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{"version":3,"sources":["container/OtherContainer/Queue.js","../../src/container/OtherContainer/Queue.ts"],"names":["Object","defineProperty","exports","value","default","_ContainerBase","require","Queue","Base","constructor","container","super","this","_first","_queue","self","forEach","el","push","clear","_length","element","capacity","length","i","pop","front","_default"],"mappings":"AAAA;;AAEAA,OAAOC,eAAeC,SAAS,KAAc;IAC3CC,OAAO;;;AAETD,QAAQE,eAAe;;ACLvB,IAAAC,iBAAAC,QAAA;;AAOA,MAAMC,cAAiBC,eAAAA;IASrBC,YAAYC,IAA8B;QACxCC;QANMC,KAAAC,IAAS;QAITD,KAAAE,IAAc;QAGpB,MAAMC,IAAOH;QACbF,EAAUM,SAAQ,SAAUC;YAC1BF,EAAKG,KAAKD;ADLR;AACJ;ICOFE;QACEP,KAAKE,IAAS;QACdF,KAAKQ,IAAUR,KAAKC,IAAS;ADL7B;ICYFK,KAAKG;QACH,MAAMC,IAAWV,KAAKE,EAAOS;QAC7B,IACGX,KAAKC,IAASS,IAAS,MACvBV,KAAKC,IAASD,KAAKQ,KAAYE,KAChCA,IAAQ,MACR;YACA,MAAMC,IAASX,KAAKQ;YACpB,KAAK,IAAII,IAAI,GAAGA,IAAID,KAAUC,GAAG;gBAC/BZ,KAAKE,EAAOU,KAAKZ,KAAKE,EAAOF,KAAKC,IAASW;ADPvC;YCSNZ,KAAKC,IAAS;YACdD,KAAKE,EAAOF,KAAKQ,KAAWC;ADP1B,eCQGT,KAAKE,EAAOF,KAAKC,IAASD,KAAKQ,KAAWC;QACjD,SAAST,KAAKQ;ADLd;ICWFK;QACE,IAAIb,KAAKQ,MAAY,GAAG;QACxB,MAAMH,IAAKL,KAAKE,EAAOF,KAAKC;QAC5BD,KAAKQ,KAAW;QAChB,OAAOH;ADJP;ICUFS;QACE,IAAId,KAAKQ,MAAY,GAAG;QACxB,OAAOR,KAAKE,EAAOF,KAAKC;ADHxB;;;ACKH,IAAAc,WAEcpB;;AAAKL,QAAAE,UAAAuB","file":"Queue.js","sourcesContent":["import { Base } from \"../ContainerBase\";\nclass Queue extends Base {\n constructor(container = []) {\n super();\n /**\n * @internal\n */\n this._first = 0;\n /**\n * @internal\n */\n this._queue = [];\n const self = this;\n container.forEach(function (el) {\n self.push(el);\n });\n }\n clear() {\n this._queue = [];\n this._length = this._first = 0;\n }\n /**\n * @description Inserts element to queue's end.\n * @param element - The element you want to push to the front.\n * @returns The container length after pushing.\n */\n push(element) {\n const capacity = this._queue.length;\n if ((this._first / capacity) > 0.5 /* QUEUE_CONSTANT.ALLOCATE_SIGMA */ &&\n (this._first + this._length) >= capacity &&\n capacity > 4096 /* QUEUE_CONSTANT.MIN_ALLOCATE_SIZE */) {\n const length = this._length;\n for (let i = 0; i < length; ++i) {\n this._queue[i] = this._queue[this._first + i];\n }\n this._first = 0;\n this._queue[this._length] = element;\n }\n else\n this._queue[this._first + this._length] = element;\n return ++this._length;\n }\n /**\n * @description Removes the first element.\n * @returns The element you popped.\n */\n pop() {\n if (this._length === 0)\n return;\n const el = this._queue[this._first++];\n this._length -= 1;\n return el;\n }\n /**\n * @description Access the first element.\n * @returns The first element.\n */\n front() {\n if (this._length === 0)\n return;\n return this._queue[this._first];\n }\n}\nexport default Queue;\n","import { Base, initContainer } from '@/container/ContainerBase';\n\nconst enum QUEUE_CONSTANT {\n ALLOCATE_SIGMA = 0.5,\n MIN_ALLOCATE_SIZE = (1 << 12)\n}\n\nclass Queue<T> extends Base {\n /**\n * @internal\n */\n private _first = 0;\n /**\n * @internal\n */\n private _queue: T[] = [];\n constructor(container: initContainer<T> = []) {\n super();\n const self = this;\n container.forEach(function (el) {\n self.push(el);\n });\n }\n clear() {\n this._queue = [];\n this._length = this._first = 0;\n }\n /**\n * @description Inserts element to queue's end.\n * @param element - The element you want to push to the front.\n * @returns The container length after pushing.\n */\n push(element: T) {\n const capacity = this._queue.length;\n if (\n (this._first / capacity) > QUEUE_CONSTANT.ALLOCATE_SIGMA &&\n (this._first + this._length) >= capacity &&\n capacity > QUEUE_CONSTANT.MIN_ALLOCATE_SIZE\n ) {\n const length = this._length;\n for (let i = 0; i < length; ++i) {\n this._queue[i] = this._queue[this._first + i];\n }\n this._first = 0;\n this._queue[this._length] = element;\n } else this._queue[this._first + this._length] = element;\n return ++this._length;\n }\n /**\n * @description Removes the first element.\n * @returns The element you popped.\n */\n pop() {\n if (this._length === 0) return;\n const el = this._queue[this._first++];\n this._length -= 1;\n return el;\n }\n /**\n * @description Access the first element.\n * @returns The first element.\n */\n front(): T | undefined {\n if (this._length === 0) return;\n return this._queue[this._first];\n }\n}\n\nexport default Queue;\n"]} |