{"version":3,"sources":["container/ContainerBase/index.js","../../src/container/ContainerBase/index.ts"],"names":["__extends","this","extendStatics","d","b","Object","setPrototypeOf","__proto__","Array","p","prototype","hasOwnProperty","call","TypeError","String","__","constructor","create","ContainerIterator","iteratorType","equals","iter","_node","Base","_length","defineProperty","get","enumerable","configurable","size","empty","Container","_super","apply","arguments"],"mappings":"AAAA,IAAIA,YAAaC,QAAQA,KAAKD,KAAe;IACzC,IAAIE,gBAAgB,SAAUC,GAAGC;QAC7BF,gBAAgBG,OAAOC,kBAClB;YAAEC,WAAW;qBAAgBC,SAAS,SAAUL,GAAGC;YAAKD,EAAEI,YAAYH;AAAG,aAC1E,SAAUD,GAAGC;YAAK,KAAK,IAAIK,KAAKL,GAAG,IAAIC,OAAOK,UAAUC,eAAeC,KAAKR,GAAGK,IAAIN,EAAEM,KAAKL,EAAEK;AAAI;QACpG,OAAOP,cAAcC,GAAGC;AAC5B;IACA,OAAO,SAAUD,GAAGC;QAChB,WAAWA,MAAM,cAAcA,MAAM,MACjC,MAAM,IAAIS,UAAU,yBAAyBC,OAAOV,KAAK;QAC7DF,cAAcC,GAAGC;QACjB,SAASW;YAAOd,KAAKe,cAAcb;AAAG;QACtCA,EAAEO,YAAYN,MAAM,OAAOC,OAAOY,OAAOb,MAAMW,GAAGL,YAAYN,EAAEM,WAAW,IAAIK;AACnF;AACJ,CAd6C;;ACQ7C,IAAAG,oBAAA;IAkBE,SAAAA,kBAAsBC;QAAA,IAAAA,WAAA,GAAA;YAAAA,IAAA;AAAkC;QACtDlB,KAAKkB,eAAeA;ADLpB;ICaFD,kBAAAR,UAAAU,SAAA,SAAOC;QACL,OAAOpB,KAAKqB,MAAUD,EAAKC;ADL3B;ICsDJ,OAAAJ;AAAA,CA7EA;;SD0BSA;;ACqDT,IAAAK,OAAA;IAAA,SAAAA;QAKYtB,KAAAuB,IAAU;AAmCtB;IA5BEnB,OAAAoB,eAAIF,KAAAb,WAAA,UAAM;QDjDJgB,KCiDN;YACE,OAAOzB,KAAKuB;ADhDR;QACAG,YAAY;QACZC,cAAc;;ICsDpBL,KAAAb,UAAAmB,OAAA;QACE,OAAO5B,KAAKuB;AD7CZ;ICqDFD,KAAAb,UAAAoB,QAAA;QACE,OAAO7B,KAAKuB,MAAY;AD7CxB;ICsDJ,OAAAD;AAAA,CAxCA;;SDXSA;;ACqDT,IAAAQ,YAAA,SAAAC;IAA2ChC,UAAA+B,WAAAC;IAA3C,SAAAD;QDjDQ,OAAOC,MAAW,QAAQA,EAAOC,MAAMhC,MAAMiC,cAAcjC;ACiJnE;IAAA,OAAA8B;AAAA,CAhGA,CAA2CR;;SD7ClCQ","file":"index.js","sourcesContent":["var __extends = (this && this.__extends) || (function () {\n var extendStatics = function (d, b) {\n extendStatics = Object.setPrototypeOf ||\n ({ __proto__: [] } instanceof Array && function (d, b) { d.__proto__ = b; }) ||\n function (d, b) { for (var p in b) if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(b, p)) d[p] = b[p]; };\n return extendStatics(d, b);\n };\n return function (d, b) {\n if (typeof b !== \"function\" && b !== null)\n throw new TypeError(\"Class extends value \" + String(b) + \" is not a constructor or null\");\n extendStatics(d, b);\n function __() { this.constructor = d; }\n d.prototype = b === null ? Object.create(b) : (__.prototype = b.prototype, new __());\n };\n})();\nvar ContainerIterator = /** @class */ (function () {\n /**\n * @internal\n */\n function ContainerIterator(iteratorType) {\n if (iteratorType === void 0) { iteratorType = 0 /* IteratorType.NORMAL */; }\n this.iteratorType = iteratorType;\n }\n /**\n * @param iter - The other iterator you want to compare.\n * @returns Whether this equals to obj.\n * @example\n * container.find(1).equals(container.end());\n */\n ContainerIterator.prototype.equals = function (iter) {\n return this._node === iter._node;\n };\n return ContainerIterator;\n}());\nexport { ContainerIterator };\nvar Base = /** @class */ (function () {\n function Base() {\n /**\n * @description Container's size.\n * @internal\n */\n this._length = 0;\n }\n Object.defineProperty(Base.prototype, \"length\", {\n /**\n * @returns The size of the container.\n * @example\n * const container = new Vector([1, 2]);\n * console.log(container.length); // 2\n */\n get: function () {\n return this._length;\n },\n enumerable: false,\n configurable: true\n });\n /**\n * @returns The size of the container.\n * @example\n * const container = new Vector([1, 2]);\n * console.log(container.size()); // 2\n */\n Base.prototype.size = function () {\n return this._length;\n };\n /**\n * @returns Whether the container is empty.\n * @example\n * container.clear();\n * console.log(container.empty()); // true\n */\n Base.prototype.empty = function () {\n return this._length === 0;\n };\n return Base;\n}());\nexport { Base };\nvar Container = /** @class */ (function (_super) {\n __extends(Container, _super);\n function Container() {\n return _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this;\n }\n return Container;\n}(Base));\nexport { Container };\n","/**\n * @description The iterator type including `NORMAL` and `REVERSE`.\n */\nexport const enum IteratorType {\n NORMAL = 0,\n REVERSE = 1\n}\n\nexport abstract class ContainerIterator {\n /**\n * @description The container pointed to by the iterator.\n */\n abstract readonly container: Container;\n /**\n * @internal\n */\n abstract _node: unknown;\n /**\n * @description Iterator's type.\n * @example\n * console.log(container.end().iteratorType === IteratorType.NORMAL); // true\n */\n readonly iteratorType: IteratorType;\n /**\n * @internal\n */\n protected constructor(iteratorType = IteratorType.NORMAL) {\n this.iteratorType = iteratorType;\n }\n /**\n * @param iter - The other iterator you want to compare.\n * @returns Whether this equals to obj.\n * @example\n * container.find(1).equals(container.end());\n */\n equals(iter: ContainerIterator) {\n return this._node === iter._node;\n }\n /**\n * @description Pointers to element.\n * @returns The value of the pointer's element.\n * @example\n * const val = container.begin().pointer;\n */\n abstract get pointer(): T;\n /**\n * @description Set pointer's value (some containers are unavailable).\n * @param newValue - The new value you want to set.\n * @example\n * (>container).begin().pointer = 1;\n */\n abstract set pointer(newValue: T);\n /**\n * @description Move `this` iterator to pre.\n * @returns The iterator's self.\n * @example\n * const iter = container.find(1); // container = [0, 1]\n * const pre = iter.pre();\n * console.log(pre === iter); // true\n * console.log(pre.equals(iter)); // true\n * console.log(pre.pointer, iter.pointer); // 0, 0\n */\n abstract pre(): this;\n /**\n * @description Move `this` iterator to next.\n * @returns The iterator's self.\n * @example\n * const iter = container.find(1); // container = [1, 2]\n * const next = iter.next();\n * console.log(next === iter); // true\n * console.log(next.equals(iter)); // true\n * console.log(next.pointer, iter.pointer); // 2, 2\n */\n abstract next(): this;\n /**\n * @description Get a copy of itself.\n * @returns The copy of self.\n * @example\n * const iter = container.find(1); // container = [1, 2]\n * const next = iter.copy().next();\n * console.log(next === iter); // false\n * console.log(next.equals(iter)); // false\n * console.log(next.pointer, iter.pointer); // 2, 1\n */\n abstract copy(): ContainerIterator;\n}\n\nexport abstract class Base {\n /**\n * @description Container's size.\n * @internal\n */\n protected _length = 0;\n /**\n * @returns The size of the container.\n * @example\n * const container = new Vector([1, 2]);\n * console.log(container.length); // 2\n */\n get length() {\n return this._length;\n }\n /**\n * @returns The size of the container.\n * @example\n * const container = new Vector([1, 2]);\n * console.log(container.size()); // 2\n */\n size() {\n return this._length;\n }\n /**\n * @returns Whether the container is empty.\n * @example\n * container.clear();\n * console.log(container.empty()); // true\n */\n empty() {\n return this._length === 0;\n }\n /**\n * @description Clear the container.\n * @example\n * container.clear();\n * console.log(container.empty()); // true\n */\n abstract clear(): void;\n}\n\nexport abstract class Container extends Base {\n /**\n * @returns Iterator pointing to the beginning element.\n * @example\n * const begin = container.begin();\n * const end = container.end();\n * for (const it = begin; !it.equals(end); it.next()) {\n * doSomething(it.pointer);\n * }\n */\n abstract begin(): ContainerIterator;\n /**\n * @returns Iterator pointing to the super end like c++.\n * @example\n * const begin = container.begin();\n * const end = container.end();\n * for (const it = begin; !it.equals(end); it.next()) {\n * doSomething(it.pointer);\n * }\n */\n abstract end(): ContainerIterator;\n /**\n * @returns Iterator pointing to the end element.\n * @example\n * const rBegin = container.rBegin();\n * const rEnd = container.rEnd();\n * for (const it = rBegin; !it.equals(rEnd); it.next()) {\n * doSomething(it.pointer);\n * }\n */\n abstract rBegin(): ContainerIterator;\n /**\n * @returns Iterator pointing to the super begin like c++.\n * @example\n * const rBegin = container.rBegin();\n * const rEnd = container.rEnd();\n * for (const it = rBegin; !it.equals(rEnd); it.next()) {\n * doSomething(it.pointer);\n * }\n */\n abstract rEnd(): ContainerIterator;\n /**\n * @returns The first element of the container.\n */\n abstract front(): T | undefined;\n /**\n * @returns The last element of the container.\n */\n abstract back(): T | undefined;\n /**\n * @param element - The element you want to find.\n * @returns An iterator pointing to the element if found, or super end if not found.\n * @example\n * container.find(1).equals(container.end());\n */\n abstract find(element: T): ContainerIterator;\n /**\n * @description Iterate over all elements in the container.\n * @param callback - Callback function like Array.forEach.\n * @example\n * container.forEach((element, index) => console.log(element, index));\n */\n abstract forEach(callback: (element: T, index: number, container: Container) => void): void;\n /**\n * @description Gets the value of the element at the specified position.\n * @example\n * const val = container.getElementByPos(-1); // throw a RangeError\n */\n abstract getElementByPos(pos: number): T;\n /**\n * @description Removes the element at the specified position.\n * @param pos - The element's position you want to remove.\n * @returns The container length after erasing.\n * @example\n * container.eraseElementByPos(-1); // throw a RangeError\n */\n abstract eraseElementByPos(pos: number): number;\n /**\n * @description Removes element by iterator and move `iter` to next.\n * @param iter - The iterator you want to erase.\n * @returns The next iterator.\n * @example\n * container.eraseElementByIterator(container.begin());\n * container.eraseElementByIterator(container.end()); // throw a RangeError\n */\n abstract eraseElementByIterator(\n iter: ContainerIterator\n ): ContainerIterator;\n /**\n * @description Using for `for...of` syntax like Array.\n * @example\n * for (const element of container) {\n * console.log(element);\n * }\n */\n abstract [Symbol.iterator](): Generator;\n}\n\n/**\n * @description The initial data type passed in when initializing the container.\n */\nexport type initContainer = {\n size?: number | (() => number);\n length?: number;\n forEach: (callback: (el: T) => void) => void;\n}\n"]}