === 115 ? 29 : 6; } } else { this.state = 6; } } else if (c === 47) { this.state = 8; } else { this.state = 1; this.stateText(c); } } stateInTagName(c) { if (isEndOfTagSection(c)) { this.handleTagName(c); } } stateInSFCRootTagName(c) { if (isEndOfTagSection(c)) { const tag = this.buffer.slice(this.sectionStart, this.index); if (tag !== "template") { this.enterRCDATA(toCharCodes(`</` + tag), 0); } this.handleTagName(c); } } handleTagName(c) { this.cbs.onopentagname(this.sectionStart, this.index); this.sectionStart = -1; this.state = 11; this.stateBeforeAttrName(c); } stateBeforeClosingTagName(c) { if (isWhitespace(c)) ; else if (c === 62) { { this.cbs.onerr(14, this.index); } this.state = 1; this.sectionStart = this.index + 1; } else { this.state = isTagStartChar(c) ? 9 : 27; this.sectionStart = this.index; } } stateInClosingTagName(c) { if (c === 62 || isWhitespace(c)) { this.cbs.onclosetag(this.sectionStart, this.index); this.sectionStart = -1; this.state = 10; this.stateAfterClosingTagName(c); } } stateAfterClosingTagName(c) { if (c === 62) { this.state = 1; this.sectionStart = this.index + 1; } } stateBeforeAttrName(c) { if (c === 62) { this.cbs.onopentagend(this.index); if (this.inRCDATA) { this.state = 32; } else { this.state = 1; } this.sectionStart = this.index + 1; } else if (c === 47) { this.state = 7; if (this.peek() !== 62) { this.cbs.onerr(22, this.index); } } else if (c === 60 && this.peek() === 47) { this.cbs.onopentagend(this.index); this.state = 5; this.sectionStart = this.index; } else if (!isWhitespace(c)) { if (c === 61) { this.cbs.onerr( 19, this.index ); } this.handleAttrStart(c); } } handleAttrStart(c) { if (c === 118 && this.peek() === 45) { this.state = 13; this.sectionStart = this.index; } else if (c === 46 || c === 58 || c === 64 || c === 35) { this.cbs.ondirname(this.index, this.index + 1); this.state = 14; this.sectionStart = this.index + 1; } else { this.state = 12; this.sectionStart = this.index; } } stateInSelfClosingTag(c) { if (c === 62) { this.cbs.onselfclosingtag(this.index); this.state = 1; this.sectionStart = this.index + 1; this.inRCDATA = false; } else if (!isWhitespace(c)) { this.state = 11; this.stateBeforeAttrName(c); } } stateInAttrName(c) { if (c === 61 || isEndOfTagSection(c)) { this.cbs.onattribname(this.sectionStart, this.index); this.handleAttrNameEnd(c); } else if (c === 34 || c === 39 || c === 60) { this.cbs.onerr( 17, this.index ); } } stateInDirName(c) { if (c === 61 || isEndOfTagSection(c)) { this.cbs.ondirname(this.sectionStart, this.index); this.handleAttrNameEnd(c); } else if (c === 58) { this.cbs.ondirname(this.sectionStart, this.index); this.state = 14; this.sectionStart = this.index + 1; } else if (c === 46) { this.cbs.ondirname(this.sectionStart, this.index); this.state = 16; this.sectionStart = this.index + 1; } } stateInDirArg(c) { if (c === 61 || isEndOfTagSection(c)) { this.cbs.ondirarg(this.sectionStart, this.index); this.handleAttrNameEnd(c); } else if (c === 91) { this.state = 15; } else if (c === 46) { this.cbs.ondirarg(this.sectionStart, this.index); this.state = 16; this.sectionStart = this.index + 1; } } stateInDynamicDirArg(c) { if (c === 93) { this.state = 14; } else if (c === 61 || isEndOfTagSection(c)) { this.cbs.ondirarg(this.sectionStart, this.index + 1); this.handleAttrNameEnd(c); { this.cbs.onerr( 27, this.index ); } } } stateInDirModifier(c) { if (c === 61 || isEndOfTagSection(c)) { this.cbs.ondirmodifier(this.sectionStart, this.index); this.handleAttrNameEnd(c); } else if (c === 46) { this.cbs.ondirmodifier(this.sectionStart, this.index); this.sectionStart = this.index + 1; } } handleAttrNameEnd(c) { this.sectionStart = this.index; this.state = 17; this.cbs.onattribnameend(this.index); this.stateAfterAttrName(c); } stateAfterAttrName(c) { if (c === 61) { this.state = 18; } else if (c === 47 || c === 62) { this.cbs.onattribend(0, this.sectionStart); this.sectionStart = -1; this.state = 11; this.stateBeforeAttrName(c); } else if (!isWhitespace(c)) { this.cbs.onattribend(0, this.sectionStart); this.handleAttrStart(c); } } stateBeforeAttrValue(c) { if (c === 34) { this.state = 19; this.sectionStart = this.index + 1; } else if (c === 39) { this.state = 20; this.sectionStart = this.index + 1; } else if (!isWhitespace(c)) { this.sectionStart = this.index; this.state = 21; this.stateInAttrValueNoQuotes(c); } } handleInAttrValue(c, quote) { if (c === quote || this.fastForwardTo(quote)) { this.cbs.onattribdata(this.sectionStart, this.index); this.sectionStart = -1; this.cbs.onattribend( quote === 34 ? 3 : 2, this.index + 1 ); this.state = 11; } } stateInAttrValueDoubleQuotes(c) { this.handleInAttrValue(c, 34); } stateInAttrValueSingleQuotes(c) { this.handleInAttrValue(c, 39); } stateInAttrValueNoQuotes(c) { if (isWhitespace(c) || c === 62) { this.cbs.onattribdata(this.sectionStart, this.index); this.sectionStart = -1; this.cbs.onattribend(1, this.index); this.state = 11; this.stateBeforeAttrName(c); } else if (c === 34 || c === 39 || c === 60 || c === 61 || c === 96) { this.cbs.onerr( 18, this.index ); } else ; } stateBeforeDeclaration(c) { if (c === 91) { this.state = 26; this.sequenceIndex = 0; } else { this.state = c === 45 ? 25 : 23; } } stateInDeclaration(c) { if (c === 62 || this.fastForwardTo(62)) { this.state = 1; this.sectionStart = this.index + 1; } } stateInProcessingInstruction(c) { if (c === 62 || this.fastForwardTo(62)) { this.cbs.onprocessinginstruction(this.sectionStart, this.index); this.state = 1; this.sectionStart = this.index + 1; } } stateBeforeComment(c) { if (c === 45) { this.state = 28; this.currentSequence = Sequences.CommentEnd; this.sequenceIndex = 2; this.sectionStart = this.index + 1; } else { this.state = 23; } } stateInSpecialComment(c) { if (c === 62 || this.fastForwardTo(62)) { this.cbs.oncomment(this.sectionStart, this.index); this.state = 1; this.sectionStart = this.index + 1; } } stateBeforeSpecialS(c) { if (c === Sequences.ScriptEnd[3]) { this.startSpecial(Sequences.ScriptEnd, 4); } else if (c === Sequences.StyleEnd[3]) { this.startSpecial(Sequences.StyleEnd, 4); } else { this.state = 6; this.stateInTagName(c); } } stateBeforeSpecialT(c) { if (c === Sequences.TitleEnd[3]) { this.startSpecial(Sequences.TitleEnd, 4); } else if (c === Sequences.TextareaEnd[3]) { this.startSpecial(Sequences.TextareaEnd, 4); } else { this.state = 6; this.stateInTagName(c); } } startEntity() { } stateInEntity() { } /** * Iterates through the buffer, calling the function corresponding to the current state. * * States that are more likely to be hit are higher up, as a performance improvement. */ parse(input) { this.buffer = input; while (this.index < this.buffer.length) { const c = this.buffer.charCodeAt(this.index); if (c === 10) { this.newlines.push(this.index); } switch (this.state) { case 1: { this.stateText(c); break; } case 2: { this.stateInterpolationOpen(c); break; } case 3: { this.stateInterpolation(c); break; } case 4: { this.stateInterpolationClose(c); break; } case 31: { this.stateSpecialStartSequence(c); break; } case 32: { this.stateInRCDATA(c); break; } case 26: { this.stateCDATASequence(c); break; } case 19: { this.stateInAttrValueDoubleQuotes(c); break; } case 12: { this.stateInAttrName(c); break; } case 13: { this.stateInDirName(c); break; } case 14: { this.stateInDirArg(c); break; } case 15: { this.stateInDynamicDirArg(c); break; } case 16: { this.stateInDirModifier(c); break; } case 28: { this.stateInCommentLike(c); break; } case 27: { this.stateInSpecialComment(c); break; } case 11: { this.stateBeforeAttrName(c); break; } case 6: { this.stateInTagName(c); break; } case 34: { this.stateInSFCRootTagName(c); break; } case 9: { this.stateInClosingTagName(c); break; } case 5: { this.stateBeforeTagName(c); break; } case 17: { this.stateAfterAttrName(c); break; } case 20: { this.stateInAttrValueSingleQuotes(c); break; } case 18: { this.stateBeforeAttrValue(c); break; } case 8: { this.stateBeforeClosingTagName(c); break; } case 10: { this.stateAfterClosingTagName(c); break; } case 29: { this.stateBeforeSpecialS(c); break; } case 30: { this.stateBeforeSpecialT(c); break; } case 21: { this.stateInAttrValueNoQuotes(c); break; } case 7: { this.stateInSelfClosingTag(c); break; } case 23: { this.stateInDeclaration(c); break; } case 22: { this.stateBeforeDeclaration(c); break; } case 25: { this.stateBeforeComment(c); break; } case 24: { this.stateInProcessingInstruction(c); break; } case 33: { this.stateInEntity(); break; } } this.index++; } this.cleanup(); this.finish(); } /** * Remove data that has already been consumed from the buffer. */ cleanup() { if (this.sectionStart !== this.index) { if (this.state === 1 || this.state === 32 && this.sequenceIndex === 0) { this.cbs.ontext(this.sectionStart, this.index); this.sectionStart = this.index; } else if (this.state === 19 || this.state === 20 || this.state === 21) { this.cbs.onattribdata(this.sectionStart, this.index); this.sectionStart = this.index; } } } finish() { this.handleTrailingData(); this.cbs.onend(); } /** Handle any trailing data. */ handleTrailingData() { const endIndex = this.buffer.length; if (this.sectionStart >= endIndex) { return; } if (this.state === 28) { if (this.currentSequence === Sequences.CdataEnd) { this.cbs.oncdata(this.sectionStart, endIndex); } else { this.cbs.oncomment(this.sectionStart, endIndex); } } else if (this.state === 6 || this.state === 11 || this.state === 18 || this.state === 17 || this.state === 12 || this.state === 13 || this.state === 14 || this.state === 15 || this.state === 16 || this.state === 20 || this.state === 19 || this.state === 21 || this.state === 9) ; else { this.cbs.ontext(this.sectionStart, endIndex); } } emitCodePoint(cp, consumed) { } } const CompilerDeprecationTypes = { "COMPILER_IS_ON_ELEMENT": "COMPILER_IS_ON_ELEMENT", "COMPILER_V_BIND_SYNC": "COMPILER_V_BIND_SYNC", "COMPILER_V_BIND_OBJECT_ORDER": "COMPILER_V_BIND_OBJECT_ORDER", "COMPILER_V_ON_NATIVE": "COMPILER_V_ON_NATIVE", "COMPILER_V_IF_V_FOR_PRECEDENCE": "COMPILER_V_IF_V_FOR_PRECEDENCE", "COMPILER_NATIVE_TEMPLATE": "COMPILER_NATIVE_TEMPLATE", "COMPILER_INLINE_TEMPLATE": "COMPILER_INLINE_TEMPLATE", "COMPILER_FILTERS": "COMPILER_FILTERS" }; const deprecationData = { ["COMPILER_IS_ON_ELEMENT"]: { message: `Platform-native elements with "is" prop will no longer be treated as components in Vue 3 unless the "is" value is explicitly prefixed with "vue:".`, link: `https://v3-migration.vuejs.org/breaking-changes/custom-elements-interop.html` }, ["COMPILER_V_BIND_SYNC"]: { message: (key) => `.sync modifier for v-bind has been removed. Use v-model with argument instead. \`v-bind:${key}.sync\` should be changed to \`v-model:${key}\`.`, link: `https://v3-migration.vuejs.org/breaking-changes/v-model.html` }, ["COMPILER_V_BIND_OBJECT_ORDER"]: { message: `v-bind="obj" usage is now order sensitive and behaves like JavaScript object spread: it will now overwrite an existing non-mergeable attribute that appears before v-bind in the case of conflict. To retain 2.x behavior, move v-bind to make it the first attribute. You can also suppress this warning if the usage is intended.`, link: `https://v3-migration.vuejs.org/breaking-changes/v-bind.html` }, ["COMPILER_V_ON_NATIVE"]: { message: `.native modifier for v-on has been removed as is no longer necessary.`, link: `https://v3-migration.vuejs.org/breaking-changes/v-on-native-modifier-removed.html` }, ["COMPILER_V_IF_V_FOR_PRECEDENCE"]: { message: `v-if / v-for precedence when used on the same element has changed in Vue 3: v-if now takes higher precedence and will no longer have access to v-for scope variables. It is best to avoid the ambiguity with <template> tags or use a computed property that filters v-for data source.`, link: `https://v3-migration.vuejs.org/breaking-changes/v-if-v-for.html` }, ["COMPILER_NATIVE_TEMPLATE"]: { message: `<template> with no special directives will render as a native template element instead of its inner content in Vue 3.` }, ["COMPILER_INLINE_TEMPLATE"]: { message: `"inline-template" has been removed in Vue 3.`, link: `https://v3-migration.vuejs.org/breaking-changes/inline-template-attribute.html` }, ["COMPILER_FILTERS"]: { message: `filters have been removed in Vue 3. The "|" symbol will be treated as native JavaScript bitwise OR operator. Use method calls or computed properties instead.`, link: `https://v3-migration.vuejs.org/breaking-changes/filters.html` } }; function getCompatValue(key, { compatConfig }) { const value = compatConfig && compatConfig[key]; if (key === "MODE") { return value || 3; } else { return value; } } function isCompatEnabled(key, context) { const mode = getCompatValue("MODE", context); const value = getCompatValue(key, context); return mode === 3 ? value === true : value !== false; } function checkCompatEnabled(key, context, loc, ...args) { const enabled = isCompatEnabled(key, context); if (enabled) { warnDeprecation(key, context, loc, ...args); } return enabled; } function warnDeprecation(key, context, loc, ...args) { const val = getCompatValue(key, context); if (val === "suppress-warning") { return; } const { message, link } = deprecationData[key]; const msg = `(deprecation ${key}) ${typeof message === "function" ? message(...args) : message}${link ? ` Details: ${link}` : ``}`; const err = new SyntaxError(msg); err.code = key; if (loc) err.loc = loc; context.onWarn(err); } function defaultOnError(error) { throw error; } function defaultOnWarn(msg) { console.warn(`[Vue warn] ${msg.message}`); } function createCompilerError(code, loc, messages, additionalMessage) { const msg = (messages || errorMessages)[code] + (additionalMessage || ``) ; const error = new SyntaxError(String(msg)); error.code = code; error.loc = loc; return error; } const ErrorCodes = { "ABRUPT_CLOSING_OF_EMPTY_COMMENT": 0, "0": "ABRUPT_CLOSING_OF_EMPTY_COMMENT", "CDATA_IN_HTML_CONTENT": 1, "1": "CDATA_IN_HTML_CONTENT", "DUPLICATE_ATTRIBUTE": 2, "2": "DUPLICATE_ATTRIBUTE", "END_TAG_WITH_ATTRIBUTES": 3, "3": "END_TAG_WITH_ATTRIBUTES", "END_TAG_WITH_TRAILING_SOLIDUS": 4, "4": "END_TAG_WITH_TRAILING_SOLIDUS", "EOF_BEFORE_TAG_NAME": 5, "5": "EOF_BEFORE_TAG_NAME", "EOF_IN_CDATA": 6, "6": "EOF_IN_CDATA", "EOF_IN_COMMENT": 7, "7": "EOF_IN_COMMENT", "EOF_IN_SCRIPT_HTML_COMMENT_LIKE_TEXT": 8, "8": "EOF_IN_SCRIPT_HTML_COMMENT_LIKE_TEXT", "EOF_IN_TAG": 9, "9": "EOF_IN_TAG", "INCORRECTLY_CLOSED_COMMENT": 10, "10": "INCORRECTLY_CLOSED_COMMENT", "INCORRECTLY_OPENED_COMMENT": 11, "11": "INCORRECTLY_OPENED_COMMENT", "INVALID_FIRST_CHARACTER_OF_TAG_NAME": 12, "12": "INVALID_FIRST_CHARACTER_OF_TAG_NAME", "MISSING_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE": 13, "13": "MISSING_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE", "MISSING_END_TAG_NAME": 14, "14": "MISSING_END_TAG_NAME", "MISSING_WHITESPACE_BETWEEN_ATTRIBUTES": 15, "15": "MISSING_WHITESPACE_BETWEEN_ATTRIBUTES", "NESTED_COMMENT": 16, "16": "NESTED_COMMENT", "UNEXPECTED_CHARACTER_IN_ATTRIBUTE_NAME": 17, "17": "UNEXPECTED_CHARACTER_IN_ATTRIBUTE_NAME", "UNEXPECTED_CHARACTER_IN_UNQUOTED_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE": 18, "18": "UNEXPECTED_CHARACTER_IN_UNQUOTED_ATTRIBUTE_VALUE", "UNEXPECTED_EQUALS_SIGN_BEFORE_ATTRIBUTE_NAME": 19, "19": "UNEXPECTED_EQUALS_SIGN_BEFORE_ATTRIBUTE_NAME", "UNEXPECTED_NULL_CHARACTER": 20, "20": "UNEXPECTED_NULL_CHARACTER", "UNEXPECTED_QUESTION_MARK_INSTEAD_OF_TAG_NAME": 21, "21": "UNEXPECTED_QUESTION_MARK_INSTEAD_OF_TAG_NAME", "UNEXPECTED_SOLIDUS_IN_TAG": 22, "22": "UNEXPECTED_SOLIDUS_IN_TAG", "X_INVALID_END_TAG": 23, "23": "X_INVALID_END_TAG", "X_MISSING_END_TAG": 24, "24": "X_MISSING_END_TAG", "X_MISSING_INTERPOLATION_END": 25, "25": "X_MISSING_INTERPOLATION_END", "X_MISSING_DIRECTIVE_NAME": 26, "26": "X_MISSING_DIRECTIVE_NAME", "X_MISSING_DYNAMIC_DIRECTIVE_ARGUMENT_END": 27, "27": "X_MISSING_DYNAMIC_DIRECTIVE_ARGUMENT_END", "X_V_IF_NO_EXPRESSION": 28, "28": "X_V_IF_NO_EXPRESSION", "X_V_IF_SAME_KEY": 29, "29": "X_V_IF_SAME_KEY", "X_V_ELSE_NO_ADJACENT_IF": 30, "30": "X_V_ELSE_NO_ADJACENT_IF", "X_V_FOR_NO_EXPRESSION": 31, "31": "X_V_FOR_NO_EXPRESSION", "X_V_FOR_MALFORMED_EXPRESSION": 32, "32": "X_V_FOR_MALFORMED_EXPRESSION", "X_V_FOR_TEMPLATE_KEY_PLACEMENT": 33, "33": "X_V_FOR_TEMPLATE_KEY_PLACEMENT", "X_V_BIND_NO_EXPRESSION": 34, "34": "X_V_BIND_NO_EXPRESSION", "X_V_ON_NO_EXPRESSION": 35, "35": "X_V_ON_NO_EXPRESSION", "X_V_SLOT_UNEXPECTED_DIRECTIVE_ON_SLOT_OUTLET": 36, "36": "X_V_SLOT_UNEXPECTED_DIRECTIVE_ON_SLOT_OUTLET", "X_V_SLOT_MIXED_SLOT_USAGE": 37, "37": "X_V_SLOT_MIXED_SLOT_USAGE", "X_V_SLOT_DUPLICATE_SLOT_NAMES": 38, "38": "X_V_SLOT_DUPLICATE_SLOT_NAMES", "X_V_SLOT_EXTRANEOUS_DEFAULT_SLOT_CHILDREN": 39, "39": "X_V_SLOT_EXTRANEOUS_DEFAULT_SLOT_CHILDREN", "X_V_SLOT_MISPLACED": 40, "40": "X_V_SLOT_MISPLACED", "X_V_MODEL_NO_EXPRESSION": 41, "41": "X_V_MODEL_NO_EXPRESSION", "X_V_MODEL_MALFORMED_EXPRESSION": 42, "42": "X_V_MODEL_MALFORMED_EXPRESSION", "X_V_MODEL_ON_SCOPE_VARIABLE": 43, "43": "X_V_MODEL_ON_SCOPE_VARIABLE", "X_V_MODEL_ON_PROPS": 44, "44": "X_V_MODEL_ON_PROPS", "X_INVALID_EXPRESSION": 45, "45": "X_INVALID_EXPRESSION", "X_KEEP_ALIVE_INVALID_CHILDREN": 46, "46": "X_KEEP_ALIVE_INVALID_CHILDREN", "X_PREFIX_ID_NOT_SUPPORTED": 47, "47": "X_PREFIX_ID_NOT_SUPPORTED", "X_MODULE_MODE_NOT_SUPPORTED": 48, "48": "X_MODULE_MODE_NOT_SUPPORTED", "X_CACHE_HANDLER_NOT_SUPPORTED": 49, "49": "X_CACHE_HANDLER_NOT_SUPPORTED", "X_SCOPE_ID_NOT_SUPPORTED": 50, "50": "X_SCOPE_ID_NOT_SUPPORTED", "X_VNODE_HOOKS": 51, "51": "X_VNODE_HOOKS", "X_V_BIND_INVALID_SAME_NAME_ARGUMENT": 52, "52": "X_V_BIND_INVALID_SAME_NAME_ARGUMENT", "__EXTEND_POINT__": 53, "53": "__EXTEND_POINT__" }; const errorMessages = { // parse errors [0]: "Illegal comment.", [1]: "CDATA section is allowed only in XML context.", [2]: "Duplicate attribute.", [3]: "End tag cannot have attributes.", [4]: "Illegal '/' in tags.", [5]: "Unexpected EOF in tag.", [6]: "Unexpected EOF in CDATA section.", [7]: "Unexpected EOF in comment.", [8]: "Unexpected EOF in script.", [9]: "Unexpected EOF in tag.", [10]: "Incorrectly closed comment.", [11]: "Incorrectly opened comment.", [12]: "Illegal tag name. Use '<' to print '<'.", [13]: "Attribute value was expected.", [14]: "End tag name was expected.", [15]: "Whitespace was expected.", [16]: "Unexpected '<!--' in comment.", [17]: `Attribute name cannot contain U+0022 ("), U+0027 ('), and U+003C (<).`, [18]: "Unquoted attribute value cannot contain U+0022 (\"), U+0027 ('), U+003C (<), U+003D (=), and U+0060 (`).", [19]: "Attribute name cannot start with '='.", [21]: "'<?' is allowed only in XML context.", [20]: `Unexpected null character.`, [22]: "Illegal '/' in tags.", // Vue-specific parse errors [23]: "Invalid end tag.", [24]: "Element is missing end tag.", [25]: "Interpolation end sign was not found.", [27]: "End bracket for dynamic directive argument was not found. Note that dynamic directive argument cannot contain spaces.", [26]: "Legal directive name was expected.", // transform errors [28]: `v-if/v-else-if is missing expression.`, [29]: `v-if/else branches must use unique keys.`, [30]: `v-else/v-else-if has no adjacent v-if or v-else-if.`, [31]: `v-for is missing expression.`, [32]: `v-for has invalid expression.`, [33]: `<template v-for> key should be placed on the <template> tag.`, [34]: `v-bind is missing expression.`, [52]: `v-bind with same-name shorthand only allows static argument.`, [35]: `v-on is missing expression.`, [36]: `Unexpected custom directive on <slot> outlet.`, [37]: `Mixed v-slot usage on both the component and nested <template>. When there are multiple named slots, all slots should use <template> syntax to avoid scope ambiguity.`, [38]: `Duplicate slot names found. `, [39]: `Extraneous children found when component already has explicitly named default slot. These children will be ignored.`, [40]: `v-slot can only be used on components or <template> tags.`, [41]: `v-model is missing expression.`, [42]: `v-model value must be a valid JavaScript member expression.`, [43]: `v-model cannot be used on v-for or v-slot scope variables because they are not writable.`, [44]: `v-model cannot be used on a prop, because local prop bindings are not writable. Use a v-bind binding combined with a v-on listener that emits update:x event instead.`, [45]: `Error parsing JavaScript expression: `, [46]: `<KeepAlive> expects exactly one child component.`, [51]: `@vnode-* hooks in templates are no longer supported. Use the vue: prefix instead. For example, @vnode-mounted should be changed to @vue:mounted. @vnode-* hooks support has been removed in 3.4.`, // generic errors [47]: `"prefixIdentifiers" option is not supported in this build of compiler.`, [48]: `ES module mode is not supported in this build of compiler.`, [49]: `"cacheHandlers" option is only supported when the "prefixIdentifiers" option is enabled.`, [50]: `"scopeId" option is only supported in module mode.`, // just to fulfill types [53]: `` }; function walkIdentifiers(root, onIdentifier, includeAll = false, parentStack = [], knownIds = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null)) { { return; } } function isReferencedIdentifier(id, parent, parentStack) { { return false; } } function isInDestructureAssignment(parent, parentStack) { if (parent && (parent.type === "ObjectProperty" || parent.type === "ArrayPattern")) { let i = parentStack.length; while (i--) { const p = parentStack[i]; if (p.type === "AssignmentExpression") { return true; } else if (p.type !== "ObjectProperty" && !p.type.endsWith("Pattern")) { break; } } } return false; } function isInNewExpression(parentStack) { let i = parentStack.length; while (i--) { const p = parentStack[i]; if (p.type === "NewExpression") { return true; } else if (p.type !== "MemberExpression") { break; } } return false; } function walkFunctionParams(node, onIdent) { for (const p of node.params) { for (const id of extractIdentifiers(p)) { onIdent(id); } } } function walkBlockDeclarations(block, onIdent) { for (const stmt of block.body) { if (stmt.type === "VariableDeclaration") { if (stmt.declare) continue; for (const decl of stmt.declarations) { for (const id of extractIdentifiers(decl.id)) { onIdent(id); } } } else if (stmt.type === "FunctionDeclaration" || stmt.type === "ClassDeclaration") { if (stmt.declare || !stmt.id) continue; onIdent(stmt.id); } else if (stmt.type === "ForOfStatement" || stmt.type === "ForInStatement" || stmt.type === "ForStatement") { const variable = stmt.type === "ForStatement" ? stmt.init : stmt.left; if (variable && variable.type === "VariableDeclaration") { for (const decl of variable.declarations) { for (const id of extractIdentifiers(decl.id)) { onIdent(id); } } } } } } function extractIdentifiers(param, nodes = []) { switch (param.type) { case "Identifier": nodes.push(param); break; case "MemberExpression": let object = param; while (object.type === "MemberExpression") { object = object.object; } nodes.push(object); break; case "ObjectPattern": for (const prop of param.properties) { if (prop.type === "RestElement") { extractIdentifiers(prop.argument, nodes); } else { extractIdentifiers(prop.value, nodes); } } break; case "ArrayPattern": param.elements.forEach((element) => { if (element) extractIdentifiers(element, nodes); }); break; case "RestElement": extractIdentifiers(param.argument, nodes); break; case "AssignmentPattern": extractIdentifiers(param.left, nodes); break; } return nodes; } const isFunctionType = (node) => { return /Function(?:Expression|Declaration)$|Method$/.test(node.type); }; const isStaticProperty = (node) => node && (node.type === "ObjectProperty" || node.type === "ObjectMethod") && !node.computed; const isStaticPropertyKey = (node, parent) => isStaticProperty(parent) && parent.key === node; const TS_NODE_TYPES = [ "TSAsExpression", // foo as number "TSTypeAssertion", // (<number>foo) "TSNonNullExpression", // foo! "TSInstantiationExpression", // foo<string> "TSSatisfiesExpression" // foo satisfies T ]; function unwrapTSNode(node) { if (TS_NODE_TYPES.includes(node.type)) { return unwrapTSNode(node.expression); } else { return node; } } const isStaticExp = (p) => p.type === 4 && p.isStatic; function isCoreComponent(tag) { switch (tag) { case "Teleport": case "teleport": return TELEPORT; case "Suspense": case "suspense": return SUSPENSE; case "KeepAlive": case "keep-alive": return KEEP_ALIVE; case "BaseTransition": case "base-transition": return BASE_TRANSITION; } } const nonIdentifierRE = /^\d|[^\$\w]/; const isSimpleIdentifier = (name) => !nonIdentifierRE.test(name); const validFirstIdentCharRE = /[A-Za-z_$\xA0-\uFFFF]/; const validIdentCharRE = /[\.\?\w$\xA0-\uFFFF]/; const whitespaceRE = /\s+[.[]\s*|\s*[.[]\s+/g; const isMemberExpressionBrowser = (path) => { path = path.trim().replace(whitespaceRE, (s) => s.trim()); let state = 0 /* inMemberExp */; let stateStack = []; let currentOpenBracketCount = 0; let currentOpenParensCount = 0; let currentStringType = null; for (let i = 0; i < path.length; i++) { const char = path.charAt(i); switch (state) { case 0 /* inMemberExp */: if (char === "[") { stateStack.push(state); state = 1 /* inBrackets */; currentOpenBracketCount++; } else if (char === "(") { stateStack.push(state); state = 2 /* inParens */; currentOpenParensCount++; } else if (!(i === 0 ? validFirstIdentCharRE : validIdentCharRE).test(char)) { return false; } break; case 1 /* inBrackets */: if (char === `'` || char === `"` || char === "`") { stateStack.push(state); state = 3 /* inString */; currentStringType = char; } else if (char === `[`) { currentOpenBracketCount++; } else if (char === `]`) { if (!--currentOpenBracketCount) { state = stateStack.pop(); } } break; case 2 /* inParens */: if (char === `'` || char === `"` || char === "`") { stateStack.push(state); state = 3 /* inString */; currentStringType = char; } else if (char === `(`) { currentOpenParensCount++; } else if (char === `)`) { if (i === path.length - 1) { return false; } if (!--currentOpenParensCount) { state = stateStack.pop(); } } break; case 3 /* inString */: if (char === currentStringType) { state = stateStack.pop(); currentStringType = null; } break; } } return !currentOpenBracketCount && !currentOpenParensCount; }; const isMemberExpressionNode = NOOP ; const isMemberExpression = isMemberExpressionBrowser ; function advancePositionWithClone(pos, source, numberOfCharacters = source.length) { return advancePositionWithMutation( { offset: pos.offset, line: pos.line, column: pos.column }, source, numberOfCharacters ); } function advancePositionWithMutation(pos, source, numberOfCharacters = source.length) { let linesCount = 0; let lastNewLinePos = -1; for (let i = 0; i < numberOfCharacters; i++) { if (source.charCodeAt(i) === 10) { linesCount++; lastNewLinePos = i; } } pos.offset += numberOfCharacters; pos.line += linesCount; pos.column = lastNewLinePos === -1 ? pos.column + numberOfCharacters : numberOfCharacters - lastNewLinePos; return pos; } function assert(condition, msg) { if (!condition) { throw new Error(msg || `unexpected compiler condition`); } } function findDir(node, name, allowEmpty = false) { for (let i = 0; i < node.props.length; i++) { const p = node.props[i]; if (p.type === 7 && (allowEmpty || p.exp) && (isString(name) ? p.name === name : name.test(p.name))) { return p; } } } function findProp(node, name, dynamicOnly = false, allowEmpty = false) { for (let i = 0; i < node.props.length; i++) { const p = node.props[i]; if (p.type === 6) { if (dynamicOnly) continue; if (p.name === name && (p.value || allowEmpty)) { return p; } } else if (p.name === "bind" && (p.exp || allowEmpty) && isStaticArgOf(p.arg, name)) { return p; } } } function isStaticArgOf(arg, name) { return !!(arg && isStaticExp(arg) && arg.content === name); } function hasDynamicKeyVBind(node) { return node.props.some( (p) => p.type === 7 && p.name === "bind" && (!p.arg || // v-bind="obj" p.arg.type !== 4 || // v-bind:[_ctx.foo] !p.arg.isStatic) // v-bind:[foo] ); } function isText$1(node) { return node.type === 5 || node.type === 2; } function isVSlot(p) { return p.type === 7 && p.name === "slot"; } function isTemplateNode(node) { return node.type === 1 && node.tagType === 3; } function isSlotOutlet(node) { return node.type === 1 && node.tagType === 2; } const propsHelperSet = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set([NORMALIZE_PROPS, GUARD_REACTIVE_PROPS]); function getUnnormalizedProps(props, callPath = []) { if (props && !isString(props) && props.type === 14) { const callee = props.callee; if (!isString(callee) && propsHelperSet.has(callee)) { return getUnnormalizedProps( props.arguments[0], callPath.concat(props) ); } } return [props, callPath]; } function injectProp(node, prop, context) { let propsWithInjection; let props = node.type === 13 ? node.props : node.arguments[2]; let callPath = []; let parentCall; if (props && !isString(props) && props.type === 14) { const ret = getUnnormalizedProps(props); props = ret[0]; callPath = ret[1]; parentCall = callPath[callPath.length - 1]; } if (props == null || isString(props)) { propsWithInjection = createObjectExpression([prop]); } else if (props.type === 14) { const first = props.arguments[0]; if (!isString(first) && first.type === 15) { if (!hasProp(prop, first)) { first.properties.unshift(prop); } } else { if (props.callee === TO_HANDLERS) { propsWithInjection = createCallExpression(context.helper(MERGE_PROPS), [ createObjectExpression([prop]), props ]); } else { props.arguments.unshift(createObjectExpression([prop])); } } !propsWithInjection && (propsWithInjection = props); } else if (props.type === 15) { if (!hasProp(prop, props)) { props.properties.unshift(prop); } propsWithInjection = props; } else { propsWithInjection = createCallExpression(context.helper(MERGE_PROPS), [ createObjectExpression([prop]), props ]); if (parentCall && parentCall.callee === GUARD_REACTIVE_PROPS) { parentCall = callPath[callPath.length - 2]; } } if (node.type === 13) { if (parentCall) { parentCall.arguments[0] = propsWithInjection; } else { node.props = propsWithInjection; } } else { if (parentCall) { parentCall.arguments[0] = propsWithInjection; } else { node.arguments[2] = propsWithInjection; } } } function hasProp(prop, props) { let result = false; if (prop.key.type === 4) { const propKeyName = prop.key.content; result = props.properties.some( (p) => p.key.type === 4 && p.key.content === propKeyName ); } return result; } function toValidAssetId(name, type) { return `_${type}_${name.replace(/[^\w]/g, (searchValue, replaceValue) => { return searchValue === "-" ? "_" : name.charCodeAt(replaceValue).toString(); })}`; } function hasScopeRef(node, ids) { if (!node || Object.keys(ids).length === 0) { return false; } switch (node.type) { case 1: for (let i = 0; i < node.props.length; i++) { const p = node.props[i]; if (p.type === 7 && (hasScopeRef(p.arg, ids) || hasScopeRef(p.exp, ids))) { return true; } } return node.children.some((c) => hasScopeRef(c, ids)); case 11: if (hasScopeRef(node.source, ids)) { return true; } return node.children.some((c) => hasScopeRef(c, ids)); case 9: return node.branches.some((b) => hasScopeRef(b, ids)); case 10: if (hasScopeRef(node.condition, ids)) { return true; } return node.children.some((c) => hasScopeRef(c, ids)); case 4: return !node.isStatic && isSimpleIdentifier(node.content) && !!ids[node.content]; case 8: return node.children.some((c) => isObject(c) && hasScopeRef(c, ids)); case 5: case 12: return hasScopeRef(node.content, ids); case 2: case 3: return false; default: return false; } } function getMemoedVNodeCall(node) { if (node.type === 14 && node.callee === WITH_MEMO) { return node.arguments[1].returns; } else { return node; } } const forAliasRE = /([\s\S]*?)\s+(?:in|of)\s+([\s\S]*)/; const defaultParserOptions = { parseMode: "base", ns: 0, delimiters: [`{{`, `}}`], getNamespace: () => 0, isVoidTag: NO, isPreTag: NO, isCustomElement: NO, onError: defaultOnError, onWarn: defaultOnWarn, comments: true, prefixIdentifiers: false }; let currentOptions = defaultParserOptions; let currentRoot = null; let currentInput = ""; let currentOpenTag = null; let currentProp = null; let currentAttrValue = ""; let currentAttrStartIndex = -1; let currentAttrEndIndex = -1; let inPre = 0; let inVPre = false; let currentVPreBoundary = null; const stack = []; const tokenizer = new Tokenizer(stack, { onerr: emitError, ontext(start, end) { onText(getSlice(start, end), start, end); }, ontextentity(char, start, end) { onText(char, start, end); }, oninterpolation(start, end) { if (inVPre) { return onText(getSlice(start, end), start, end); } let innerStart = start + tokenizer.delimiterOpen.length; let innerEnd = end - tokenizer.delimiterClose.length; while (isWhitespace(currentInput.charCodeAt(innerStart))) { innerStart++; } while (isWhitespace(currentInput.charCodeAt(innerEnd - 1))) { innerEnd--; } let exp = getSlice(innerStart, innerEnd); if (exp.includes("&")) { { exp = currentOptions.decodeEntities(exp, false); } } addNode({ type: 5, content: createExp(exp, false, getLoc(innerStart, innerEnd)), loc: getLoc(start, end) }); }, onopentagname(start, end) { const name = getSlice(start, end); currentOpenTag = { type: 1, tag: name, ns: currentOptions.getNamespace(name, stack[0], currentOptions.ns), tagType: 0, // will be refined on tag close props: [], children: [], loc: getLoc(start - 1, end), codegenNode: void 0 }; }, onopentagend(end) { endOpenTag(end); }, onclosetag(start, end) { const name = getSlice(start, end); if (!currentOptions.isVoidTag(name)) { let found = false; for (let i = 0; i < stack.length; i++) { const e = stack[i]; if (e.tag.toLowerCase() === name.toLowerCase()) { found = true; if (i > 0) { emitError(24, stack[0].loc.start.offset); } for (let j = 0; j <= i; j++) { const el = stack.shift(); onCloseTag(el, end, j < i); } break; } } if (!found) { emitError(23, backTrack(start, 60)); } } }, onselfclosingtag(end) { var _a; const name = currentOpenTag.tag; currentOpenTag.isSelfClosing = true; endOpenTag(end); if (((_a = stack[0]) == null ? void 0 : _a.tag) === name) { onCloseTag(stack.shift(), end); } }, onattribname(start, end) { currentProp = { type: 6, name: getSlice(start, end), nameLoc: getLoc(start, end), value: void 0, loc: getLoc(start) }; }, ondirname(start, end) { const raw = getSlice(start, end); const name = raw === "." || raw === ":" ? "bind" : raw === "@" ? "on" : raw === "#" ? "slot" : raw.slice(2); if (!inVPre && name === "") { emitError(26, start); } if (inVPre || name === "") { currentProp = { type: 6, name: raw, nameLoc: getLoc(start, end), value: void 0, loc: getLoc(start) }; } else { currentProp = { type: 7, name, rawName: raw, exp: void 0, arg: void 0, modifiers: raw === "." ? ["prop"] : [], loc: getLoc(start) }; if (name === "pre") { inVPre = tokenizer.inVPre = true; currentVPreBoundary = currentOpenTag; const props = currentOpenTag.props; for (let i = 0; i < props.length; i++) { if (props[i].type === 7) { props[i] = dirToAttr(props[i]); } } } } }, ondirarg(start, end) { if (start === end) return; const arg = getSlice(start, end); if (inVPre) { currentProp.name += arg; setLocEnd(currentProp.nameLoc, end); } else { const isStatic = arg[0] !== `[`; currentProp.arg = createExp( isStatic ? arg : arg.slice(1, -1), isStatic, getLoc(start, end), isStatic ? 3 : 0 ); } }, ondirmodifier(start, end) { const mod = getSlice(start, end); if (inVPre) { currentProp.name += "." + mod; setLocEnd(currentProp.nameLoc, end); } else if (currentProp.name === "slot") { const arg = currentProp.arg; if (arg) { arg.content += "." + mod; setLocEnd(arg.loc, end); } } else { currentProp.modifiers.push(mod); } }, onattribdata(start, end) { currentAttrValue += getSlice(start, end); if (currentAttrStartIndex < 0) currentAttrStartIndex = start; currentAttrEndIndex = end; }, onattribentity(char, start, end) { currentAttrValue += char; if (currentAttrStartIndex < 0) currentAttrStartIndex = start; currentAttrEndIndex = end; }, onattribnameend(end) { const start = currentProp.loc.start.offset; const name = getSlice(start, end); if (currentProp.type === 7) { currentProp.rawName = name; } if (currentOpenTag.props.some( (p) => (p.type === 7 ? p.rawName : p.name) === name )) { emitError(2, start); } }, onattribend(quote, end) { if (currentOpenTag && currentProp) { setLocEnd(currentProp.loc, end); if (quote !== 0) { if (currentAttrValue.includes("&")) { currentAttrValue = currentOptions.decodeEntities( currentAttrValue, true ); } if (currentProp.type === 6) { if (currentProp.name === "class") { currentAttrValue = condense(currentAttrValue).trim(); } if (quote === 1 && !currentAttrValue) { emitError(13, end); } currentProp.value = { type: 2, content: currentAttrValue, loc: quote === 1 ? getLoc(currentAttrStartIndex, currentAttrEndIndex) : getLoc(currentAttrStartIndex - 1, currentAttrEndIndex + 1) }; if (tokenizer.inSFCRoot && currentOpenTag.tag === "template" && currentProp.name === "lang" && currentAttrValue && currentAttrValue !== "html") { tokenizer.enterRCDATA(toCharCodes(`</template`), 0); } } else { let expParseMode = 0 /* Normal */; currentProp.exp = createExp( currentAttrValue, false, getLoc(currentAttrStartIndex, currentAttrEndIndex), 0, expParseMode ); if (currentProp.name === "for") { currentProp.forParseResult = parseForExpression(currentProp.exp); } let syncIndex = -1; if (currentProp.name === "bind" && (syncIndex = currentProp.modifiers.indexOf("sync")) > -1 && checkCompatEnabled( "COMPILER_V_BIND_SYNC", currentOptions, currentProp.loc, currentProp.rawName )) { currentProp.name = "model"; currentProp.modifiers.splice(syncIndex, 1); } } } if (currentProp.type !== 7 || currentProp.name !== "pre") { currentOpenTag.props.push(currentProp); } } currentAttrValue = ""; currentAttrStartIndex = currentAttrEndIndex = -1; }, oncomment(start, end) { if (currentOptions.comments) { addNode({ type: 3, content: getSlice(start, end), loc: getLoc(start - 4, end + 3) }); } }, onend() { const end = currentInput.length; if (tokenizer.state !== 1) { switch (tokenizer.state) { case 5: case 8: emitError(5, end); break; case 3: case 4: emitError( 25, tokenizer.sectionStart ); break; case 28: if (tokenizer.currentSequence === Sequences.CdataEnd) { emitError(6, end); } else { emitError(7, end); } break; case 6: case 7: case 9: case 11: case 12: case 13: case 14: case 15: case 16: case 17: case 18: case 19: case 20: case 21: emitError(9, end); break; } } for (let index = 0; index < stack.length; index++) { onCloseTag(stack[index], end - 1); emitError(24, stack[index].loc.start.offset); } }, oncdata(start, end) { if (stack[0].ns !== 0) { onText(getSlice(start, end), start, end); } else { emitError(1, start - 9); } }, onprocessinginstruction(start) { if ((stack[0] ? stack[0].ns : currentOptions.ns) === 0) { emitError( 21, start - 1 ); } } }); const forIteratorRE = /,([^,\}\]]*)(?:,([^,\}\]]*))?$/; const stripParensRE = /^\(|\)$/g; function parseForExpression(input) { const loc = input.loc; const exp = input.content; const inMatch = exp.match(forAliasRE); if (!inMatch) return; const [, LHS, RHS] = inMatch; const createAliasExpression = (content, offset, asParam = false) => { const start = loc.start.offset + offset; const end = start + content.length; return createExp( content, false, getLoc(start, end), 0, asParam ? 1 /* Params */ : 0 /* Normal */ ); }; const result = { source: createAliasExpression(RHS.trim(), exp.indexOf(RHS, LHS.length)), value: void 0, key: void 0, index: void 0, finalized: false }; let valueContent = LHS.trim().replace(stripParensRE, "").trim(); const trimmedOffset = LHS.indexOf(valueContent); const iteratorMatch = valueContent.match(forIteratorRE); if (iteratorMatch) { valueContent = valueContent.replace(forIteratorRE, "").trim(); const keyContent = iteratorMatch[1].trim(); let keyOffset; if (keyContent) { keyOffset = exp.indexOf(keyContent, trimmedOffset + valueContent.length); result.key = createAliasExpression(keyContent, keyOffset, true); } if (iteratorMatch[2]) { const indexContent = iteratorMatch[2].trim(); if (indexContent) { result.index = createAliasExpression( indexContent, exp.indexOf( indexContent, result.key ? keyOffset + keyContent.length : trimmedOffset + valueContent.length ), true ); } } } if (valueContent) { result.value = createAliasExpression(valueContent, trimmedOffset, true); } return result; } function getSlice(start, end) { return currentInput.slice(start, end); } function endOpenTag(end) { if (tokenizer.inSFCRoot) { currentOpenTag.innerLoc = getLoc(end + 1, end + 1); } addNode(currentOpenTag); const { tag, ns } = currentOpenTag; if (ns === 0 && currentOptions.isPreTag(tag)) { inPre++; } if (currentOptions.isVoidTag(tag)) { onCloseTag(currentOpenTag, end); } else { stack.unshift(currentOpenTag); if (ns === 1 || ns === 2) { tokenizer.inXML = true; } } currentOpenTag = null; } function onText(content, start, end) { var _a; { const tag = (_a = stack[0]) == null ? void 0 : _a.tag; if (tag !== "script" && tag !== "style" && content.includes("&")) { content = currentOptions.decodeEntities(content, false); } } const parent = stack[0] || currentRoot; const lastNode = parent.children[parent.children.length - 1]; if ((lastNode == null ? void 0 : lastNode.type) === 2) { lastNode.content += content; setLocEnd(lastNode.loc, end); } else { parent.children.push({ type: 2, content, loc: getLoc(start, end) }); } } function onCloseTag(el, end, isImplied = false) { if (isImplied) { setLocEnd(el.loc, backTrack(end, 60)); } else { setLocEnd(el.loc, end + 1); } if (tokenizer.inSFCRoot) { if (el.children.length) { el.innerLoc.end = extend({}, el.children[el.children.length - 1].loc.end); } else { el.innerLoc.end = extend({}, el.innerLoc.start); } el.innerLoc.source = getSlice( el.innerLoc.start.offset, el.innerLoc.end.offset ); } const { tag, ns } = el; if (!inVPre) { if (tag === "slot") { el.tagType = 2; } else if (isFragmentTemplate(el)) { el.tagType = 3; } else if (isComponent(el)) { el.tagType = 1; } } if (!tokenizer.inRCDATA) { el.children = condenseWhitespace(el.children, el.tag); } if (ns === 0 && currentOptions.isPreTag(tag)) { inPre--; } if (currentVPreBoundary === el) { inVPre = tokenizer.inVPre = false; currentVPreBoundary = null; } if (tokenizer.inXML && (stack[0] ? stack[0].ns : currentOptions.ns) === 0) { tokenizer.inXML = false; } { const props = el.props; if (isCompatEnabled( "COMPILER_V_IF_V_FOR_PRECEDENCE", currentOptions )) { let hasIf = false; let hasFor = false; for (let i = 0; i < props.length; i++) { const p = props[i]; if (p.type === 7) { if (p.name === "if") { hasIf = true; } else if (p.name === "for") { hasFor = true; } } if (hasIf && hasFor) { warnDeprecation( "COMPILER_V_IF_V_FOR_PRECEDENCE", currentOptions, el.loc ); break; } } } if (!tokenizer.inSFCRoot && isCompatEnabled( "COMPILER_NATIVE_TEMPLATE", currentOptions ) && el.tag === "template" && !isFragmentTemplate(el)) { warnDeprecation( "COMPILER_NATIVE_TEMPLATE", currentOptions, el.loc ); const parent = stack[0] || currentRoot; const index = parent.children.indexOf(el); parent.children.splice(index, 1, ...el.children); } const inlineTemplateProp = props.find( (p) => p.type === 6 && p.name === "inline-template" ); if (inlineTemplateProp && checkCompatEnabled( "COMPILER_INLINE_TEMPLATE", currentOptions, inlineTemplateProp.loc ) && el.children.length) { inlineTemplateProp.value = { type: 2, content: getSlice( el.children[0].loc.start.offset, el.children[el.children.length - 1].loc.end.offset ), loc: inlineTemplateProp.loc }; } } } function backTrack(index, c) { let i = index; while (currentInput.charCodeAt(i) !== c && i >= 0) i--; return i; } const specialTemplateDir = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(["if", "else", "else-if", "for", "slot"]); function isFragmentTemplate({ tag, props }) { if (tag === "template") { for (let i = 0; i < props.length; i++) { if (props[i].type === 7 && specialTemplateDir.has(props[i].name)) { return true; } } } return false; } function isComponent({ tag, props }) { var _a; if (currentOptions.isCustomElement(tag)) { return false; } if (tag === "component" || isUpperCase(tag.charCodeAt(0)) || isCoreComponent(tag) || ((_a = currentOptions.isBuiltInComponent) == null ? void 0 : _a.call(currentOptions, tag)) || currentOptions.isNativeTag && !currentOptions.isNativeTag(tag)) { return true; } for (let i = 0; i < props.length; i++) { const p = props[i]; if (p.type === 6) { if (p.name === "is" && p.value) { if (p.value.content.startsWith("vue:")) { return true; } else if (checkCompatEnabled( "COMPILER_IS_ON_ELEMENT", currentOptions, p.loc )) { return true; } } } else if (// :is on plain element - only treat as component in compat mode p.name === "bind" && isStaticArgOf(p.arg, "is") && checkCompatEnabled( "COMPILER_IS_ON_ELEMENT", currentOptions, p.loc )) { return true; } } return false; } function isUpperCase(c) { return c > 64 && c < 91; } const windowsNewlineRE = /\r\n/g; function condenseWhitespace(nodes, tag) { var _a, _b; const shouldCondense = currentOptions.whitespace !== "preserve"; let removedWhitespace = false; for (let i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) { const node = nodes[i]; if (node.type === 2) { if (!inPre) { if (isAllWhitespace(node.content)) { const prev = (_a = nodes[i - 1]) == null ? void 0 : _a.type; const next = (_b = nodes[i + 1]) == null ? void 0 : _b.type; if (!prev || !next || shouldCondense && (prev === 3 && (next === 3 || next === 1) || prev === 1 && (next === 3 || next === 1 && hasNewlineChar(node.content)))) { removedWhitespace = true; nodes[i] = null; } else { node.content = " "; } } else if (shouldCondense) { node.content = condense(node.content); } } else { node.content = node.content.replace(windowsNewlineRE, "\n"); } } } if (inPre && tag && currentOptions.isPreTag(tag)) { const first = nodes[0]; if (first && first.type === 2) { first.content = first.content.replace(/^\r?\n/, ""); } } return removedWhitespace ? nodes.filter(Boolean) : nodes; } function isAllWhitespace(str) { for (let i = 0; i < str.length; i++) { if (!isWhitespace(str.charCodeAt(i))) { return false; } } return true; } function hasNewlineChar(str) { for (let i = 0; i < str.length; i++) { const c = str.charCodeAt(i); if (c === 10 || c === 13) { return true; } } return false; } function condense(str) { let ret = ""; let prevCharIsWhitespace = false; for (let i = 0; i < str.length; i++) { if (isWhitespace(str.charCodeAt(i))) { if (!prevCharIsWhitespace) { ret += " "; prevCharIsWhitespace = true; } } else { ret += str[i]; prevCharIsWhitespace = false; } } return ret; } function addNode(node) { (stack[0] || currentRoot).children.push(node); } function getLoc(start, end) { return { start: tokenizer.getPos(start), // @ts-expect-error allow late attachment end: end == null ? end : tokenizer.getPos(end), // @ts-expect-error allow late attachment source: end == null ? end : getSlice(start, end) }; } function setLocEnd(loc, end) { loc.end = tokenizer.getPos(end); loc.source = getSlice(loc.start.offset, end); } function dirToAttr(dir) { const attr = { type: 6, name: dir.rawName, nameLoc: getLoc( dir.loc.start.offset, dir.loc.start.offset + dir.rawName.length ), value: void 0, loc: dir.loc }; if (dir.exp) { const loc = dir.exp.loc; if (loc.end.offset < dir.loc.end.offset) { loc.start.offset--; loc.start.column--; loc.end.offset++; loc.end.column++; } attr.value = { type: 2, content: dir.exp.content, loc }; } return attr; } function createExp(content, isStatic = false, loc, constType = 0, parseMode = 0 /* Normal */) { const exp = createSimpleExpression(content, isStatic, loc, constType); return exp; } function emitError(code, index, message) { currentOptions.onError( createCompilerError(code, getLoc(index, index), void 0, message) ); } function reset() { tokenizer.reset(); currentOpenTag = null; currentProp = null; currentAttrValue = ""; currentAttrStartIndex = -1; currentAttrEndIndex = -1; stack.length = 0; } function baseParse(input, options) { reset(); currentInput = input; currentOptions = extend({}, defaultParserOptions); if (options) { let key; for (key in options) { if (options[key] != null) { currentOptions[key] = options[key]; } } } { if (!currentOptions.decodeEntities) { throw new Error( `[@vue/compiler-core] decodeEntities option is required in browser builds.` ); } } tokenizer.mode = currentOptions.parseMode === "html" ? 1 : currentOptions.parseMode === "sfc" ? 2 : 0; tokenizer.inXML = currentOptions.ns === 1 || currentOptions.ns === 2; const delimiters = options == null ? void 0 : options.delimiters; if (delimiters) { tokenizer.delimiterOpen = toCharCodes(delimiters[0]); tokenizer.delimiterClose = toCharCodes(delimiters[1]); } const root = currentRoot = createRoot([], input); tokenizer.parse(currentInput); root.loc = getLoc(0, input.length); root.children = condenseWhitespace(root.children); currentRoot = null; return root; } function hoistStatic(root, context) { walk( root, context, // Root node is unfortunately non-hoistable due to potential parent // fallthrough attributes. isSingleElementRoot(root, root.children[0]) ); } function isSingleElementRoot(root, child) { const { children } = root; return children.length === 1 && child.type === 1 && !isSlotOutlet(child); } function walk(node, context, doNotHoistNode = false) { const { children } = node; const originalCount = children.length; let hoistedCount = 0; for (let i = 0; i < children.length; i++) { const child = children[i]; if (child.type === 1 && child.tagType === 0) { const constantType = doNotHoistNode ? 0 : getConstantType(child, context); if (constantType > 0) { if (constantType >= 2) { child.codegenNode.patchFlag = -1 + (` /* HOISTED */` ); child.codegenNode = context.hoist(child.codegenNode); hoistedCount++; continue; } } else { const codegenNode = child.codegenNode; if (codegenNode.type === 13) { const flag = getPatchFlag(codegenNode); if ((!flag || flag === 512 || flag === 1) && getGeneratedPropsConstantType(child, context) >= 2) { const props = getNodeProps(child); if (props) { codegenNode.props = context.hoist(props); } } if (codegenNode.dynamicProps) { codegenNode.dynamicProps = context.hoist(codegenNode.dynamicProps); } } } } if (child.type === 1) { const isComponent = child.tagType === 1; if (isComponent) { context.scopes.vSlot++; } walk(child, context); if (isComponent) { context.scopes.vSlot--; } } else if (child.type === 11) { walk(child, context, child.children.length === 1); } else if (child.type === 9) { for (let i2 = 0; i2 < child.branches.length; i2++) { walk( child.branches[i2], context, child.branches[i2].children.length === 1 ); } } } if (hoistedCount && context.transformHoist) { context.transformHoist(children, context, node); } if (hoistedCount && hoistedCount === originalCount && node.type === 1 && node.tagType === 0 && node.codegenNode && node.codegenNode.type === 13 && isArray(node.codegenNode.children)) { const hoisted = context.hoist( createArrayExpression(node.codegenNode.children) ); if (context.hmr) { hoisted.content = `[...${hoisted.content}]`; } node.codegenNode.children = hoisted; } } function getConstantType(node, context) { const { constantCache } = context; switch (node.type) { case 1: if (node.tagType !== 0) { return 0; } const cached = constantCache.get(node); if (cached !== void 0) { return cached; } const codegenNode = node.codegenNode; if (codegenNode.type !== 13) { return 0; } if (codegenNode.isBlock && node.tag !== "svg" && node.tag !== "foreignObject") { return 0; } const flag = getPatchFlag(codegenNode); if (!flag) { let returnType2 = 3; const generatedPropsType = getGeneratedPropsConstantType(node, context); if (generatedPropsType === 0) { constantCache.set(node, 0); return 0; } if (generatedPropsType < returnType2) { returnType2 = generatedPropsType; } for (let i = 0; i < node.children.length; i++) { const childType = getConstantType(node.children[i], context); if (childType === 0) { constantCache.set(node, 0); return 0; } if (childType < returnType2) { returnType2 = childType; } } if (returnType2 > 1) { for (let i = 0; i < node.props.length; i++) { const p = node.props[i]; if (p.type === 7 && p.name === "bind" && p.exp) { const expType = getConstantType(p.exp, context); if (expType === 0) { constantCache.set(node, 0); return 0; } if (expType < returnType2) { returnType2 = expType; } } } } if (codegenNode.isBlock) { for (let i = 0; i < node.props.length; i++) { const p = node.props[i]; if (p.type === 7) { constantCache.set(node, 0); return 0; } } context.removeHelper(OPEN_BLOCK); context.removeHelper( getVNodeBlockHelper(context.inSSR, codegenNode.isComponent) ); codegenNode.isBlock = false; context.helper(getVNodeHelper(context.inSSR, codegenNode.isComponent)); } constantCache.set(node, returnType2); return returnType2; } else { constantCache.set(node, 0); return 0; } case 2: case 3: return 3; case 9: case 11: case 10: return 0; case 5: case 12: return getConstantType(node.content, context); case 4: return node.constType; case 8: let returnType = 3; for (let i = 0; i < node.children.length; i++) { const child = node.children[i]; if (isString(child) || isSymbol(child)) { continue; } const childType = getConstantType(child, context); if (childType === 0) { return 0; } else if (childType < returnType) { returnType = childType; } } return returnType; default: return 0; } } const allowHoistedHelperSet = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set([ NORMALIZE_CLASS, NORMALIZE_STYLE, NORMALIZE_PROPS, GUARD_REACTIVE_PROPS ]); function getConstantTypeOfHelperCall(value, context) { if (value.type === 14 && !isString(value.callee) && allowHoistedHelperSet.has(value.callee)) { const arg = value.arguments[0]; if (arg.type === 4) { return getConstantType(arg, context); } else if (arg.type === 14) { return getConstantTypeOfHelperCall(arg, context); } } return 0; } function getGeneratedPropsConstantType(node, context) { let returnType = 3; const props = getNodeProps(node); if (props && props.type === 15) { const { properties } = props; for (let i = 0; i < properties.length; i++) { const { key, value } = properties[i]; const keyType = getConstantType(key, context); if (keyType === 0) { return keyType; } if (keyType < returnType) { returnType = keyType; } let valueType; if (value.type === 4) { valueType = getConstantType(value, context); } else if (value.type === 14) { valueType = getConstantTypeOfHelperCall(value, context); } else { valueType = 0; } if (valueType === 0) { return valueType; } if (valueType < returnType) { returnType = valueType; } } } return returnType; } function getNodeProps(node) { const codegenNode = node.codegenNode; if (codegenNode.type === 13) { return codegenNode.props; } } function getPatchFlag(node) { const flag = node.patchFlag; return flag ? parseInt(flag, 10) : void 0; } function createTransformContext(root, { filename = "", prefixIdentifiers = false, hoistStatic: hoistStatic2 = false, hmr = false, cacheHandlers = false, nodeTransforms = [], directiveTransforms = {}, transformHoist = null, isBuiltInComponent = NOOP, isCustomElement = NOOP, expressionPlugins = [], scopeId = null, slotted = true, ssr = false, inSSR = false, ssrCssVars = ``, bindingMetadata = EMPTY_OBJ, inline = false, isTS = false, onError = defaultOnError, onWarn = defaultOnWarn, compatConfig }) { const nameMatch = filename.replace(/\?.*$/, "").match(/([^/\\]+)\.\w+$/); const context = { // options filename, selfName: nameMatch && capitalize(camelize(nameMatch[1])), prefixIdentifiers, hoistStatic: hoistStatic2, hmr, cacheHandlers, nodeTransforms, directiveTransforms, transformHoist, isBuiltInComponent, isCustomElement, expressionPlugins, scopeId, slotted, ssr, inSSR, ssrCssVars, bindingMetadata, inline, isTS, onError, onWarn, compatConfig, // state root, helpers: /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(), components: /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(), directives: /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(), hoists: [], imports: [], constantCache: /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(), temps: 0, cached: 0, identifiers: /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null), scopes: { vFor: 0, vSlot: 0, vPre: 0, vOnce: 0 }, parent: null, currentNode: root, childIndex: 0, inVOnce: false, // methods helper(name) { const count = context.helpers.get(name) || 0; context.helpers.set(name, count + 1); return name; }, removeHelper(name) { const count = context.helpers.get(name); if (count) { const currentCount = count - 1; if (!currentCount) { context.helpers.delete(name); } else { context.helpers.set(name, currentCount); } } }, helperString(name) { return `_${helperNameMap[context.helper(name)]}`; }, replaceNode(node) { { if (!context.currentNode) { throw new Error(`Node being replaced is already removed.`); } if (!context.parent) { throw new Error(`Cannot replace root node.`); } } context.parent.children[context.childIndex] = context.currentNode = node; }, removeNode(node) { if (!context.parent) { throw new Error(`Cannot remove root node.`); } const list = context.parent.children; const removalIndex = node ? list.indexOf(node) : context.currentNode ? context.childIndex : -1; if (removalIndex < 0) { throw new Error(`node being removed is not a child of current parent`); } if (!node || node === context.currentNode) { context.currentNode = null; context.onNodeRemoved(); } else { if (context.childIndex > removalIndex) { context.childIndex--; context.onNodeRemoved(); } } context.parent.children.splice(removalIndex, 1); }, onNodeRemoved: NOOP, addIdentifiers(exp) { }, removeIdentifiers(exp) { }, hoist(exp) { if (isString(exp)) exp = createSimpleExpression(exp); context.hoists.push(exp); const identifier = createSimpleExpression( `_hoisted_${context.hoists.length}`, false, exp.loc, 2 ); identifier.hoisted = exp; return identifier; }, cache(exp, isVNode = false) { return createCacheExpression(context.cached++, exp, isVNode); } }; { context.filters = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(); } return context; } function transform(root, options) { const context = createTransformContext(root, options); traverseNode(root, context); if (options.hoistStatic) { hoistStatic(root, context); } if (!options.ssr) { createRootCodegen(root, context); } root.helpers = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set([...context.helpers.keys()]); root.components = [...context.components]; root.directives = [...context.directives]; root.imports = context.imports; root.hoists = context.hoists; root.temps = context.temps; root.cached = context.cached; root.transformed = true; { root.filters = [...context.filters]; } } function createRootCodegen(root, context) { const { helper } = context; const { children } = root; if (children.length === 1) { const child = children[0]; if (isSingleElementRoot(root, child) && child.codegenNode) { const codegenNode = child.codegenNode; if (codegenNode.type === 13) { convertToBlock(codegenNode, context); } root.codegenNode = codegenNode; } else { root.codegenNode = child; } } else if (children.length > 1) { let patchFlag = 64; let patchFlagText = PatchFlagNames[64]; if (children.filter((c) => c.type !== 3).length === 1) { patchFlag |= 2048; patchFlagText += `, ${PatchFlagNames[2048]}`; } root.codegenNode = createVNodeCall( context, helper(FRAGMENT), void 0, root.children, patchFlag + (` /* ${patchFlagText} */` ), void 0, void 0, true, void 0, false ); } else ; } function traverseChildren(parent, context) { let i = 0; const nodeRemoved = () => { i--; }; for (; i < parent.children.length; i++) { const child = parent.children[i]; if (isString(child)) continue; context.parent = parent; context.childIndex = i; context.onNodeRemoved = nodeRemoved; traverseNode(child, context); } } function traverseNode(node, context) { context.currentNode = node; const { nodeTransforms } = context; const exitFns = []; for (let i2 = 0; i2 < nodeTransforms.length; i2++) { const onExit = nodeTransforms[i2](node, context); if (onExit) { if (isArray(onExit)) { exitFns.push(...onExit); } else { exitFns.push(onExit); } } if (!context.currentNode) { return; } else { node = context.currentNode; } } switch (node.type) { case 3: if (!context.ssr) { context.helper(CREATE_COMMENT); } break; case 5: if (!context.ssr) { context.helper(TO_DISPLAY_STRING); } break; case 9: for (let i2 = 0; i2 < node.branches.length; i2++) { traverseNode(node.branches[i2], context); } break; case 10: case 11: case 1: case 0: traverseChildren(node, context); break; } context.currentNode = node; let i = exitFns.length; while (i--) { exitFns[i](); } } function createStructuralDirectiveTransform(name, fn) { const matches = isString(name) ? (n) => n === name : (n) => name.test(n); return (node, context) => { if (node.type === 1) { const { props } = node; if (node.tagType === 3 && props.some(isVSlot)) { return; } const exitFns = []; for (let i = 0; i < props.length; i++) { const prop = props[i]; if (prop.type === 7 && matches(prop.name)) { props.splice(i, 1); i--; const onExit = fn(node, prop, context); if (onExit) exitFns.push(onExit); } } return exitFns; } }; } const PURE_ANNOTATION = `/*#__PURE__*/`; const aliasHelper = (s) => `${helperNameMap[s]}: _${helperNameMap[s]}`; function createCodegenContext(ast, { mode = "function", prefixIdentifiers = mode === "module", sourceMap = false, filename = `template.vue.html`, scopeId = null, optimizeImports = false, runtimeGlobalName = `Vue`, runtimeModuleName = `vue`, ssrRuntimeModuleName = "vue/server-renderer", ssr = false, isTS = false, inSSR = false }) { const context = { mode, prefixIdentifiers, sourceMap, filename, scopeId, optimizeImports, runtimeGlobalName, runtimeModuleName, ssrRuntimeModuleName, ssr, isTS, inSSR, source: ast.source, code: ``, column: 1, line: 1, offset: 0, indentLevel: 0, pure: false, map: void 0, helper(key) { return `_${helperNameMap[key]}`; }, push(code, newlineIndex = -2 /* None */, node) { context.code += code; }, indent() { newline(++context.indentLevel); }, deindent(withoutNewLine = false) { if (withoutNewLine) { --context.indentLevel; } else { newline(--context.indentLevel); } }, newline() { newline(context.indentLevel); } }; function newline(n) { context.push("\n" + ` `.repeat(n), 0 /* Start */); } return context; } function generate(ast, options = {}) { const context = createCodegenContext(ast, options); if (options.onContextCreated) options.onContextCreated(context); const { mode, push, prefixIdentifiers, indent, deindent, newline, scopeId, ssr } = context; const helpers = Array.from(ast.helpers); const hasHelpers = helpers.length > 0; const useWithBlock = !prefixIdentifiers && mode !== "module"; const preambleContext = context; { genFunctionPreamble(ast, preambleContext); } const functionName = ssr ? `ssrRender` : `render`; const args = ssr ? ["_ctx", "_push", "_parent", "_attrs"] : ["_ctx", "_cache"]; const signature = args.join(", "); { push(`function ${functionName}(${signature}) {`); } indent(); if (useWithBlock) { push(`with (_ctx) {`); indent(); if (hasHelpers) { push( `const { ${helpers.map(aliasHelper).join(", ")} } = _Vue `, -1 /* End */ ); newline(); } } if (ast.components.length) { genAssets(ast.components, "component", context); if (ast.directives.length || ast.temps > 0) { newline(); } } if (ast.directives.length) { genAssets(ast.directives, "directive", context); if (ast.temps > 0) { newline(); } } if (ast.filters && ast.filters.length) { newline(); genAssets(ast.filters, "filter", context); newline(); } if (ast.temps > 0) { push(`let `); for (let i = 0; i < ast.temps; i++) { push(`${i > 0 ? `, ` : ``}_temp${i}`); } } if (ast.components.length || ast.directives.length || ast.temps) { push(` `, 0 /* Start */); newline(); } if (!ssr) { push(`return `); } if (ast.codegenNode) { genNode(ast.codegenNode, context); } else { push(`null`); } if (useWithBlock) { deindent(); push(`}`); } deindent(); push(`}`); return { ast, code: context.code, preamble: ``, map: context.map ? context.map.toJSON() : void 0 }; } function genFunctionPreamble(ast, context) { const { ssr, prefixIdentifiers, push, newline, runtimeModuleName, runtimeGlobalName, ssrRuntimeModuleName } = context; const VueBinding = runtimeGlobalName; const helpers = Array.from(ast.helpers); if (helpers.length > 0) { { push(`const _Vue = ${VueBinding} `, -1 /* End */); if (ast.hoists.length) { const staticHelpers = [ CREATE_VNODE, CREATE_ELEMENT_VNODE, CREATE_COMMENT, CREATE_TEXT, CREATE_STATIC ].filter((helper) => helpers.includes(helper)).map(aliasHelper).join(", "); push(`const { ${staticHelpers} } = _Vue `, -1 /* End */); } } } genHoists(ast.hoists, context); newline(); push(`return `); } function genAssets(assets, type, { helper, push, newline, isTS }) { const resolver = helper( type === "filter" ? RESOLVE_FILTER : type === "component" ? RESOLVE_COMPONENT : RESOLVE_DIRECTIVE ); for (let i = 0; i < assets.length; i++) { let id = assets[i]; const maybeSelfReference = id.endsWith("__self"); if (maybeSelfReference) { id = id.slice(0, -6); } push( `const ${toValidAssetId(id, type)} = ${resolver}(${JSON.stringify(id)}${maybeSelfReference ? `, true` : ``})${isTS ? `!` : ``}` ); if (i < assets.length - 1) { newline(); } } } function genHoists(hoists, context) { if (!hoists.length) { return; } context.pure = true; const { push, newline, helper, scopeId, mode } = context; newline(); for (let i = 0; i < hoists.length; i++) { const exp = hoists[i]; if (exp) { push( `const _hoisted_${i + 1} = ${``}` ); genNode(exp, context); newline(); } } context.pure = false; } function isText(n) { return isString(n) || n.type === 4 || n.type === 2 || n.type === 5 || n.type === 8; } function genNodeListAsArray(nodes, context) { const multilines = nodes.length > 3 || nodes.some((n) => isArray(n) || !isText(n)); context.push(`[`); multilines && context.indent(); genNodeList(nodes, context, multilines); multilines && context.deindent(); context.push(`]`); } function genNodeList(nodes, context, multilines = false, comma = true) { const { push, newline } = context; for (let i = 0; i < nodes.length; i++) { const node = nodes[i]; if (isString(node)) { push(node, -3 /* Unknown */); } else if (isArray(node)) { genNodeListAsArray(node, context); } else { genNode(node, context); } if (i < nodes.length - 1) { if (multilines) { comma && push(","); newline(); } else { comma && push(", "); } } } } function genNode(node, context) { if (isString(node)) { context.push(node, -3 /* Unknown */); return; } if (isSymbol(node)) { context.push(context.helper(node)); return; } switch (node.type) { case 1: case 9: case 11: assert( node.codegenNode != null, `Codegen node is missing for element/if/for node. Apply appropriate transforms first.` ); genNode(node.codegenNode, context); break; case 2: genText(node, context); break; case 4: genExpression(node, context); break; case 5: genInterpolation(node, context); break; case 12: genNode(node.codegenNode, context); break; case 8: genCompoundExpression(node, context); break; case 3: genComment(node, context); break; case 13: genVNodeCall(node, context); break; case 14: genCallExpression(node, context); break; case 15: genObjectExpression(node, context); break; case 17: genArrayExpression(node, context); break; case 18: genFunctionExpression(node, context); break; case 19: genConditionalExpression(node, context); break; case 20: genCacheExpression(node, context); break; case 21: genNodeList(node.body, context, true, false); break; case 22: break; case 23: break; case 24: break; case 25: break; case 26: break; case 10: break; default: { assert(false, `unhandled codegen node type: ${node.type}`); const exhaustiveCheck = node; return exhaustiveCheck; } } } function genText(node, context) { context.push(JSON.stringify(node.content), -3 /* Unknown */, node); } function genExpression(node, context) { const { content, isStatic } = node; context.push( isStatic ? JSON.stringify(content) : content, -3 /* Unknown */, node ); } function genInterpolation(node, context) { const { push, helper, pure } = context; if (pure) push(PURE_ANNOTATION); push(`${helper(TO_DISPLAY_STRING)}(`); genNode(node.content, context); push(`)`); } function genCompoundExpression(node, context) { for (let i = 0; i < node.children.length; i++) { const child = node.children[i]; if (isString(child)) { context.push(child, -3 /* Unknown */); } else { genNode(child, context); } } } function genExpressionAsPropertyKey(node, context) { const { push } = context; if (node.type === 8) { push(`[`); genCompoundExpression(node, context); push(`]`); } else if (node.isStatic) { const text = isSimpleIdentifier(node.content) ? node.content : JSON.stringify(node.content); push(text, -2 /* None */, node); } else { push(`[${node.content}]`, -3 /* Unknown */, node); } } function genComment(node, context) { const { push, helper, pure } = context; if (pure) { push(PURE_ANNOTATION); } push( `${helper(CREATE_COMMENT)}(${JSON.stringify(node.content)})`, -3 /* Unknown */, node ); } function genVNodeCall(node, context) { const { push, helper, pure } = context; const { tag, props, children, patchFlag, dynamicProps, directives, isBlock, disableTracking, isComponent } = node; if (directives) { push(helper(WITH_DIRECTIVES) + `(`); } if (isBlock) { push(`(${helper(OPEN_BLOCK)}(${disableTracking ? `true` : ``}), `); } if (pure) { push(PURE_ANNOTATION); } const callHelper = isBlock ? getVNodeBlockHelper(context.inSSR, isComponent) : getVNodeHelper(context.inSSR, isComponent); push(helper(callHelper) + `(`, -2 /* None */, node); genNodeList( genNullableArgs([tag, props, children, patchFlag, dynamicProps]), context ); push(`)`); if (isBlock) { push(`)`); } if (directives) { push(`, `); genNode(directives, context); push(`)`); } } function genNullableArgs(args) { let i = args.length; while (i--) { if (args[i] != null) break; } return args.slice(0, i + 1).map((arg) => arg || `null`); } function genCallExpression(node, context) { const { push, helper, pure } = context; const callee = isString(node.callee) ? node.callee : helper(node.callee); if (pure) { push(PURE_ANNOTATION); } push(callee + `(`, -2 /* None */, node); genNodeList(node.arguments, context); push(`)`); } function genObjectExpression(node, context) { const { push, indent, deindent, newline } = context; const { properties } = node; if (!properties.length) { push(`{}`, -2 /* None */, node); return; } const multilines = properties.length > 1 || properties.some((p) => p.value.type !== 4); push(multilines ? `{` : `{ `); multilines && indent(); for (let i = 0; i < properties.length; i++) { const { key, value } = properties[i]; genExpressionAsPropertyKey(key, context); push(`: `); genNode(value, context); if (i < properties.length - 1) { push(`,`); newline(); } } multilines && deindent(); push(multilines ? `}` : ` }`); } function genArrayExpression(node, context) { genNodeListAsArray(node.elements, context); } function genFunctionExpression(node, context) { const { push, indent, deindent } = context; const { params, returns, body, newline, isSlot } = node; if (isSlot) { push(`_${helperNameMap[WITH_CTX]}(`); } push(`(`, -2 /* None */, node); if (isArray(params)) { genNodeList(params, context); } else if (params) { genNode(params, context); } push(`) => `); if (newline || body) { push(`{`); indent(); } if (returns) { if (newline) { push(`return `); } if (isArray(returns)) { genNodeListAsArray(returns, context); } else { genNode(returns, context); } } else if (body) { genNode(body, context); } if (newline || body) { deindent(); push(`}`); } if (isSlot) { if (node.isNonScopedSlot) { push(`, undefined, true`); } push(`)`); } } function genConditionalExpression(node, context) { const { test, consequent, alternate, newline: needNewline } = node; const { push, indent, deindent, newline } = context; if (test.type === 4) { const needsParens = !isSimpleIdentifier(test.content); needsParens && push(`(`); genExpression(test, context); needsParens && push(`)`); } else { push(`(`); genNode(test, context); push(`)`); } needNewline && indent(); context.indentLevel++; needNewline || push(` `); push(`? `); genNode(consequent, context); context.indentLevel--; needNewline && newline(); needNewline || push(` `); push(`: `); const isNested = alternate.type === 19; if (!isNested) { context.indentLevel++; } genNode(alternate, context); if (!isNested) { context.indentLevel--; } needNewline && deindent( true /* without newline */ ); } function genCacheExpression(node, context) { const { push, helper, indent, deindent, newline } = context; push(`_cache[${node.index}] || (`); if (node.isVNode) { indent(); push(`${helper(SET_BLOCK_TRACKING)}(-1),`); newline(); } push(`_cache[${node.index}] = `); genNode(node.value, context); if (node.isVNode) { push(`,`); newline(); push(`${helper(SET_BLOCK_TRACKING)}(1),`); newline(); push(`_cache[${node.index}]`); deindent(); } push(`)`); } const prohibitedKeywordRE = new RegExp( "\\b" + "arguments,await,break,case,catch,class,const,continue,debugger,default,delete,do,else,export,extends,finally,for,function,if,import,let,new,return,super,switch,throw,try,var,void,while,with,yield".split(",").join("\\b|\\b") + "\\b" ); const stripStringRE = /'(?:[^'\\]|\\.)*'|"(?:[^"\\]|\\.)*"|`(?:[^`\\]|\\.)*\$\{|\}(?:[^`\\]|\\.)*`|`(?:[^`\\]|\\.)*`/g; function validateBrowserExpression(node, context, asParams = false, asRawStatements = false) { const exp = node.content; if (!exp.trim()) { return; } try { new Function( asRawStatements ? ` ${exp} ` : `return ${asParams ? `(${exp}) => {}` : `(${exp})`}` ); } catch (e) { let message = e.message; const keywordMatch = exp.replace(stripStringRE, "").match(prohibitedKeywordRE); if (keywordMatch) { message = `avoid using JavaScript keyword as property name: "${keywordMatch[0]}"`; } context.onError( createCompilerError( 45, node.loc, void 0, message ) ); } } const transformExpression = (node, context) => { if (node.type === 5) { node.content = processExpression( node.content, context ); } else if (node.type === 1) { for (let i = 0; i < node.props.length; i++) { const dir = node.props[i]; if (dir.type === 7 && dir.name !== "for") { const exp = dir.exp; const arg = dir.arg; if (exp && exp.type === 4 && !(dir.name === "on" && arg)) { dir.exp = processExpression( exp, context, // slot args must be processed as function params dir.name === "slot" ); } if (arg && arg.type === 4 && !arg.isStatic) { dir.arg = processExpression(arg, context); } } } } }; function processExpression(node, context, asParams = false, asRawStatements = false, localVars = Object.create(context.identifiers)) { { { validateBrowserExpression(node, context, asParams, asRawStatements); } return node; } } function stringifyExpression(exp) { if (isString(exp)) { return exp; } else if (exp.type === 4) { return exp.content; } else { return exp.children.map(stringifyExpression).join(""); } } const transformIf = createStructuralDirectiveTransform( /^(if|else|else-if)$/, (node, dir, context) => { return processIf(node, dir, context, (ifNode, branch, isRoot) => { const siblings = context.parent.children; let i = siblings.indexOf(ifNode); let key = 0; while (i-- >= 0) { const sibling = siblings[i]; if (sibling && sibling.type === 9) { key += sibling.branches.length; } } return () => { if (isRoot) { ifNode.codegenNode = createCodegenNodeForBranch( branch, key, context ); } else { const parentCondition = getParentCondition(ifNode.codegenNode); parentCondition.alternate = createCodegenNodeForBranch( branch, key + ifNode.branches.length - 1, context ); } }; }); } ); function processIf(node, dir, context, processCodegen) { if (dir.name !== "else" && (!dir.exp || !dir.exp.content.trim())) { const loc = dir.exp ? dir.exp.loc : node.loc; context.onError( createCompilerError(28, dir.loc) ); dir.exp = createSimpleExpression(`true`, false, loc); } if (dir.exp) { validateBrowserExpression(dir.exp, context); } if (dir.name === "if") { const branch = createIfBranch(node, dir); const ifNode = { type: 9, loc: node.loc, branches: [branch] }; context.replaceNode(ifNode); if (processCodegen) { return processCodegen(ifNode, branch, true); } } else { const siblings = context.parent.children; const comments = []; let i = siblings.indexOf(node); while (i-- >= -1) { const sibling = siblings[i]; if (sibling && sibling.type === 3) { context.removeNode(sibling); comments.unshift(sibling); continue; } if (sibling && sibling.type === 2 && !sibling.content.trim().length) { context.removeNode(sibling); continue; } if (sibling && sibling.type === 9) { if (dir.name === "else-if" && sibling.branches[sibling.branches.length - 1].condition === void 0) { context.onError( createCompilerError(30, node.loc) ); } context.removeNode(); const branch = createIfBranch(node, dir); if (comments.length && // #3619 ignore comments if the v-if is direct child of <transition> !(context.parent && context.parent.type === 1 && (context.parent.tag === "transition" || context.parent.tag === "Transition"))) { branch.children = [...comments, ...branch.children]; } { const key = branch.userKey; if (key) { sibling.branches.forEach(({ userKey }) => { if (isSameKey(userKey, key)) { context.onError( createCompilerError( 29, branch.userKey.loc ) ); } }); } } sibling.branches.push(branch); const onExit = processCodegen && processCodegen(sibling, branch, false); traverseNode(branch, context); if (onExit) onExit(); context.currentNode = null; } else { context.onError( createCompilerError(30, node.loc) ); } break; } } } function createIfBranch(node, dir) { const isTemplateIf = node.tagType === 3; return { type: 10, loc: node.loc, condition: dir.name === "else" ? void 0 : dir.exp, children: isTemplateIf && !findDir(node, "for") ? node.children : [node], userKey: findProp(node, `key`), isTemplateIf }; } function createCodegenNodeForBranch(branch, keyIndex, context) { if (branch.condition) { return createConditionalExpression( branch.condition, createChildrenCodegenNode(branch, keyIndex, context), // make sure to pass in asBlock: true so that the comment node call // closes the current block. createCallExpression(context.helper(CREATE_COMMENT), [ '"v-if"' , "true" ]) ); } else { return createChildrenCodegenNode(branch, keyIndex, context); } } function createChildrenCodegenNode(branch, keyIndex, context) { const { helper } = context; const keyProperty = createObjectProperty( `key`, createSimpleExpression( `${keyIndex}`, false, locStub, 2 ) ); const { children } = branch; const firstChild = children[0]; const needFragmentWrapper = children.length !== 1 || firstChild.type !== 1; if (needFragmentWrapper) { if (children.length === 1 && firstChild.type === 11) { const vnodeCall = firstChild.codegenNode; injectProp(vnodeCall, keyProperty, context); return vnodeCall; } else { let patchFlag = 64; let patchFlagText = PatchFlagNames[64]; if (!branch.isTemplateIf && children.filter((c) => c.type !== 3).length === 1) { patchFlag |= 2048; patchFlagText += `, ${PatchFlagNames[2048]}`; } return createVNodeCall( context, helper(FRAGMENT), createObjectExpression([keyProperty]), children, patchFlag + (` /* ${patchFlagText} */` ), void 0, void 0, true, false, false, branch.loc ); } } else { const ret = firstChild.codegenNode; const vnodeCall = getMemoedVNodeCall(ret); if (vnodeCall.type === 13) { convertToBlock(vnodeCall, context); } injectProp(vnodeCall, keyProperty, context); return ret; } } function isSameKey(a, b) { if (!a || a.type !== b.type) { return false; } if (a.type === 6) { if (a.value.content !== b.value.content) { return false; } } else { const exp = a.exp; const branchExp = b.exp; if (exp.type !== branchExp.type) { return false; } if (exp.type !== 4 || exp.isStatic !== branchExp.isStatic || exp.content !== branchExp.content) { return false; } } return true; } function getParentCondition(node) { while (true) { if (node.type === 19) { if (node.alternate.type === 19) { node = node.alternate; } else { return node; } } else if (node.type === 20) { node = node.value; } } } const transformFor = createStructuralDirectiveTransform( "for", (node, dir, context) => { const { helper, removeHelper } = context; return processFor(node, dir, context, (forNode) => { const renderExp = createCallExpression(helper(RENDER_LIST), [ forNode.source ]); const isTemplate = isTemplateNode(node); const memo = findDir(node, "memo"); const keyProp = findProp(node, `key`); const keyExp = keyProp && (keyProp.type === 6 ? createSimpleExpression(keyProp.value.content, true) : keyProp.exp); const keyProperty = keyProp ? createObjectProperty(`key`, keyExp) : null; const isStableFragment = forNode.source.type === 4 && forNode.source.constType > 0; const fragmentFlag = isStableFragment ? 64 : keyProp ? 128 : 256; forNode.codegenNode = createVNodeCall( context, helper(FRAGMENT), void 0, renderExp, fragmentFlag + (` /* ${PatchFlagNames[fragmentFlag]} */` ), void 0, void 0, true, !isStableFragment, false, node.loc ); return () => { let childBlock; const { children } = forNode; if (isTemplate) { node.children.some((c) => { if (c.type === 1) { const key = findProp(c, "key"); if (key) { context.onError( createCompilerError( 33, key.loc ) ); return true; } } }); } const needFragmentWrapper = children.length !== 1 || children[0].type !== 1; const slotOutlet = isSlotOutlet(node) ? node : isTemplate && node.children.length === 1 && isSlotOutlet(node.children[0]) ? node.children[0] : null; if (slotOutlet) { childBlock = slotOutlet.codegenNode; if (isTemplate && keyProperty) { injectProp(childBlock, keyProperty, context); } } else if (needFragmentWrapper) { childBlock = createVNodeCall( context, helper(FRAGMENT), keyProperty ? createObjectExpression([keyProperty]) : void 0, node.children, 64 + (` /* ${PatchFlagNames[64]} */` ), void 0, void 0, true, void 0, false ); } else { childBlock = children[0].codegenNode; if (isTemplate && keyProperty) { injectProp(childBlock, keyProperty, context); } if (childBlock.isBlock !== !isStableFragment) { if (childBlock.isBlock) { removeHelper(OPEN_BLOCK); removeHelper( getVNodeBlockHelper(context.inSSR, childBlock.isComponent) ); } else { removeHelper( getVNodeHelper(context.inSSR, childBlock.isComponent) ); } } childBlock.isBlock = !isStableFragment; if (childBlock.isBlock) { helper(OPEN_BLOCK); helper(getVNodeBlockHelper(context.inSSR, childBlock.isComponent)); } else { helper(getVNodeHelper(context.inSSR, childBlock.isComponent)); } } if (memo) { const loop = createFunctionExpression( createForLoopParams(forNode.parseResult, [ createSimpleExpression(`_cached`) ]) ); loop.body = createBlockStatement([ createCompoundExpression([`const _memo = (`, memo.exp, `)`]), createCompoundExpression([ `if (_cached`, ...keyExp ? [` && _cached.key === `, keyExp] : [], ` && ${context.helperString( IS_MEMO_SAME )}(_cached, _memo)) return _cached` ]), createCompoundExpression([`const _item = `, childBlock]), createSimpleExpression(`_item.memo = _memo`), createSimpleExpression(`return _item`) ]); renderExp.arguments.push( loop, createSimpleExpression(`_cache`), createSimpleExpression(String(context.cached++)) ); } else { renderExp.arguments.push( createFunctionExpression( createForLoopParams(forNode.parseResult), childBlock, true ) ); } }; }); } ); function processFor(node, dir, context, processCodegen) { if (!dir.exp) { context.onError( createCompilerError(31, dir.loc) ); return; } const parseResult = dir.forParseResult; if (!parseResult) { context.onError( createCompilerError(32, dir.loc) ); return; } finalizeForParseResult(parseResult, context); const { addIdentifiers, removeIdentifiers, scopes } = context; const { source, value, key, index } = parseResult; const forNode = { type: 11, loc: dir.loc, source, valueAlias: value, keyAlias: key, objectIndexAlias: index, parseResult, children: isTemplateNode(node) ? node.children : [node] }; context.replaceNode(forNode); scopes.vFor++; const onExit = processCodegen && processCodegen(forNode); return () => { scopes.vFor--; if (onExit) onExit(); }; } function finalizeForParseResult(result, context) { if (result.finalized) return; { validateBrowserExpression(result.source, context); if (result.key) { validateBrowserExpression( result.key, context, true ); } if (result.index) { validateBrowserExpression( result.index, context, true ); } if (result.value) { validateBrowserExpression( result.value, context, true ); } } result.finalized = true; } function createForLoopParams({ value, key, index }, memoArgs = []) { return createParamsList([value, key, index, ...memoArgs]); } function createParamsList(args) { let i = args.length; while (i--) { if (args[i]) break; } return args.slice(0, i + 1).map((arg, i2) => arg || createSimpleExpression(`_`.repeat(i2 + 1), false)); } const defaultFallback = createSimpleExpression(`undefined`, false); const trackSlotScopes = (node, context) => { if (node.type === 1 && (node.tagType === 1 || node.tagType === 3)) { const vSlot = findDir(node, "slot"); if (vSlot) { vSlot.exp; context.scopes.vSlot++; return () => { context.scopes.vSlot--; }; } } }; const trackVForSlotScopes = (node, context) => { let vFor; if (isTemplateNode(node) && node.props.some(isVSlot) && (vFor = findDir(node, "for"))) { const result = vFor.forParseResult; if (result) { finalizeForParseResult(result, context); const { value, key, index } = result; const { addIdentifiers, removeIdentifiers } = context; value && addIdentifiers(value); key && addIdentifiers(key); index && addIdentifiers(index); return () => { value && removeIdentifiers(value); key && removeIdentifiers(key); index && removeIdentifiers(index); }; } } }; const buildClientSlotFn = (props, _vForExp, children, loc) => createFunctionExpression( props, children, false, true, children.length ? children[0].loc : loc ); function buildSlots(node, context, buildSlotFn = buildClientSlotFn) { context.helper(WITH_CTX); const { children, loc } = node; const slotsProperties = []; const dynamicSlots = []; let hasDynamicSlots = context.scopes.vSlot > 0 || context.scopes.vFor > 0; const onComponentSlot = findDir(node, "slot", true); if (onComponentSlot) { const { arg, exp } = onComponentSlot; if (arg && !isStaticExp(arg)) { hasDynamicSlots = true; } slotsProperties.push( createObjectProperty( arg || createSimpleExpression("default", true), buildSlotFn(exp, void 0, children, loc) ) ); } let hasTemplateSlots = false; let hasNamedDefaultSlot = false; const implicitDefaultChildren = []; const seenSlotNames = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(); let conditionalBranchIndex = 0; for (let i = 0; i < children.length; i++) { const slotElement = children[i]; let slotDir; if (!isTemplateNode(slotElement) || !(slotDir = findDir(slotElement, "slot", true))) { if (slotElement.type !== 3) { implicitDefaultChildren.push(slotElement); } continue; } if (onComponentSlot) { context.onError( createCompilerError(37, slotDir.loc) ); break; } hasTemplateSlots = true; const { children: slotChildren, loc: slotLoc } = slotElement; const { arg: slotName = createSimpleExpression(`default`, true), exp: slotProps, loc: dirLoc } = slotDir; let staticSlotName; if (isStaticExp(slotName)) { staticSlotName = slotName ? slotName.content : `default`; } else { hasDynamicSlots = true; } const vFor = findDir(slotElement, "for"); const slotFunction = buildSlotFn(slotProps, vFor, slotChildren, slotLoc); let vIf; let vElse; if (vIf = findDir(slotElement, "if")) { hasDynamicSlots = true; dynamicSlots.push( createConditionalExpression( vIf.exp, buildDynamicSlot(slotName, slotFunction, conditionalBranchIndex++), defaultFallback ) ); } else if (vElse = findDir( slotElement, /^else(-if)?$/, true /* allowEmpty */ )) { let j = i; let prev; while (j--) { prev = children[j]; if (prev.type !== 3) { break; } } if (prev && isTemplateNode(prev) && findDir(prev, "if")) { children.splice(i, 1); i--; let conditional = dynamicSlots[dynamicSlots.length - 1]; while (conditional.alternate.type === 19) { conditional = conditional.alternate; } conditional.alternate = vElse.exp ? createConditionalExpression( vElse.exp, buildDynamicSlot( slotName, slotFunction, conditionalBranchIndex++ ), defaultFallback ) : buildDynamicSlot(slotName, slotFunction, conditionalBranchIndex++); } else { context.onError( createCompilerError(30, vElse.loc) ); } } else if (vFor) { hasDynamicSlots = true; const parseResult = vFor.forParseResult; if (parseResult) { finalizeForParseResult(parseResult, context); dynamicSlots.push( createCallExpression(context.helper(RENDER_LIST), [ parseResult.source, createFunctionExpression( createForLoopParams(parseResult), buildDynamicSlot(slotName, slotFunction), true ) ]) ); } else { context.onError( createCompilerError( 32, vFor.loc ) ); } } else { if (staticSlotName) { if (seenSlotNames.has(staticSlotName)) { context.onError( createCompilerError( 38, dirLoc ) ); continue; } seenSlotNames.add(staticSlotName); if (staticSlotName === "default") { hasNamedDefaultSlot = true; } } slotsProperties.push(createObjectProperty(slotName, slotFunction)); } } if (!onComponentSlot) { const buildDefaultSlotProperty = (props, children2) => { const fn = buildSlotFn(props, void 0, children2, loc); if (context.compatConfig) { fn.isNonScopedSlot = true; } return createObjectProperty(`default`, fn); }; if (!hasTemplateSlots) { slotsProperties.push(buildDefaultSlotProperty(void 0, children)); } else if (implicitDefaultChildren.length && // #3766 // with whitespace: 'preserve', whitespaces between slots will end up in // implicitDefaultChildren. Ignore if all implicit children are whitespaces. implicitDefaultChildren.some((node2) => isNonWhitespaceContent(node2))) { if (hasNamedDefaultSlot) { context.onError( createCompilerError( 39, implicitDefaultChildren[0].loc ) ); } else { slotsProperties.push( buildDefaultSlotProperty(void 0, implicitDefaultChildren) ); } } } const slotFlag = hasDynamicSlots ? 2 : hasForwardedSlots(node.children) ? 3 : 1; let slots = createObjectExpression( slotsProperties.concat( createObjectProperty( `_`, // 2 = compiled but dynamic = can skip normalization, but must run diff // 1 = compiled and static = can skip normalization AND diff as optimized createSimpleExpression( slotFlag + (` /* ${slotFlagsText[slotFlag]} */` ), false ) ) ), loc ); if (dynamicSlots.length) { slots = createCallExpression(context.helper(CREATE_SLOTS), [ slots, createArrayExpression(dynamicSlots) ]); } return { slots, hasDynamicSlots }; } function buildDynamicSlot(name, fn, index) { const props = [ createObjectProperty(`name`, name), createObjectProperty(`fn`, fn) ]; if (index != null) { props.push( createObjectProperty(`key`, createSimpleExpression(String(index), true)) ); } return createObjectExpression(props); } function hasForwardedSlots(children) { for (let i = 0; i < children.length; i++) { const child = children[i]; switch (child.type) { case 1: if (child.tagType === 2 || hasForwardedSlots(child.children)) { return true; } break; case 9: if (hasForwardedSlots(child.branches)) return true; break; case 10: case 11: if (hasForwardedSlots(child.children)) return true; break; } } return false; } function isNonWhitespaceContent(node) { if (node.type !== 2 && node.type !== 12) return true; return node.type === 2 ? !!node.content.trim() : isNonWhitespaceContent(node.content); } const directiveImportMap = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(); const transformElement = (node, context) => { return function postTransformElement() { node = context.currentNode; if (!(node.type === 1 && (node.tagType === 0 || node.tagType === 1))) { return; } const { tag, props } = node; const isComponent = node.tagType === 1; let vnodeTag = isComponent ? resolveComponentType(node, context) : `"${tag}"`; const isDynamicComponent = isObject(vnodeTag) && vnodeTag.callee === RESOLVE_DYNAMIC_COMPONENT; let vnodeProps; let vnodeChildren; let vnodePatchFlag; let patchFlag = 0; let vnodeDynamicProps; let dynamicPropNames; let vnodeDirectives; let shouldUseBlock = ( // dynamic component may resolve to plain elements isDynamicComponent || vnodeTag === TELEPORT || vnodeTag === SUSPENSE || !isComponent && // <svg> and <foreignObject> must be forced into blocks so that block // updates inside get proper isSVG flag at runtime. (#639, #643) // This is technically web-specific, but splitting the logic out of core // leads to too much unnecessary complexity. (tag === "svg" || tag === "foreignObject") ); if (props.length > 0) { const propsBuildResult = buildProps( node, context, void 0, isComponent, isDynamicComponent ); vnodeProps = propsBuildResult.props; patchFlag = propsBuildResult.patchFlag; dynamicPropNames = propsBuildResult.dynamicPropNames; const directives = propsBuildResult.directives; vnodeDirectives = directives && directives.length ? createArrayExpression( directives.map((dir) => buildDirectiveArgs(dir, context)) ) : void 0; if (propsBuildResult.shouldUseBlock) { shouldUseBlock = true; } } if (node.children.length > 0) { if (vnodeTag === KEEP_ALIVE) { shouldUseBlock = true; patchFlag |= 1024; if (node.children.length > 1) { context.onError( createCompilerError(46, { start: node.children[0].loc.start, end: node.children[node.children.length - 1].loc.end, source: "" }) ); } } const shouldBuildAsSlots = isComponent && // Teleport is not a real component and has dedicated runtime handling vnodeTag !== TELEPORT && // explained above. vnodeTag !== KEEP_ALIVE; if (shouldBuildAsSlots) { const { slots, hasDynamicSlots } = buildSlots(node, context); vnodeChildren = slots; if (hasDynamicSlots) { patchFlag |= 1024; } } else if (node.children.length === 1 && vnodeTag !== TELEPORT) { const child = node.children[0]; const type = child.type; const hasDynamicTextChild = type === 5 || type === 8; if (hasDynamicTextChild && getConstantType(child, context) === 0) { patchFlag |= 1; } if (hasDynamicTextChild || type === 2) { vnodeChildren = child; } else { vnodeChildren = node.children; } } else { vnodeChildren = node.children; } } if (patchFlag !== 0) { { if (patchFlag < 0) { vnodePatchFlag = patchFlag + ` /* ${PatchFlagNames[patchFlag]} */`; } else { const flagNames = Object.keys(PatchFlagNames).map(Number).filter((n) => n > 0 && patchFlag & n).map((n) => PatchFlagNames[n]).join(`, `); vnodePatchFlag = patchFlag + ` /* ${flagNames} */`; } } if (dynamicPropNames && dynamicPropNames.length) { vnodeDynamicProps = stringifyDynamicPropNames(dynamicPropNames); } } node.codegenNode = createVNodeCall( context, vnodeTag, vnodeProps, vnodeChildren, vnodePatchFlag, vnodeDynamicProps, vnodeDirectives, !!shouldUseBlock, false, isComponent, node.loc ); }; }; function resolveComponentType(node, context, ssr = false) { let { tag } = node; const isExplicitDynamic = isComponentTag(tag); const isProp = findProp(node, "is"); if (isProp) { if (isExplicitDynamic || isCompatEnabled( "COMPILER_IS_ON_ELEMENT", context )) { const exp = isProp.type === 6 ? isProp.value && createSimpleExpression(isProp.value.content, true) : isProp.exp; if (exp) { return createCallExpression(context.helper(RESOLVE_DYNAMIC_COMPONENT), [ exp ]); } } else if (isProp.type === 6 && isProp.value.content.startsWith("vue:")) { tag = isProp.value.content.slice(4); } } const builtIn = isCoreComponent(tag) || context.isBuiltInComponent(tag); if (builtIn) { if (!ssr) context.helper(builtIn); return builtIn; } context.helper(RESOLVE_COMPONENT); context.components.add(tag); return toValidAssetId(tag, `component`); } function buildProps(node, context, props = node.props, isComponent, isDynamicComponent, ssr = false) { const { tag, loc: elementLoc, children } = node; let properties = []; const mergeArgs = []; const runtimeDirectives = []; const hasChildren = children.length > 0; let shouldUseBlock = false; let patchFlag = 0; let hasRef = false; let hasClassBinding = false; let hasStyleBinding = false; let hasHydrationEventBinding = false; let hasDynamicKeys = false; let hasVnodeHook = false; const dynamicPropNames = []; const pushMergeArg = (arg) => { if (properties.length) { mergeArgs.push( createObjectExpression(dedupeProperties(properties), elementLoc) ); properties = []; } if (arg) mergeArgs.push(arg); }; const analyzePatchFlag = ({ key, value }) => { if (isStaticExp(key)) { const name = key.content; const isEventHandler = isOn(name); if (isEventHandler && (!isComponent || isDynamicComponent) && // omit the flag for click handlers because hydration gives click // dedicated fast path. name.toLowerCase() !== "onclick" && // omit v-model handlers name !== "onUpdate:modelValue" && // omit onVnodeXXX hooks !isReservedProp(name)) { hasHydrationEventBinding = true; } if (isEventHandler && isReservedProp(name)) { hasVnodeHook = true; } if (isEventHandler && value.type === 14) { value = value.arguments[0]; } if (value.type === 20 || (value.type === 4 || value.type === 8) && getConstantType(value, context) > 0) { return; } if (name === "ref") { hasRef = true; } else if (name === "class") { hasClassBinding = true; } else if (name === "style") { hasStyleBinding = true; } else if (name !== "key" && !dynamicPropNames.includes(name)) { dynamicPropNames.push(name); } if (isComponent && (name === "class" || name === "style") && !dynamicPropNames.includes(name)) { dynamicPropNames.push(name); } } else { hasDynamicKeys = true; } }; for (let i = 0; i < props.length; i++) { const prop = props[i]; if (prop.type === 6) { const { loc, name, nameLoc, value } = prop; let isStatic = true; if (name === "ref") { hasRef = true; if (context.scopes.vFor > 0) { properties.push( createObjectProperty( createSimpleExpression("ref_for", true), createSimpleExpression("true") ) ); } } if (name === "is" && (isComponentTag(tag) || value && value.content.startsWith("vue:") || isCompatEnabled( "COMPILER_IS_ON_ELEMENT", context ))) { continue; } properties.push( createObjectProperty( createSimpleExpression(name, true, nameLoc), createSimpleExpression( value ? value.content : "", isStatic, value ? value.loc : loc ) ) ); } else { const { name, arg, exp, loc, modifiers } = prop; const isVBind = name === "bind"; const isVOn = name === "on"; if (name === "slot") { if (!isComponent) { context.onError( createCompilerError(40, loc) ); } continue; } if (name === "once" || name === "memo") { continue; } if (name === "is" || isVBind && isStaticArgOf(arg, "is") && (isComponentTag(tag) || isCompatEnabled( "COMPILER_IS_ON_ELEMENT", context ))) { continue; } if (isVOn && ssr) { continue; } if ( // #938: elements with dynamic keys should be forced into blocks isVBind && isStaticArgOf(arg, "key") || // inline before-update hooks need to force block so that it is invoked // before children isVOn && hasChildren && isStaticArgOf(arg, "vue:before-update") ) { shouldUseBlock = true; } if (isVBind && isStaticArgOf(arg, "ref") && context.scopes.vFor > 0) { properties.push( createObjectProperty( createSimpleExpression("ref_for", true), createSimpleExpression("true") ) ); } if (!arg && (isVBind || isVOn)) { hasDynamicKeys = true; if (exp) { if (isVBind) { pushMergeArg(); { { const hasOverridableKeys = mergeArgs.some((arg2) => { if (arg2.type === 15) { return arg2.properties.some(({ key }) => { if (key.type !== 4 || !key.isStatic) { return true; } return key.content !== "class" && key.content !== "style" && !isOn(key.content); }); } else { return true; } }); if (hasOverridableKeys) { checkCompatEnabled( "COMPILER_V_BIND_OBJECT_ORDER", context, loc ); } } if (isCompatEnabled( "COMPILER_V_BIND_OBJECT_ORDER", context )) { mergeArgs.unshift(exp); continue; } } mergeArgs.push(exp); } else { pushMergeArg({ type: 14, loc, callee: context.helper(TO_HANDLERS), arguments: isComponent ? [exp] : [exp, `true`] }); } } else { context.onError( createCompilerError( isVBind ? 34 : 35, loc ) ); } continue; } if (isVBind && modifiers.includes("prop")) { patchFlag |= 32; } const directiveTransform = context.directiveTransforms[name]; if (directiveTransform) { const { props: props2, needRuntime } = directiveTransform(prop, node, context); !ssr && props2.forEach(analyzePatchFlag); if (isVOn && arg && !isStaticExp(arg)) { pushMergeArg(createObjectExpression(props2, elementLoc)); } else { properties.push(...props2); } if (needRuntime) { runtimeDirectives.push(prop); if (isSymbol(needRuntime)) { directiveImportMap.set(prop, needRuntime); } } } else if (!isBuiltInDirective(name)) { runtimeDirectives.push(prop); if (hasChildren) { shouldUseBlock = true; } } } } let propsExpression = void 0; if (mergeArgs.length) { pushMergeArg(); if (mergeArgs.length > 1) { propsExpression = createCallExpression( context.helper(MERGE_PROPS), mergeArgs, elementLoc ); } else { propsExpression = mergeArgs[0]; } } else if (properties.length) { propsExpression = createObjectExpression( dedupeProperties(properties), elementLoc ); } if (hasDynamicKeys) { patchFlag |= 16; } else { if (hasClassBinding && !isComponent) { patchFlag |= 2; } if (hasStyleBinding && !isComponent) { patchFlag |= 4; } if (dynamicPropNames.length) { patchFlag |= 8; } if (hasHydrationEventBinding) { patchFlag |= 32; } } if (!shouldUseBlock && (patchFlag === 0 || patchFlag === 32) && (hasRef || hasVnodeHook || runtimeDirectives.length > 0)) { patchFlag |= 512; } if (!context.inSSR && propsExpression) { switch (propsExpression.type) { case 15: let classKeyIndex = -1; let styleKeyIndex = -1; let hasDynamicKey = false; for (let i = 0; i < propsExpression.properties.length; i++) { const key = propsExpression.properties[i].key; if (isStaticExp(key)) { if (key.content === "class") { classKeyIndex = i; } else if (key.content === "style") { styleKeyIndex = i; } } else if (!key.isHandlerKey) { hasDynamicKey = true; } } const classProp = propsExpression.properties[classKeyIndex]; const styleProp = propsExpression.properties[styleKeyIndex]; if (!hasDynamicKey) { if (classProp && !isStaticExp(classProp.value)) { classProp.value = createCallExpression( context.helper(NORMALIZE_CLASS), [classProp.value] ); } if (styleProp && // the static style is compiled into an object, // so use `hasStyleBinding` to ensure that it is a dynamic style binding (hasStyleBinding || styleProp.value.type === 4 && styleProp.value.content.trim()[0] === `[` || // v-bind:style and style both exist, // v-bind:style with static literal object styleProp.value.type === 17)) { styleProp.value = createCallExpression( context.helper(NORMALIZE_STYLE), [styleProp.value] ); } } else { propsExpression = createCallExpression( context.helper(NORMALIZE_PROPS), [propsExpression] ); } break; case 14: break; default: propsExpression = createCallExpression( context.helper(NORMALIZE_PROPS), [ createCallExpression(context.helper(GUARD_REACTIVE_PROPS), [ propsExpression ]) ] ); break; } } return { props: propsExpression, directives: runtimeDirectives, patchFlag, dynamicPropNames, shouldUseBlock }; } function dedupeProperties(properties) { const knownProps = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); const deduped = []; for (let i = 0; i < properties.length; i++) { const prop = properties[i]; if (prop.key.type === 8 || !prop.key.isStatic) { deduped.push(prop); continue; } const name = prop.key.content; const existing = knownProps.get(name); if (existing) { if (name === "style" || name === "class" || isOn(name)) { mergeAsArray(existing, prop); } } else { knownProps.set(name, prop); deduped.push(prop); } } return deduped; } function mergeAsArray(existing, incoming) { if (existing.value.type === 17) { existing.value.elements.push(incoming.value); } else { existing.value = createArrayExpression( [existing.value, incoming.value], existing.loc ); } } function buildDirectiveArgs(dir, context) { const dirArgs = []; const runtime = directiveImportMap.get(dir); if (runtime) { dirArgs.push(context.helperString(runtime)); } else { { context.helper(RESOLVE_DIRECTIVE); context.directives.add(dir.name); dirArgs.push(toValidAssetId(dir.name, `directive`)); } } const { loc } = dir; if (dir.exp) dirArgs.push(dir.exp); if (dir.arg) { if (!dir.exp) { dirArgs.push(`void 0`); } dirArgs.push(dir.arg); } if (Object.keys(dir.modifiers).length) { if (!dir.arg) { if (!dir.exp) { dirArgs.push(`void 0`); } dirArgs.push(`void 0`); } const trueExpression = createSimpleExpression(`true`, false, loc); dirArgs.push( createObjectExpression( dir.modifiers.map( (modifier) => createObjectProperty(modifier, trueExpression) ), loc ) ); } return createArrayExpression(dirArgs, dir.loc); } function stringifyDynamicPropNames(props) { let propsNamesString = `[`; for (let i = 0, l = props.length; i < l; i++) { propsNamesString += JSON.stringify(props[i]); if (i < l - 1) propsNamesString += ", "; } return propsNamesString + `]`; } function isComponentTag(tag) { return tag === "component" || tag === "Component"; } const transformSlotOutlet = (node, context) => { if (isSlotOutlet(node)) { const { children, loc } = node; const { slotName, slotProps } = processSlotOutlet(node, context); const slotArgs = [ context.prefixIdentifiers ? `_ctx.$slots` : `$slots`, slotName, "{}", "undefined", "true" ]; let expectedLen = 2; if (slotProps) { slotArgs[2] = slotProps; expectedLen = 3; } if (children.length) { slotArgs[3] = createFunctionExpression([], children, false, false, loc); expectedLen = 4; } if (context.scopeId && !context.slotted) { expectedLen = 5; } slotArgs.splice(expectedLen); node.codegenNode = createCallExpression( context.helper(RENDER_SLOT), slotArgs, loc ); } }; function processSlotOutlet(node, context) { let slotName = `"default"`; let slotProps = void 0; const nonNameProps = []; for (let i = 0; i < node.props.length; i++) { const p = node.props[i]; if (p.type === 6) { if (p.value) { if (p.name === "name") { slotName = JSON.stringify(p.value.content); } else { p.name = camelize(p.name); nonNameProps.push(p); } } } else { if (p.name === "bind" && isStaticArgOf(p.arg, "name")) { if (p.exp) { slotName = p.exp; } else if (p.arg && p.arg.type === 4) { const name = camelize(p.arg.content); slotName = p.exp = createSimpleExpression(name, false, p.arg.loc); } } else { if (p.name === "bind" && p.arg && isStaticExp(p.arg)) { p.arg.content = camelize(p.arg.content); } nonNameProps.push(p); } } } if (nonNameProps.length > 0) { const { props, directives } = buildProps( node, context, nonNameProps, false, false ); slotProps = props; if (directives.length) { context.onError( createCompilerError( 36, directives[0].loc ) ); } } return { slotName, slotProps }; } const fnExpRE = /^\s*([\w$_]+|(async\s*)?\([^)]*?\))\s*(:[^=]+)?=>|^\s*(async\s+)?function(?:\s+[\w$]+)?\s*\(/; const transformOn$1 = (dir, node, context, augmentor) => { const { loc, modifiers, arg } = dir; if (!dir.exp && !modifiers.length) { context.onError(createCompilerError(35, loc)); } let eventName; if (arg.type === 4) { if (arg.isStatic) { let rawName = arg.content; if (rawName.startsWith("vnode")) { context.onError(createCompilerError(51, arg.loc)); } if (rawName.startsWith("vue:")) { rawName = `vnode-${rawName.slice(4)}`; } const eventString = node.tagType !== 0 || rawName.startsWith("vnode") || !/[A-Z]/.test(rawName) ? ( // for non-element and vnode lifecycle event listeners, auto convert // it to camelCase. See issue #2249 toHandlerKey(camelize(rawName)) ) : ( // preserve case for plain element listeners that have uppercase // letters, as these may be custom elements' custom events `on:${rawName}` ); eventName = createSimpleExpression(eventString, true, arg.loc); } else { eventName = createCompoundExpression([ `${context.helperString(TO_HANDLER_KEY)}(`, arg, `)` ]); } } else { eventName = arg; eventName.children.unshift(`${context.helperString(TO_HANDLER_KEY)}(`); eventName.children.push(`)`); } let exp = dir.exp; if (exp && !exp.content.trim()) { exp = void 0; } let shouldCache = context.cacheHandlers && !exp && !context.inVOnce; if (exp) { const isMemberExp = isMemberExpression(exp.content); const isInlineStatement = !(isMemberExp || fnExpRE.test(exp.content)); const hasMultipleStatements = exp.content.includes(`;`); { validateBrowserExpression( exp, context, false, hasMultipleStatements ); } if (isInlineStatement || shouldCache && isMemberExp) { exp = createCompoundExpression([ `${isInlineStatement ? `$event` : `${``}(...args)`} => ${hasMultipleStatements ? `{` : `(`}`, exp, hasMultipleStatements ? `}` : `)` ]); } } let ret = { props: [ createObjectProperty( eventName, exp || createSimpleExpression(`() => {}`, false, loc) ) ] }; if (augmentor) { ret = augmentor(ret); } if (shouldCache) { ret.props[0].value = context.cache(ret.props[0].value); } ret.props.forEach((p) => p.key.isHandlerKey = true); return ret; }; const transformBind = (dir, _node, context) => { const { modifiers, loc } = dir; const arg = dir.arg; let { exp } = dir; if (exp && exp.type === 4 && !exp.content.trim()) { { exp = void 0; } } if (!exp) { if (arg.type !== 4 || !arg.isStatic) { context.onError( createCompilerError( 52, arg.loc ) ); return { props: [ createObjectProperty(arg, createSimpleExpression("", true, loc)) ] }; } const propName = camelize(arg.content); exp = dir.exp = createSimpleExpression(propName, false, arg.loc); } if (arg.type !== 4) { arg.children.unshift(`(`); arg.children.push(`) || ""`); } else if (!arg.isStatic) { arg.content = `${arg.content} || ""`; } if (modifiers.includes("camel")) { if (arg.type === 4) { if (arg.isStatic) { arg.content = camelize(arg.content); } else { arg.content = `${context.helperString(CAMELIZE)}(${arg.content})`; } } else { arg.children.unshift(`${context.helperString(CAMELIZE)}(`); arg.children.push(`)`); } } if (!context.inSSR) { if (modifiers.includes("prop")) { injectPrefix(arg, "."); } if (modifiers.includes("attr")) { injectPrefix(arg, "^"); } } return { props: [createObjectProperty(arg, exp)] }; }; const injectPrefix = (arg, prefix) => { if (arg.type === 4) { if (arg.isStatic) { arg.content = prefix + arg.content; } else { arg.content = `\`${prefix}\${${arg.content}}\``; } } else { arg.children.unshift(`'${prefix}' + (`); arg.children.push(`)`); } }; const transformText = (node, context) => { if (node.type === 0 || node.type === 1 || node.type === 11 || node.type === 10) { return () => { const children = node.children; let currentContainer = void 0; let hasText = false; for (let i = 0; i < children.length; i++) { const child = children[i]; if (isText$1(child)) { hasText = true; for (let j = i + 1; j < children.length; j++) { const next = children[j]; if (isText$1(next)) { if (!currentContainer) { currentContainer = children[i] = createCompoundExpression( [child], child.loc ); } currentContainer.children.push(` + `, next); children.splice(j, 1); j--; } else { currentContainer = void 0; break; } } } } if (!hasText || // if this is a plain element with a single text child, leave it // as-is since the runtime has dedicated fast path for this by directly // setting textContent of the element. // for component root it's always normalized anyway. children.length === 1 && (node.type === 0 || node.type === 1 && node.tagType === 0 && // #3756 // custom directives can potentially add DOM elements arbitrarily, // we need to avoid setting textContent of the element at runtime // to avoid accidentally overwriting the DOM elements added // by the user through custom directives. !node.props.find( (p) => p.type === 7 && !context.directiveTransforms[p.name] ) && // in compat mode, <template> tags with no special directives // will be rendered as a fragment so its children must be // converted into vnodes. !(node.tag === "template"))) { return; } for (let i = 0; i < children.length; i++) { const child = children[i]; if (isText$1(child) || child.type === 8) { const callArgs = []; if (child.type !== 2 || child.content !== " ") { callArgs.push(child); } if (!context.ssr && getConstantType(child, context) === 0) { callArgs.push( 1 + (` /* ${PatchFlagNames[1]} */` ) ); } children[i] = { type: 12, content: child, loc: child.loc, codegenNode: createCallExpression( context.helper(CREATE_TEXT), callArgs ) }; } } }; } }; const seen$1 = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakSet(); const transformOnce = (node, context) => { if (node.type === 1 && findDir(node, "once", true)) { if (seen$1.has(node) || context.inVOnce || context.inSSR) { return; } seen$1.add(node); context.inVOnce = true; context.helper(SET_BLOCK_TRACKING); return () => { context.inVOnce = false; const cur = context.currentNode; if (cur.codegenNode) { cur.codegenNode = context.cache( cur.codegenNode, true /* isVNode */ ); } }; } }; const transformModel$1 = (dir, node, context) => { const { exp, arg } = dir; if (!exp) { context.onError( createCompilerError(41, dir.loc) ); return createTransformProps(); } const rawExp = exp.loc.source; const expString = exp.type === 4 ? exp.content : rawExp; const bindingType = context.bindingMetadata[rawExp]; if (bindingType === "props" || bindingType === "props-aliased") { context.onError(createCompilerError(44, exp.loc)); return createTransformProps(); } const maybeRef = false; if (!expString.trim() || !isMemberExpression(expString) && !maybeRef) { context.onError( createCompilerError(42, exp.loc) ); return createTransformProps(); } const propName = arg ? arg : createSimpleExpression("modelValue", true); const eventName = arg ? isStaticExp(arg) ? `onUpdate:${camelize(arg.content)}` : createCompoundExpression(['"onUpdate:" + ', arg]) : `onUpdate:modelValue`; let assignmentExp; const eventArg = context.isTS ? `($event: any)` : `$event`; { assignmentExp = createCompoundExpression([ `${eventArg} => ((`, exp, `) = $event)` ]); } const props = [ // modelValue: foo createObjectProperty(propName, dir.exp), // "onUpdate:modelValue": $event => (foo = $event) createObjectProperty(eventName, assignmentExp) ]; if (dir.modifiers.length && node.tagType === 1) { const modifiers = dir.modifiers.map((m) => (isSimpleIdentifier(m) ? m : JSON.stringify(m)) + `: true`).join(`, `); const modifiersKey = arg ? isStaticExp(arg) ? `${arg.content}Modifiers` : createCompoundExpression([arg, ' + "Modifiers"']) : `modelModifiers`; props.push( createObjectProperty( modifiersKey, createSimpleExpression( `{ ${modifiers} }`, false, dir.loc, 2 ) ) ); } return createTransformProps(props); }; function createTransformProps(props = []) { return { props }; } const validDivisionCharRE = /[\w).+\-_$\]]/; const transformFilter = (node, context) => { if (!isCompatEnabled("COMPILER_FILTERS", context)) { return; } if (node.type === 5) { rewriteFilter(node.content, context); } if (node.type === 1) { node.props.forEach((prop) => { if (prop.type === 7 && prop.name !== "for" && prop.exp) { rewriteFilter(prop.exp, context); } }); } }; function rewriteFilter(node, context) { if (node.type === 4) { parseFilter(node, context); } else { for (let i = 0; i < node.children.length; i++) { const child = node.children[i]; if (typeof child !== "object") continue; if (child.type === 4) { parseFilter(child, context); } else if (child.type === 8) { rewriteFilter(node, context); } else if (child.type === 5) { rewriteFilter(child.content, context); } } } } function parseFilter(node, context) { const exp = node.content; let inSingle = false; let inDouble = false; let inTemplateString = false; let inRegex = false; let curly = 0; let square = 0; let paren = 0; let lastFilterIndex = 0; let c, prev, i, expression, filters = []; for (i = 0; i < exp.length; i++) { prev = c; c = exp.charCodeAt(i); if (inSingle) { if (c === 39 && prev !== 92) inSingle = false; } else if (inDouble) { if (c === 34 && prev !== 92) inDouble = false; } else if (inTemplateString) { if (c === 96 && prev !== 92) inTemplateString = false; } else if (inRegex) { if (c === 47 && prev !== 92) inRegex = false; } else if (c === 124 && // pipe exp.charCodeAt(i + 1) !== 124 && exp.charCodeAt(i - 1) !== 124 && !curly && !square && !paren) { if (expression === void 0) { lastFilterIndex = i + 1; expression = exp.slice(0, i).trim(); } else { pushFilter(); } } else { switch (c) { case 34: inDouble = true; break; case 39: inSingle = true; break; case 96: inTemplateString = true; break; case 40: paren++; break; case 41: paren--; break; case 91: square++; break; case 93: square--; break; case 123: curly++; break; case 125: curly--; break; } if (c === 47) { let j = i - 1; let p; for (; j >= 0; j--) { p = exp.charAt(j); if (p !== " ") break; } if (!p || !validDivisionCharRE.test(p)) { inRegex = true; } } } } if (expression === void 0) { expression = exp.slice(0, i).trim(); } else if (lastFilterIndex !== 0) { pushFilter(); } function pushFilter() { filters.push(exp.slice(lastFilterIndex, i).trim()); lastFilterIndex = i + 1; } if (filters.length) { warnDeprecation( "COMPILER_FILTERS", context, node.loc ); for (i = 0; i < filters.length; i++) { expression = wrapFilter(expression, filters[i], context); } node.content = expression; } } function wrapFilter(exp, filter, context) { context.helper(RESOLVE_FILTER); const i = filter.indexOf("("); if (i < 0) { context.filters.add(filter); return `${toValidAssetId(filter, "filter")}(${exp})`; } else { const name = filter.slice(0, i); const args = filter.slice(i + 1); context.filters.add(name); return `${toValidAssetId(name, "filter")}(${exp}${args !== ")" ? "," + args : args}`; } } const seen = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakSet(); const transformMemo = (node, context) => { if (node.type === 1) { const dir = findDir(node, "memo"); if (!dir || seen.has(node)) { return; } seen.add(node); return () => { const codegenNode = node.codegenNode || context.currentNode.codegenNode; if (codegenNode && codegenNode.type === 13) { if (node.tagType !== 1) { convertToBlock(codegenNode, context); } node.codegenNode = createCallExpression(context.helper(WITH_MEMO), [ dir.exp, createFunctionExpression(void 0, codegenNode), `_cache`, String(context.cached++) ]); } }; } }; function getBaseTransformPreset(prefixIdentifiers) { return [ [ transformOnce, transformIf, transformMemo, transformFor, ...[transformFilter] , ...[transformExpression] , transformSlotOutlet, transformElement, trackSlotScopes, transformText ], { on: transformOn$1, bind: transformBind, model: transformModel$1 } ]; } function baseCompile(source, options = {}) { const onError = options.onError || defaultOnError; const isModuleMode = options.mode === "module"; { if (options.prefixIdentifiers === true) { onError(createCompilerError(47)); } else if (isModuleMode) { onError(createCompilerError(48)); } } const prefixIdentifiers = false; if (options.cacheHandlers) { onError(createCompilerError(49)); } if (options.scopeId && !isModuleMode) { onError(createCompilerError(50)); } const resolvedOptions = extend({}, options, { prefixIdentifiers }); const ast = isString(source) ? baseParse(source, resolvedOptions) : source; const [nodeTransforms, directiveTransforms] = getBaseTransformPreset(); transform( ast, extend({}, resolvedOptions, { nodeTransforms: [ ...nodeTransforms, ...options.nodeTransforms || [] // user transforms ], directiveTransforms: extend( {}, directiveTransforms, options.directiveTransforms || {} // user transforms ) }) ); return generate(ast, resolvedOptions); } const BindingTypes = { "DATA": "data", "PROPS": "props", "PROPS_ALIASED": "props-aliased", "SETUP_LET": "setup-let", "SETUP_CONST": "setup-const", "SETUP_REACTIVE_CONST": "setup-reactive-const", "SETUP_MAYBE_REF": "setup-maybe-ref", "SETUP_REF": "setup-ref", "OPTIONS": "options", "LITERAL_CONST": "literal-const" }; const noopDirectiveTransform = () => ({ props: [] }); const V_MODEL_RADIO = Symbol(`vModelRadio` ); const V_MODEL_CHECKBOX = Symbol(`vModelCheckbox` ); const V_MODEL_TEXT = Symbol(`vModelText` ); const V_MODEL_SELECT = Symbol(`vModelSelect` ); const V_MODEL_DYNAMIC = Symbol(`vModelDynamic` ); const V_ON_WITH_MODIFIERS = Symbol(`vOnModifiersGuard` ); const V_ON_WITH_KEYS = Symbol(`vOnKeysGuard` ); const V_SHOW = Symbol(`vShow` ); const TRANSITION = Symbol(`Transition` ); const TRANSITION_GROUP = Symbol(`TransitionGroup` ); registerRuntimeHelpers({ [V_MODEL_RADIO]: `vModelRadio`, [V_MODEL_CHECKBOX]: `vModelCheckbox`, [V_MODEL_TEXT]: `vModelText`, [V_MODEL_SELECT]: `vModelSelect`, [V_MODEL_DYNAMIC]: `vModelDynamic`, [V_ON_WITH_MODIFIERS]: `withModifiers`, [V_ON_WITH_KEYS]: `withKeys`, [V_SHOW]: `vShow`, [TRANSITION]: `Transition`, [TRANSITION_GROUP]: `TransitionGroup` }); let decoder; function decodeHtmlBrowser(raw, asAttr = false) { if (!decoder) { decoder = document.createElement("div"); } if (asAttr) { decoder.innerHTML = `<div foo="${raw.replace(/"/g, """)}">`; return decoder.children[0].getAttribute("foo"); } else { decoder.innerHTML = raw; return decoder.textContent; } } const parserOptions = { parseMode: "html", isVoidTag, isNativeTag: (tag) => isHTMLTag(tag) || isSVGTag(tag) || isMathMLTag(tag), isPreTag: (tag) => tag === "pre", decodeEntities: decodeHtmlBrowser , isBuiltInComponent: (tag) => { if (tag === "Transition" || tag === "transition") { return TRANSITION; } else if (tag === "TransitionGroup" || tag === "transition-group") { return TRANSITION_GROUP; } }, // https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/parsing.html#tree-construction-dispatcher getNamespace(tag, parent, rootNamespace) { let ns = parent ? parent.ns : rootNamespace; if (parent && ns === 2) { if (parent.tag === "annotation-xml") { if (tag === "svg") { return 1; } if (parent.props.some( (a) => a.type === 6 && a.name === "encoding" && a.value != null && (a.value.content === "text/html" || a.value.content === "application/xhtml+xml") )) { ns = 0; } } else if (/^m(?:[ions]|text)$/.test(parent.tag) && tag !== "mglyph" && tag !== "malignmark") { ns = 0; } } else if (parent && ns === 1) { if (parent.tag === "foreignObject" || parent.tag === "desc" || parent.tag === "title") { ns = 0; } } if (ns === 0) { if (tag === "svg") { return 1; } if (tag === "math") { return 2; } } return ns; } }; const transformStyle = (node) => { if (node.type === 1) { node.props.forEach((p, i) => { if (p.type === 6 && p.name === "style" && p.value) { node.props[i] = { type: 7, name: `bind`, arg: createSimpleExpression(`style`, true, p.loc), exp: parseInlineCSS(p.value.content, p.loc), modifiers: [], loc: p.loc }; } }); } }; const parseInlineCSS = (cssText, loc) => { const normalized = parseStringStyle(cssText); return createSimpleExpression( JSON.stringify(normalized), false, loc, 3 ); }; function createDOMCompilerError(code, loc) { return createCompilerError( code, loc, DOMErrorMessages ); } const DOMErrorCodes = { "X_V_HTML_NO_EXPRESSION": 53, "53": "X_V_HTML_NO_EXPRESSION", "X_V_HTML_WITH_CHILDREN": 54, "54": "X_V_HTML_WITH_CHILDREN", "X_V_TEXT_NO_EXPRESSION": 55, "55": "X_V_TEXT_NO_EXPRESSION", "X_V_TEXT_WITH_CHILDREN": 56, "56": "X_V_TEXT_WITH_CHILDREN", "X_V_MODEL_ON_INVALID_ELEMENT": 57, "57": "X_V_MODEL_ON_INVALID_ELEMENT", "X_V_MODEL_ARG_ON_ELEMENT": 58, "58": "X_V_MODEL_ARG_ON_ELEMENT", "X_V_MODEL_ON_FILE_INPUT_ELEMENT": 59, "59": "X_V_MODEL_ON_FILE_INPUT_ELEMENT", "X_V_MODEL_UNNECESSARY_VALUE": 60, "60": "X_V_MODEL_UNNECESSARY_VALUE", "X_V_SHOW_NO_EXPRESSION": 61, "61": "X_V_SHOW_NO_EXPRESSION", "X_TRANSITION_INVALID_CHILDREN": 62, "62": "X_TRANSITION_INVALID_CHILDREN", "X_IGNORED_SIDE_EFFECT_TAG": 63, "63": "X_IGNORED_SIDE_EFFECT_TAG", "__EXTEND_POINT__": 64, "64": "__EXTEND_POINT__" }; const DOMErrorMessages = { [53]: `v-html is missing expression.`, [54]: `v-html will override element children.`, [55]: `v-text is missing expression.`, [56]: `v-text will override element children.`, [57]: `v-model can only be used on <input>, <textarea> and <select> elements.`, [58]: `v-model argument is not supported on plain elements.`, [59]: `v-model cannot be used on file inputs since they are read-only. Use a v-on:change listener instead.`, [60]: `Unnecessary value binding used alongside v-model. It will interfere with v-model's behavior.`, [61]: `v-show is missing expression.`, [62]: `<Transition> expects exactly one child element or component.`, [63]: `Tags with side effect (<script> and <style>) are ignored in client component templates.` }; const transformVHtml = (dir, node, context) => { const { exp, loc } = dir; if (!exp) { context.onError( createDOMCompilerError(53, loc) ); } if (node.children.length) { context.onError( createDOMCompilerError(54, loc) ); node.children.length = 0; } return { props: [ createObjectProperty( createSimpleExpression(`innerHTML`, true, loc), exp || createSimpleExpression("", true) ) ] }; }; const transformVText = (dir, node, context) => { const { exp, loc } = dir; if (!exp) { context.onError( createDOMCompilerError(55, loc) ); } if (node.children.length) { context.onError( createDOMCompilerError(56, loc) ); node.children.length = 0; } return { props: [ createObjectProperty( createSimpleExpression(`textContent`, true), exp ? getConstantType(exp, context) > 0 ? exp : createCallExpression( context.helperString(TO_DISPLAY_STRING), [exp], loc ) : createSimpleExpression("", true) ) ] }; }; const transformModel = (dir, node, context) => { const baseResult = transformModel$1(dir, node, context); if (!baseResult.props.length || node.tagType === 1) { return baseResult; } if (dir.arg) { context.onError( createDOMCompilerError( 58, dir.arg.loc ) ); } function checkDuplicatedValue() { const value = findDir(node, "bind"); if (value && isStaticArgOf(value.arg, "value")) { context.onError( createDOMCompilerError( 60, value.loc ) ); } } const { tag } = node; const isCustomElement = context.isCustomElement(tag); if (tag === "input" || tag === "textarea" || tag === "select" || isCustomElement) { let directiveToUse = V_MODEL_TEXT; let isInvalidType = false; if (tag === "input" || isCustomElement) { const type = findProp(node, `type`); if (type) { if (type.type === 7) { directiveToUse = V_MODEL_DYNAMIC; } else if (type.value) { switch (type.value.content) { case "radio": directiveToUse = V_MODEL_RADIO; break; case "checkbox": directiveToUse = V_MODEL_CHECKBOX; break; case "file": isInvalidType = true; context.onError( createDOMCompilerError( 59, dir.loc ) ); break; default: checkDuplicatedValue(); break; } } } else if (hasDynamicKeyVBind(node)) { directiveToUse = V_MODEL_DYNAMIC; } else { checkDuplicatedValue(); } } else if (tag === "select") { directiveToUse = V_MODEL_SELECT; } else { checkDuplicatedValue(); } if (!isInvalidType) { baseResult.needRuntime = context.helper(directiveToUse); } } else { context.onError( createDOMCompilerError( 57, dir.loc ) ); } baseResult.props = baseResult.props.filter( (p) => !(p.key.type === 4 && p.key.content === "modelValue") ); return baseResult; }; const isEventOptionModifier = /* @__PURE__ */ makeMap(`passive,once,capture`); const isNonKeyModifier = /* @__PURE__ */ makeMap( // event propagation management `stop,prevent,self,ctrl,shift,alt,meta,exact,middle` ); const maybeKeyModifier = /* @__PURE__ */ makeMap("left,right"); const isKeyboardEvent = /* @__PURE__ */ makeMap( `onkeyup,onkeydown,onkeypress`, true ); const resolveModifiers = (key, modifiers, context, loc) => { const keyModifiers = []; const nonKeyModifiers = []; const eventOptionModifiers = []; for (let i = 0; i < modifiers.length; i++) { const modifier = modifiers[i]; if (modifier === "native" && checkCompatEnabled( "COMPILER_V_ON_NATIVE", context, loc )) { eventOptionModifiers.push(modifier); } else if (isEventOptionModifier(modifier)) { eventOptionModifiers.push(modifier); } else { if (maybeKeyModifier(modifier)) { if (isStaticExp(key)) { if (isKeyboardEvent(key.content)) { keyModifiers.push(modifier); } else { nonKeyModifiers.push(modifier); } } else { keyModifiers.push(modifier); nonKeyModifiers.push(modifier); } } else { if (isNonKeyModifier(modifier)) { nonKeyModifiers.push(modifier); } else { keyModifiers.push(modifier); } } } } return { keyModifiers, nonKeyModifiers, eventOptionModifiers }; }; const transformClick = (key, event) => { const isStaticClick = isStaticExp(key) && key.content.toLowerCase() === "onclick"; return isStaticClick ? createSimpleExpression(event, true) : key.type !== 4 ? createCompoundExpression([ `(`, key, `) === "onClick" ? "${event}" : (`, key, `)` ]) : key; }; const transformOn = (dir, node, context) => { return transformOn$1(dir, node, context, (baseResult) => { const { modifiers } = dir; if (!modifiers.length) return baseResult; let { key, value: handlerExp } = baseResult.props[0]; const { keyModifiers, nonKeyModifiers, eventOptionModifiers } = resolveModifiers(key, modifiers, context, dir.loc); if (nonKeyModifiers.includes("right")) { key = transformClick(key, `onContextmenu`); } if (nonKeyModifiers.includes("middle")) { key = transformClick(key, `onMouseup`); } if (nonKeyModifiers.length) { handlerExp = createCallExpression(context.helper(V_ON_WITH_MODIFIERS), [ handlerExp, JSON.stringify(nonKeyModifiers) ]); } if (keyModifiers.length && // if event name is dynamic, always wrap with keys guard (!isStaticExp(key) || isKeyboardEvent(key.content))) { handlerExp = createCallExpression(context.helper(V_ON_WITH_KEYS), [ handlerExp, JSON.stringify(keyModifiers) ]); } if (eventOptionModifiers.length) { const modifierPostfix = eventOptionModifiers.map(capitalize).join(""); key = isStaticExp(key) ? createSimpleExpression(`${key.content}${modifierPostfix}`, true) : createCompoundExpression([`(`, key, `) + "${modifierPostfix}"`]); } return { props: [createObjectProperty(key, handlerExp)] }; }); }; const transformShow = (dir, node, context) => { const { exp, loc } = dir; if (!exp) { context.onError( createDOMCompilerError(61, loc) ); } return { props: [], needRuntime: context.helper(V_SHOW) }; }; const transformTransition = (node, context) => { if (node.type === 1 && node.tagType === 1) { const component = context.isBuiltInComponent(node.tag); if (component === TRANSITION) { return () => { if (!node.children.length) { return; } if (hasMultipleChildren(node)) { context.onError( createDOMCompilerError( 62, { start: node.children[0].loc.start, end: node.children[node.children.length - 1].loc.end, source: "" } ) ); } const child = node.children[0]; if (child.type === 1) { for (const p of child.props) { if (p.type === 7 && p.name === "show") { node.props.push({ type: 6, name: "persisted", nameLoc: node.loc, value: void 0, loc: node.loc }); } } } }; } } }; function hasMultipleChildren(node) { const children = node.children = node.children.filter( (c) => c.type !== 3 && !(c.type === 2 && !c.content.trim()) ); const child = children[0]; return children.length !== 1 || child.type === 11 || child.type === 9 && child.branches.some(hasMultipleChildren); } const ignoreSideEffectTags = (node, context) => { if (node.type === 1 && node.tagType === 0 && (node.tag === "script" || node.tag === "style")) { context.onError( createDOMCompilerError( 63, node.loc ) ); context.removeNode(); } }; const DOMNodeTransforms = [ transformStyle, ...[transformTransition] ]; const DOMDirectiveTransforms = { cloak: noopDirectiveTransform, html: transformVHtml, text: transformVText, model: transformModel, // override compiler-core on: transformOn, // override compiler-core show: transformShow }; function compile(src, options = {}) { return baseCompile( src, extend({}, parserOptions, options, { nodeTransforms: [ // ignore <script> and <tag> // this is not put inside DOMNodeTransforms because that list is used // by compiler-ssr to generate vnode fallback branches ignoreSideEffectTags, ...DOMNodeTransforms, ...options.nodeTransforms || [] ], directiveTransforms: extend( {}, DOMDirectiveTransforms, options.directiveTransforms || {} ), transformHoist: null }) ); } function parse(template, options = {}) { return baseParse(template, extend({}, parserOptions, options)); } export { BASE_TRANSITION, BindingTypes, CAMELIZE, CAPITALIZE, CREATE_BLOCK, CREATE_COMMENT, CREATE_ELEMENT_BLOCK, CREATE_ELEMENT_VNODE, CREATE_SLOTS, CREATE_STATIC, CREATE_TEXT, CREATE_VNODE, CompilerDeprecationTypes, ConstantTypes, DOMDirectiveTransforms, DOMErrorCodes, DOMErrorMessages, DOMNodeTransforms, ElementTypes, ErrorCodes, FRAGMENT, GUARD_REACTIVE_PROPS, IS_MEMO_SAME, IS_REF, KEEP_ALIVE, MERGE_PROPS, NORMALIZE_CLASS, NORMALIZE_PROPS, NORMALIZE_STYLE, Namespaces, NodeTypes, OPEN_BLOCK, POP_SCOPE_ID, PUSH_SCOPE_ID, RENDER_LIST, RENDER_SLOT, RESOLVE_COMPONENT, RESOLVE_DIRECTIVE, RESOLVE_DYNAMIC_COMPONENT, RESOLVE_FILTER, SET_BLOCK_TRACKING, SUSPENSE, TELEPORT, TO_DISPLAY_STRING, TO_HANDLERS, TO_HANDLER_KEY, TRANSITION, TRANSITION_GROUP, TS_NODE_TYPES, UNREF, V_MODEL_CHECKBOX, V_MODEL_DYNAMIC, V_MODEL_RADIO, V_MODEL_SELECT, V_MODEL_TEXT, V_ON_WITH_KEYS, V_ON_WITH_MODIFIERS, V_SHOW, WITH_CTX, WITH_DIRECTIVES, WITH_MEMO, advancePositionWithClone, advancePositionWithMutation, assert, baseCompile, baseParse, buildDirectiveArgs, buildProps, buildSlots, checkCompatEnabled, compile, convertToBlock, createArrayExpression, createAssignmentExpression, createBlockStatement, createCacheExpression, createCallExpression, createCompilerError, createCompoundExpression, createConditionalExpression, createDOMCompilerError, createForLoopParams, createFunctionExpression, createIfStatement, createInterpolation, createObjectExpression, createObjectProperty, createReturnStatement, createRoot, createSequenceExpression, createSimpleExpression, createStructuralDirectiveTransform, createTemplateLiteral, createTransformContext, createVNodeCall, errorMessages, extractIdentifiers, findDir, findProp, forAliasRE, generate, generateCodeFrame, getBaseTransformPreset, getConstantType, getMemoedVNodeCall, getVNodeBlockHelper, getVNodeHelper, hasDynamicKeyVBind, hasScopeRef, helperNameMap, injectProp, isCoreComponent, isFunctionType, isInDestructureAssignment, isInNewExpression, isMemberExpression, isMemberExpressionBrowser, isMemberExpressionNode, isReferencedIdentifier, isSimpleIdentifier, isSlotOutlet, isStaticArgOf, isStaticExp, isStaticProperty, isStaticPropertyKey, isTemplateNode, isText$1 as isText, isVSlot, locStub, noopDirectiveTransform, parse, parserOptions, processExpression, processFor, processIf, processSlotOutlet, registerRuntimeHelpers, resolveComponentType, stringifyExpression, toValidAssetId, trackSlotScopes, trackVForSlotScopes, transform, transformBind, transformElement, transformExpression, transformModel$1 as transformModel, transformOn$1 as transformOn, transformStyle, traverseNode, unwrapTSNode, walkBlockDeclarations, walkFunctionParams, walkIdentifiers, warnDeprecation };