2024-05-09 09:49:52 +08:00

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55 KiB

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,IAAQ7B,KAAKa,EAAQe,IAAS1B;ADsC3C;IC1BFuD,oBAAoBC,GAA0BnD;QAC5C,MAAMoD,IAAOD,EAAKP;QAClB,IAAIQ,MAAS3D,KAAKa,GAAS;aACzB,GAAA+C,YAAAA;ADsCE;QCpCJ,IAAI5D,KAAKoB,MAAY,GAAG;YACtBuC,EAAKhC,IAAOpB;YACZ,OAAO;ADsCL;QCpCJ,IAAIoD,MAAS3D,KAAKa,EAAQgB,GAAO;YAC/B,IAAI7B,KAAKG,EAAKwD,EAAKE,IAAQlC,GAAOpB,KAAO,GAAG;gBAC1CoD,EAAKhC,IAAOpB;gBACZ,OAAO;ADsCH;YCpCN,OAAO;ADsCL;QCpCJ,IAAIoD,MAAS3D,KAAKa,EAAQe,GAAQ;YAChC,IAAI5B,KAAKG,EAAKwD,EAAKL,IAAO3B,GAAOpB,KAAO,GAAG;gBACzCoD,EAAKhC,IAAOpB;gBACZ,OAAO;ADsCH;YCpCN,OAAO;ADsCL;QCpCJ,MAAMuD,IAASH,EAAKL,IAAO3B;QAC3B,IAAI3B,KAAKG,EAAK2D,GAAQvD,MAAQ,GAAG,OAAO;QACxC,MAAMwD,IAAUJ,EAAKE,IAAQlC;QAC7B,IAAI3B,KAAKG,EAAK4D,GAASxD,MAAQ,GAAG,OAAO;QACzCoD,EAAKhC,IAAOpB;QACZ,OAAO;ADwCP;ICtCFyD,kBAAkBC;QDwCZ,ICvCsBA,IAAG,KAAHA,IAAQjE,KAAKoB,IAAO,GAnfd;YAAE,MAAU,IAAI8C;AD4hB5C;QCxCJ,IAAIC,IAAQ;QACZ,MAAMC,IAAOpE;QACbA,KAAKyC,GACHzC,KAAKC,IACL,SAAUQ;YACR,IAAIwD,MAAQE,GAAO;gBACjBC,EAAK/C,EAAWZ;gBAChB,OAAO;ADwCL;YCtCJ0D,KAAS;YACT,OAAO;ADwCP;QCtCJ,OAAOnE,KAAKoB;ADwCZ;ICjCFiD,kBAAkB9D;QAChB,IAAIP,KAAKoB,MAAY,GAAG,OAAO;QAC/B,MAAMX,IAAUT,KAAKwD,EAAiBxD,KAAKC,GAAOM;QAClD,IAAIE,MAAYT,KAAKa,GAAS,OAAO;QACrCb,KAAKqB,EAAWZ;QAChB,OAAO;AD0CP;ICxCF6D,uBAAuBZ;QACrB,MAAMC,IAAOD,EAAKP;QAClB,IAAIQ,MAAS3D,KAAKa,GAAS;aACzB,GAAA+C,YAAAA;AD0CE;QCxCJ,MAAMW,IAAaZ,EAAK/B,MAAW1B;QACnC,MAAMsE,IAAWd,EAAKe,iBAAY;QAElC,IAAID,GAAU;YAEZ,IAAID,GAAYb,EAAKgB;AD2CnB,eC1CG;YAGL,KAAKH,KAAcZ,EAAK9B,MAAU3B,WAAWwD,EAAKgB;AD6ChD;QC3CJ1E,KAAKqB,EAAWsC;QAChB,OAAOD;AD6CP;IC3CFiB,QAAQjC;QACN,IAAIyB,IAAQ;QACZ,KAAK,MAAMS,KAAW5E,MAAM0C,EAASkC,GAAST,KAASnE;AD8CvD;IC5CF6E,gBAAgBZ;QD8CV,IC7CsBA,IAAG,KAAHA,IAAQjE,KAAKoB,IAAO,GAtiBd;YAAE,MAAU,IAAI8C;ADqlB5C;QC9CJ,IAAIY;QACJ,IAAIX,IAAQ;QACZ,KAAK,MAAMS,KAAW5E,MAAM;YAC1B,IAAImE,MAAUF,GAAK;gBACjBa,IAAMF;gBACN;ADgDI;YC9CNT,KAAS;ADgDP;QC9CJ,OAAmBW;ADgDnB;IC1CFC;QACE,IAAI/E,KAAKoB,MAAY,GAAG,OAAO;QAC/B,MAAM4D,YACJ,SAAUvE;YACR,KAAKA,GAAS,OAAO;YACrB,OAAOwE,KAAKC,IAAIF,UAAUvE,EAAQoB,IAAQmD,UAAUvE,EAAQmB,MAAW;ADiDvE;QC/CJ,OAAOoD,UAAUhF,KAAKC;ADiDtB;;;ACrBH,IAAAkF,WAEc3F;;AAAaP,QAAAE,UAAAgG","file":"index.js","sourcesContent":["import { TreeNode, TreeNodeEnableIndex } from './TreeNode';\nimport { Container } from \"../../ContainerBase\";\nimport $checkWithinAccessParams from \"../../../utils/checkParams.macro\";\nimport { throwIteratorAccessError } from \"../../../utils/throwError\";\nclass TreeContainer extends Container {\n /**\n * @internal\n */\n constructor(cmp = function (x, y) {\n if (x < y)\n return -1;\n if (x > y)\n return 1;\n return 0;\n }, enableIndex = false) {\n super();\n /**\n * @internal\n */\n this._root = undefined;\n this._cmp = cmp;\n if (enableIndex) {\n this._TreeNodeClass = TreeNodeEnableIndex;\n this._set = function (key, value, hint) {\n const curNode = this._preSet(key, value, hint);\n if (curNode) {\n let p = curNode._parent;\n while (p !== this._header) {\n p._subTreeSize += 1;\n p = p._parent;\n }\n const nodeList = this._insertNodeSelfBalance(curNode);\n if (nodeList) {\n const { parentNode, grandParent, curNode } = nodeList;\n parentNode._recount();\n grandParent._recount();\n curNode._recount();\n }\n }\n return this._length;\n };\n this._eraseNode = function (curNode) {\n let p = this._preEraseNode(curNode);\n while (p !== this._header) {\n p._subTreeSize -= 1;\n p = p._parent;\n }\n };\n }\n else {\n this._TreeNodeClass = TreeNode;\n this._set = function (key, value, hint) {\n const curNode = this._preSet(key, value, hint);\n if (curNode)\n this._insertNodeSelfBalance(curNode);\n return this._length;\n };\n this._eraseNode = this._preEraseNode;\n }\n this._header = new this._TreeNodeClass();\n }\n /**\n * @internal\n */\n _lowerBound(curNode, key) {\n let resNode = this._header;\n while (curNode) {\n const cmpResult = this._cmp(curNode._key, key);\n if (cmpResult < 0) {\n curNode = curNode._right;\n }\n else if (cmpResult > 0) {\n resNode = curNode;\n curNode = curNode._left;\n }\n else\n return curNode;\n }\n return resNode;\n }\n /**\n * @internal\n */\n _upperBound(curNode, key) {\n let resNode = this._header;\n while (curNode) {\n const cmpResult = this._cmp(curNode._key, key);\n if (cmpResult <= 0) {\n curNode = curNode._right;\n }\n else {\n resNode = curNode;\n curNode = curNode._left;\n }\n }\n return resNode;\n }\n /**\n * @internal\n */\n _reverseLowerBound(curNode, key) {\n let resNode = this._header;\n while (curNode) {\n const cmpResult = this._cmp(curNode._key, key);\n if (cmpResult < 0) {\n resNode = curNode;\n curNode = curNode._right;\n }\n else if (cmpResult > 0) {\n curNode = curNode._left;\n }\n else\n return curNode;\n }\n return resNode;\n }\n /**\n * @internal\n */\n _reverseUpperBound(curNode, key) {\n let resNode = this._header;\n while (curNode) {\n const cmpResult = this._cmp(curNode._key, key);\n if (cmpResult < 0) {\n resNode = curNode;\n curNode = curNode._right;\n }\n else {\n curNode = curNode._left;\n }\n }\n return resNode;\n }\n /**\n * @internal\n */\n _eraseNodeSelfBalance(curNode) {\n while (true) {\n const parentNode = curNode._parent;\n if (parentNode === this._header)\n return;\n if (curNode._color === 1 /* TreeNodeColor.RED */) {\n curNode._color = 0 /* TreeNodeColor.BLACK */;\n return;\n }\n if (curNode === parentNode._left) {\n const brother = parentNode._right;\n if (brother._color === 1 /* TreeNodeColor.RED */) {\n brother._color = 0 /* TreeNodeColor.BLACK */;\n parentNode._color = 1 /* TreeNodeColor.RED */;\n if (parentNode === this._root) {\n this._root = parentNode._rotateLeft();\n }\n else\n parentNode._rotateLeft();\n }\n else {\n if (brother._right && brother._right._color === 1 /* TreeNodeColor.RED */) {\n brother._color = parentNode._color;\n parentNode._color = 0 /* TreeNodeColor.BLACK */;\n brother._right._color = 0 /* TreeNodeColor.BLACK */;\n if (parentNode === this._root) {\n this._root = parentNode._rotateLeft();\n }\n else\n parentNode._rotateLeft();\n return;\n }\n else if (brother._left && brother._left._color === 1 /* TreeNodeColor.RED */) {\n brother._color = 1 /* TreeNodeColor.RED */;\n brother._left._color = 0 /* TreeNodeColor.BLACK */;\n brother._rotateRight();\n }\n else {\n brother._color = 1 /* TreeNodeColor.RED */;\n curNode = parentNode;\n }\n }\n }\n else {\n const brother = parentNode._left;\n if (brother._color === 1 /* TreeNodeColor.RED */) {\n brother._color = 0 /* TreeNodeColor.BLACK */;\n parentNode._color = 1 /* TreeNodeColor.RED */;\n if (parentNode === this._root) {\n this._root = parentNode._rotateRight();\n }\n else\n parentNode._rotateRight();\n }\n else {\n if (brother._left && brother._left._color === 1 /* TreeNodeColor.RED */) {\n brother._color = parentNode._color;\n parentNode._color = 0 /* TreeNodeColor.BLACK */;\n brother._left._color = 0 /* TreeNodeColor.BLACK */;\n if (parentNode === this._root) {\n this._root = parentNode._rotateRight();\n }\n else\n parentNode._rotateRight();\n return;\n }\n else if (brother._right && brother._right._color === 1 /* TreeNodeColor.RED */) {\n brother._color = 1 /* TreeNodeColor.RED */;\n brother._right._color = 0 /* TreeNodeColor.BLACK */;\n brother._rotateLeft();\n }\n else {\n brother._color = 1 /* TreeNodeColor.RED */;\n curNode = parentNode;\n }\n }\n }\n }\n }\n /**\n * @internal\n */\n _preEraseNode(curNode) {\n if (this._length === 1) {\n this.clear();\n return this._header;\n }\n let swapNode = curNode;\n while (swapNode._left || swapNode._right) {\n if (swapNode._right) {\n swapNode = swapNode._right;\n while (swapNode._left)\n swapNode = swapNode._left;\n }\n else {\n swapNode = swapNode._left;\n }\n [curNode._key, swapNode._key] = [swapNode._key, curNode._key];\n [curNode._value, swapNode._value] = [swapNode._value, curNode._value];\n curNode = swapNode;\n }\n if (this._header._left === swapNode) {\n this._header._left = swapNode._parent;\n }\n else if (this._header._right === swapNode) {\n this._header._right = swapNode._parent;\n }\n this._eraseNodeSelfBalance(swapNode);\n const _parent = swapNode._parent;\n if (swapNode === _parent._left) {\n _parent._left = undefined;\n }\n else\n _parent._right = undefined;\n this._length -= 1;\n this._root._color = 0 /* TreeNodeColor.BLACK */;\n return _parent;\n }\n /**\n * @internal\n */\n _inOrderTraversal(curNode, callback) {\n if (curNode === undefined)\n return false;\n const ifReturn = this._inOrderTraversal(curNode._left, callback);\n if (ifReturn)\n return true;\n if (callback(curNode))\n return true;\n return this._inOrderTraversal(curNode._right, callback);\n }\n /**\n * @internal\n */\n _insertNodeSelfBalance(curNode) {\n while (true) {\n const parentNode = curNode._parent;\n if (parentNode._color === 0 /* TreeNodeColor.BLACK */)\n return;\n const grandParent = parentNode._parent;\n if (parentNode === grandParent._left) {\n const uncle = grandParent._right;\n if (uncle && uncle._color === 1 /* TreeNodeColor.RED */) {\n uncle._color = parentNode._color = 0 /* TreeNodeColor.BLACK */;\n if (grandParent === this._root)\n return;\n grandParent._color = 1 /* TreeNodeColor.RED */;\n curNode = grandParent;\n continue;\n }\n else if (curNode === parentNode._right) {\n curNode._color = 0 /* TreeNodeColor.BLACK */;\n if (curNode._left)\n curNode._left._parent = parentNode;\n if (curNode._right)\n curNode._right._parent = grandParent;\n parentNode._right = curNode._left;\n grandParent._left = curNode._right;\n curNode._left = parentNode;\n curNode._right = grandParent;\n if (grandParent === this._root) {\n this._root = curNode;\n this._header._parent = curNode;\n }\n else {\n const GP = grandParent._parent;\n if (GP._left === grandParent) {\n GP._left = curNode;\n }\n else\n GP._right = curNode;\n }\n curNode._parent = grandParent._parent;\n parentNode._parent = curNode;\n grandParent._parent = curNode;\n grandParent._color = 1 /* TreeNodeColor.RED */;\n return { parentNode, grandParent, curNode };\n }\n else {\n parentNode._color = 0 /* TreeNodeColor.BLACK */;\n if (grandParent === this._root) {\n this._root = grandParent._rotateRight();\n }\n else\n grandParent._rotateRight();\n grandParent._color = 1 /* TreeNodeColor.RED */;\n }\n }\n else {\n const uncle = grandParent._left;\n if (uncle && uncle._color === 1 /* TreeNodeColor.RED */) {\n uncle._color = parentNode._color = 0 /* TreeNodeColor.BLACK */;\n if (grandParent === this._root)\n return;\n grandParent._color = 1 /* TreeNodeColor.RED */;\n curNode = grandParent;\n continue;\n }\n else if (curNode === parentNode._left) {\n curNode._color = 0 /* TreeNodeColor.BLACK */;\n if (curNode._left)\n curNode._left._parent = grandParent;\n if (curNode._right)\n curNode._right._parent = parentNode;\n grandParent._right = curNode._left;\n parentNode._left = curNode._right;\n curNode._left = grandParent;\n curNode._right = parentNode;\n if (grandParent === this._root) {\n this._root = curNode;\n this._header._parent = curNode;\n }\n else {\n const GP = grandParent._parent;\n if (GP._left === grandParent) {\n GP._left = curNode;\n }\n else\n GP._right = curNode;\n }\n curNode._parent = grandParent._parent;\n parentNode._parent = curNode;\n grandParent._parent = curNode;\n grandParent._color = 1 /* TreeNodeColor.RED */;\n return { parentNode, grandParent, curNode };\n }\n else {\n parentNode._color = 0 /* TreeNodeColor.BLACK */;\n if (grandParent === this._root) {\n this._root = grandParent._rotateLeft();\n }\n else\n grandParent._rotateLeft();\n grandParent._color = 1 /* TreeNodeColor.RED */;\n }\n }\n return;\n }\n }\n /**\n * @internal\n */\n _preSet(key, value, hint) {\n if (this._root === undefined) {\n this._length += 1;\n this._root = new this._TreeNodeClass(key, value);\n this._root._color = 0 /* TreeNodeColor.BLACK */;\n this._root._parent = this._header;\n this._header._parent = this._root;\n this._header._left = this._root;\n this._header._right = this._root;\n return;\n }\n let curNode;\n const minNode = this._header._left;\n const compareToMin = this._cmp(minNode._key, key);\n if (compareToMin === 0) {\n minNode._value = value;\n return;\n }\n else if (compareToMin > 0) {\n minNode._left = new this._TreeNodeClass(key, value);\n minNode._left._parent = minNode;\n curNode = minNode._left;\n this._header._left = curNode;\n }\n else {\n const maxNode = this._header._right;\n const compareToMax = this._cmp(maxNode._key, key);\n if (compareToMax === 0) {\n maxNode._value = value;\n return;\n }\n else if (compareToMax < 0) {\n maxNode._right = new this._TreeNodeClass(key, value);\n maxNode._right._parent = maxNode;\n curNode = maxNode._right;\n this._header._right = curNode;\n }\n else {\n if (hint !== undefined) {\n const iterNode = hint._node;\n if (iterNode !== this._header) {\n const iterCmpRes = this._cmp(iterNode._key, key);\n if (iterCmpRes === 0) {\n iterNode._value = value;\n return;\n }\n else /* istanbul ignore else */ if (iterCmpRes > 0) {\n const preNode = iterNode._pre();\n const preCmpRes = this._cmp(preNode._key, key);\n if (preCmpRes === 0) {\n preNode._value = value;\n return;\n }\n else if (preCmpRes < 0) {\n curNode = new this._TreeNodeClass(key, value);\n if (preNode._right === undefined) {\n preNode._right = curNode;\n curNode._parent = preNode;\n }\n else {\n iterNode._left = curNode;\n curNode._parent = iterNode;\n }\n }\n }\n }\n }\n if (curNode === undefined) {\n curNode = this._root;\n while (true) {\n const cmpResult = this._cmp(curNode._key, key);\n if (cmpResult > 0) {\n if (curNode._left === undefined) {\n curNode._left = new this._TreeNodeClass(key, value);\n curNode._left._parent = curNode;\n curNode = curNode._left;\n break;\n }\n curNode = curNode._left;\n }\n else if (cmpResult < 0) {\n if (curNode._right === undefined) {\n curNode._right = new this._TreeNodeClass(key, value);\n curNode._right._parent = curNode;\n curNode = curNode._right;\n break;\n }\n curNode = curNode._right;\n }\n else {\n curNode._value = value;\n return;\n }\n }\n }\n }\n }\n this._length += 1;\n return curNode;\n }\n /**\n * @internal\n */\n _findElementNode(curNode, key) {\n while (curNode) {\n const cmpResult = this._cmp(curNode._key, key);\n if (cmpResult < 0) {\n curNode = curNode._right;\n }\n else if (cmpResult > 0) {\n curNode = curNode._left;\n }\n else\n return curNode;\n }\n return curNode || this._header;\n }\n clear() {\n this._length = 0;\n this._root = undefined;\n this._header._parent = undefined;\n this._header._left = this._header._right = undefined;\n }\n /**\n * @description Update node's key by iterator.\n * @param iter - The iterator you want to change.\n * @param key - The key you want to update.\n * @returns Whether the modification is successful.\n * @example\n * const st = new orderedSet([1, 2, 5]);\n * const iter = st.find(2);\n * st.updateKeyByIterator(iter, 3); // then st will become [1, 3, 5]\n */\n updateKeyByIterator(iter, key) {\n const node = iter._node;\n if (node === this._header) {\n throwIteratorAccessError();\n }\n if (this._length === 1) {\n node._key = key;\n return true;\n }\n if (node === this._header._left) {\n if (this._cmp(node._next()._key, key) > 0) {\n node._key = key;\n return true;\n }\n return false;\n }\n if (node === this._header._right) {\n if (this._cmp(node._pre()._key, key) < 0) {\n node._key = key;\n return true;\n }\n return false;\n }\n const preKey = node._pre()._key;\n if (this._cmp(preKey, key) >= 0)\n return false;\n const nextKey = node._next()._key;\n if (this._cmp(nextKey, key) <= 0)\n return false;\n node._key = key;\n return true;\n }\n eraseElementByPos(pos) {\n if (pos < 0 || pos > this._length - 1) {\n throw new RangeError();\n }\n let index = 0;\n const self = this;\n this._inOrderTraversal(this._root, function (curNode) {\n if (pos === index) {\n self._eraseNode(curNode);\n return true;\n }\n index += 1;\n return false;\n });\n return this._length;\n }\n /**\n * @description Remove the element of the specified key.\n * @param key - The key you want to remove.\n * @returns Whether erase successfully.\n */\n eraseElementByKey(key) {\n if (this._length === 0)\n return false;\n const curNode = this._findElementNode(this._root, key);\n if (curNode === this._header)\n return false;\n this._eraseNode(curNode);\n return true;\n }\n eraseElementByIterator(iter) {\n const node = iter._node;\n if (node === this._header) {\n throwIteratorAccessError();\n }\n const hasNoRight = node._right === undefined;\n const isNormal = iter.iteratorType === 0 /* IteratorType.NORMAL */;\n // For the normal iterator, the `next` node will be swapped to `this` node when has right.\n if (isNormal) {\n // So we should move it to next when it's right is null.\n if (hasNoRight)\n;\n }\n else {\n // For the reverse iterator, only when it doesn't have right and has left the `next` node will be swapped.\n // So when it has right, or it is a leaf node we should move it to `next`.\n if (!hasNoRight || node._left === undefined)\n;\n }\n this._eraseNode(node);\n return iter;\n }\n forEach(callback) {\n let index = 0;\n for (const element of this)\n callback(element, index++, this);\n }\n getElementByPos(pos) {\n if (pos < 0 || pos > this._length - 1) {\n throw new RangeError();\n }\n let res;\n let index = 0;\n for (const element of this) {\n if (index === pos) {\n res = element;\n break;\n }\n index += 1;\n }\n return res;\n }\n /**\n * @description Get the height of the tree.\n * @returns Number about the height of the RB-tree.\n */\n getHeight() {\n if (this._length === 0)\n return 0;\n const traversal = function (curNode) {\n if (!curNode)\n return 0;\n return Math.max(traversal(curNode._left), traversal(curNode._right)) + 1;\n };\n return traversal(this._root);\n }\n}\nexport default TreeContainer;\n","import type TreeIterator from './TreeIterator';\nimport { TreeNode, TreeNodeColor, TreeNodeEnableIndex } from './TreeNode';\nimport { Container, IteratorType } from '@/container/ContainerBase';\nimport $checkWithinAccessParams from '@/utils/checkParams.macro';\nimport { throwIteratorAccessError } from '@/utils/throwError';\n\nabstract class TreeContainer<K, V> extends Container<K | [K, V]> {\n /**\n * @internal\n */\n protected _root: TreeNode<K, V> | undefined = undefined;\n /**\n * @internal\n */\n protected _header: TreeNode<K, V>;\n /**\n * @internal\n */\n protected readonly _cmp: (x: K, y: K) => number;\n /**\n * @internal\n */\n protected readonly _TreeNodeClass: typeof TreeNode | typeof TreeNodeEnableIndex;\n /**\n * @internal\n */\n protected readonly _eraseNode: (curNode: TreeNode<K, V>) => void;\n /**\n * @internal\n */\n protected _set: (key: K, value: V, hint?: TreeIterator<K, V>) => number;\n /**\n * @internal\n */\n protected constructor(\n cmp: (x: K, y: K) => number =\n function (x: K, y: K) {\n if (x < y) return -1;\n if (x > y) return 1;\n return 0;\n },\n enableIndex = false\n ) {\n super();\n this._cmp = cmp;\n if (enableIndex) {\n this._TreeNodeClass = TreeNodeEnableIndex;\n this._set = function (key, value, hint) {\n const curNode = this._preSet(key, value, hint);\n if (curNode) {\n let p = curNode._parent as TreeNodeEnableIndex<K, V>;\n while (p !== this._header) {\n p._subTreeSize += 1;\n p = p._parent as TreeNodeEnableIndex<K, V>;\n }\n const nodeList = this._insertNodeSelfBalance(curNode);\n if (nodeList) {\n const {\n parentNode,\n grandParent,\n curNode\n } = nodeList as unknown as Record<string, TreeNodeEnableIndex<K, V>>;\n parentNode._recount();\n grandParent._recount();\n curNode._recount();\n }\n }\n return this._length;\n };\n this._eraseNode = function (curNode) {\n let p = this._preEraseNode(curNode) as TreeNodeEnableIndex<K, V>;\n while (p !== this._header) {\n p._subTreeSize -= 1;\n p = p._parent as TreeNodeEnableIndex<K, V>;\n }\n };\n } else {\n this._TreeNodeClass = TreeNode;\n this._set = function (key, value, hint) {\n const curNode = this._preSet(key, value, hint);\n if (curNode) this._insertNodeSelfBalance(curNode);\n return this._length;\n };\n this._eraseNode = this._preEraseNode;\n }\n this._header = new this._TreeNodeClass();\n }\n /**\n * @internal\n */\n protected _lowerBound(curNode: TreeNode<K, V> | undefined, key: K) {\n let resNode = this._header;\n while (curNode) {\n const cmpResult = this._cmp(curNode._key!, key);\n if (cmpResult < 0) {\n curNode = curNode._right;\n } else if (cmpResult > 0) {\n resNode = curNode;\n curNode = curNode._left;\n } else return curNode;\n }\n return resNode;\n }\n /**\n * @internal\n */\n protected _upperBound(curNode: TreeNode<K, V> | undefined, key: K) {\n let resNode = this._header;\n while (curNode) {\n const cmpResult = this._cmp(curNode._key!, key);\n if (cmpResult <= 0) {\n curNode = curNode._right;\n } else {\n resNode = curNode;\n curNode = curNode._left;\n }\n }\n return resNode;\n }\n /**\n * @internal\n */\n protected _reverseLowerBound(curNode: TreeNode<K, V> | undefined, key: K) {\n let resNode = this._header;\n while (curNode) {\n const cmpResult = this._cmp(curNode._key!, key);\n if (cmpResult < 0) {\n resNode = curNode;\n curNode = curNode._right;\n } else if (cmpResult > 0) {\n curNode = curNode._left;\n } else return curNode;\n }\n return resNode;\n }\n /**\n * @internal\n */\n protected _reverseUpperBound(curNode: TreeNode<K, V> | undefined, key: K) {\n let resNode = this._header;\n while (curNode) {\n const cmpResult = this._cmp(curNode._key!, key);\n if (cmpResult < 0) {\n resNode = curNode;\n curNode = curNode._right;\n } else {\n curNode = curNode._left;\n }\n }\n return resNode;\n }\n /**\n * @internal\n */\n protected _eraseNodeSelfBalance(curNode: TreeNode<K, V>) {\n while (true) {\n const parentNode = curNode._parent!;\n if (parentNode === this._header) return;\n if (curNode._color === TreeNodeColor.RED) {\n curNode._color = TreeNodeColor.BLACK;\n return;\n }\n if (curNode === parentNode._left) {\n const brother = parentNode._right!;\n if (brother._color === TreeNodeColor.RED) {\n brother._color = TreeNodeColor.BLACK;\n parentNode._color = TreeNodeColor.RED;\n if (parentNode === this._root) {\n this._root = parentNode._rotateLeft();\n } else parentNode._rotateLeft();\n } else {\n if (brother._right && brother._right._color === TreeNodeColor.RED) {\n brother._color = parentNode._color;\n parentNode._color = TreeNodeColor.BLACK;\n brother._right._color = TreeNodeColor.BLACK;\n if (parentNode === this._root) {\n this._root = parentNode._rotateLeft();\n } else parentNode._rotateLeft();\n return;\n } else if (brother._left && brother._left._color === TreeNodeColor.RED) {\n brother._color = TreeNodeColor.RED;\n brother._left._color = TreeNodeColor.BLACK;\n brother._rotateRight();\n } else {\n brother._color = TreeNodeColor.RED;\n curNode = parentNode;\n }\n }\n } else {\n const brother = parentNode._left!;\n if (brother._color === TreeNodeColor.RED) {\n brother._color = TreeNodeColor.BLACK;\n parentNode._color = TreeNodeColor.RED;\n if (parentNode === this._root) {\n this._root = parentNode._rotateRight();\n } else parentNode._rotateRight();\n } else {\n if (brother._left && brother._left._color === TreeNodeColor.RED) {\n brother._color = parentNode._color;\n parentNode._color = TreeNodeColor.BLACK;\n brother._left._color = TreeNodeColor.BLACK;\n if (parentNode === this._root) {\n this._root = parentNode._rotateRight();\n } else parentNode._rotateRight();\n return;\n } else if (brother._right && brother._right._color === TreeNodeColor.RED) {\n brother._color = TreeNodeColor.RED;\n brother._right._color = TreeNodeColor.BLACK;\n brother._rotateLeft();\n } else {\n brother._color = TreeNodeColor.RED;\n curNode = parentNode;\n }\n }\n }\n }\n }\n /**\n * @internal\n */\n protected _preEraseNode(curNode: TreeNode<K, V>) {\n if (this._length === 1) {\n this.clear();\n return this._header;\n }\n let swapNode = curNode;\n while (swapNode._left || swapNode._right) {\n if (swapNode._right) {\n swapNode = swapNode._right;\n while (swapNode._left) swapNode = swapNode._left;\n } else {\n swapNode = swapNode._left!;\n }\n [curNode._key, swapNode._key] = [swapNode._key, curNode._key];\n [curNode._value, swapNode._value] = [swapNode._value, curNode._value];\n curNode = swapNode;\n }\n if (this._header._left === swapNode) {\n this._header._left = swapNode._parent;\n } else if (this._header._right === swapNode) {\n this._header._right = swapNode._parent;\n }\n this._eraseNodeSelfBalance(swapNode);\n const _parent = swapNode._parent!;\n if (swapNode === _parent._left) {\n _parent._left = undefined;\n } else _parent._right = undefined;\n this._length -= 1;\n this._root!._color = TreeNodeColor.BLACK;\n return _parent;\n }\n /**\n * @internal\n */\n protected _inOrderTraversal(\n curNode: TreeNode<K, V> | undefined,\n callback: (curNode: TreeNode<K, V>) => boolean\n ): boolean {\n if (curNode === undefined) return false;\n const ifReturn = this._inOrderTraversal(curNode._left, callback);\n if (ifReturn) return true;\n if (callback(curNode)) return true;\n return this._inOrderTraversal(curNode._right, callback);\n }\n /**\n * @internal\n */\n protected _insertNodeSelfBalance(curNode: TreeNode<K, V>) {\n while (true) {\n const parentNode = curNode._parent!;\n if (parentNode._color === TreeNodeColor.BLACK) return;\n const grandParent = parentNode._parent!;\n if (parentNode === grandParent._left) {\n const uncle = grandParent._right;\n if (uncle && uncle._color === TreeNodeColor.RED) {\n uncle._color = parentNode._color = TreeNodeColor.BLACK;\n if (grandParent === this._root) return;\n grandParent._color = TreeNodeColor.RED;\n curNode = grandParent;\n continue;\n } else if (curNode === parentNode._right) {\n curNode._color = TreeNodeColor.BLACK;\n if (curNode._left) curNode._left._parent = parentNode;\n if (curNode._right) curNode._right._parent = grandParent;\n parentNode._right = curNode._left;\n grandParent._left = curNode._right;\n curNode._left = parentNode;\n curNode._right = grandParent;\n if (grandParent === this._root) {\n this._root = curNode;\n this._header._parent = curNode;\n } else {\n const GP = grandParent._parent!;\n if (GP._left === grandParent) {\n GP._left = curNode;\n } else GP._right = curNode;\n }\n curNode._parent = grandParent._parent;\n parentNode._parent = curNode;\n grandParent._parent = curNode;\n grandParent._color = TreeNodeColor.RED;\n return { parentNode, grandParent, curNode };\n } else {\n parentNode._color = TreeNodeColor.BLACK;\n if (grandParent === this._root) {\n this._root = grandParent._rotateRight();\n } else grandParent._rotateRight();\n grandParent._color = TreeNodeColor.RED;\n }\n } else {\n const uncle = grandParent._left;\n if (uncle && uncle._color === TreeNodeColor.RED) {\n uncle._color = parentNode._color = TreeNodeColor.BLACK;\n if (grandParent === this._root) return;\n grandParent._color = TreeNodeColor.RED;\n curNode = grandParent;\n continue;\n } else if (curNode === parentNode._left) {\n curNode._color = TreeNodeColor.BLACK;\n if (curNode._left) curNode._left._parent = grandParent;\n if (curNode._right) curNode._right._parent = parentNode;\n grandParent._right = curNode._left;\n parentNode._left = curNode._right;\n curNode._left = grandParent;\n curNode._right = parentNode;\n if (grandParent === this._root) {\n this._root = curNode;\n this._header._parent = curNode;\n } else {\n const GP = grandParent._parent!;\n if (GP._left === grandParent) {\n GP._left = curNode;\n } else GP._right = curNode;\n }\n curNode._parent = grandParent._parent;\n parentNode._parent = curNode;\n grandParent._parent = curNode;\n grandParent._color = TreeNodeColor.RED;\n return { parentNode, grandParent, curNode };\n } else {\n parentNode._color = TreeNodeColor.BLACK;\n if (grandParent === this._root) {\n this._root = grandParent._rotateLeft();\n } else grandParent._rotateLeft();\n grandParent._color = TreeNodeColor.RED;\n }\n }\n return;\n }\n }\n /**\n * @internal\n */\n protected _preSet(key: K, value?: V, hint?: TreeIterator<K, V>) {\n if (this._root === undefined) {\n this._length += 1;\n this._root = new this._TreeNodeClass(key, value);\n this._root._color = TreeNodeColor.BLACK;\n this._root._parent = this._header;\n this._header._parent = this._root;\n this._header._left = this._root;\n this._header._right = this._root;\n return;\n }\n let curNode;\n const minNode = this._header._left!;\n const compareToMin = this._cmp(minNode._key!, key);\n if (compareToMin === 0) {\n minNode._value = value;\n return;\n } else if (compareToMin > 0) {\n minNode._left = new this._TreeNodeClass(key, value);\n minNode._left._parent = minNode;\n curNode = minNode._left;\n this._header._left = curNode;\n } else {\n const maxNode = this._header._right!;\n const compareToMax = this._cmp(maxNode._key!, key);\n if (compareToMax === 0) {\n maxNode._value = value;\n return;\n } else if (compareToMax < 0) {\n maxNode._right = new this._TreeNodeClass(key, value);\n maxNode._right._parent = maxNode;\n curNode = maxNode._right;\n this._header._right = curNode;\n } else {\n if (hint !== undefined) {\n const iterNode = hint._node;\n if (iterNode !== this._header) {\n const iterCmpRes = this._cmp(iterNode._key!, key);\n if (iterCmpRes === 0) {\n iterNode._value = value;\n return;\n } else /* istanbul ignore else */ if (iterCmpRes > 0) {\n const preNode = iterNode._pre();\n const preCmpRes = this._cmp(preNode._key!, key);\n if (preCmpRes === 0) {\n preNode._value = value;\n return;\n } else if (preCmpRes < 0) {\n curNode = new this._TreeNodeClass(key, value);\n if (preNode._right === undefined) {\n preNode._right = curNode;\n curNode._parent = preNode;\n } else {\n iterNode._left = curNode;\n curNode._parent = iterNode;\n }\n }\n }\n }\n }\n if (curNode === undefined) {\n curNode = this._root;\n while (true) {\n const cmpResult = this._cmp(curNode._key!, key);\n if (cmpResult > 0) {\n if (curNode._left === undefined) {\n curNode._left = new this._TreeNodeClass(key, value);\n curNode._left._parent = curNode;\n curNode = curNode._left;\n break;\n }\n curNode = curNode._left;\n } else if (cmpResult < 0) {\n if (curNode._right === undefined) {\n curNode._right = new this._TreeNodeClass(key, value);\n curNode._right._parent = curNode;\n curNode = curNode._right;\n break;\n }\n curNode = curNode._right;\n } else {\n curNode._value = value;\n return;\n }\n }\n }\n }\n }\n this._length += 1;\n return curNode;\n }\n /**\n * @internal\n */\n protected _findElementNode(curNode: TreeNode<K, V> | undefined, key: K) {\n while (curNode) {\n const cmpResult = this._cmp(curNode._key!, key);\n if (cmpResult < 0) {\n curNode = curNode._right;\n } else if (cmpResult > 0) {\n curNode = curNode._left;\n } else return curNode;\n }\n return curNode || this._header;\n }\n clear() {\n this._length = 0;\n this._root = undefined;\n this._header._parent = undefined;\n this._header._left = this._header._right = undefined;\n }\n /**\n * @description Update node's key by iterator.\n * @param iter - The iterator you want to change.\n * @param key - The key you want to update.\n * @returns Whether the modification is successful.\n * @example\n * const st = new orderedSet([1, 2, 5]);\n * const iter = st.find(2);\n * st.updateKeyByIterator(iter, 3); // then st will become [1, 3, 5]\n */\n updateKeyByIterator(iter: TreeIterator<K, V>, key: K): boolean {\n const node = iter._node;\n if (node === this._header) {\n throwIteratorAccessError();\n }\n if (this._length === 1) {\n node._key = key;\n return true;\n }\n if (node === this._header._left) {\n if (this._cmp(node._next()._key!, key) > 0) {\n node._key = key;\n return true;\n }\n return false;\n }\n if (node === this._header._right) {\n if (this._cmp(node._pre()._key!, key) < 0) {\n node._key = key;\n return true;\n }\n return false;\n }\n const preKey = node._pre()._key!;\n if (this._cmp(preKey, key) >= 0) return false;\n const nextKey = node._next()._key!;\n if (this._cmp(nextKey, key) <= 0) return false;\n node._key = key;\n return true;\n }\n eraseElementByPos(pos: number) {\n $checkWithinAccessParams!(pos, 0, this._length - 1);\n let index = 0;\n const self = this;\n this._inOrderTraversal(\n this._root,\n function (curNode) {\n if (pos === index) {\n self._eraseNode(curNode);\n return true;\n }\n index += 1;\n return false;\n });\n return this._length;\n }\n /**\n * @description Remove the element of the specified key.\n * @param key - The key you want to remove.\n * @returns Whether erase successfully.\n */\n eraseElementByKey(key: K) {\n if (this._length === 0) return false;\n const curNode = this._findElementNode(this._root, key);\n if (curNode === this._header) return false;\n this._eraseNode(curNode);\n return true;\n }\n eraseElementByIterator(iter: TreeIterator<K, V>) {\n const node = iter._node;\n if (node === this._header) {\n throwIteratorAccessError();\n }\n const hasNoRight = node._right === undefined;\n const isNormal = iter.iteratorType === IteratorType.NORMAL;\n // For the normal iterator, the `next` node will be swapped to `this` node when has right.\n if (isNormal) {\n // So we should move it to next when it's right is null.\n if (hasNoRight);\n } else {\n // For the reverse iterator, only when it doesn't have right and has left the `next` node will be swapped.\n // So when it has right, or it is a leaf node we should move it to `next`.\n if (!hasNoRight || node._left === undefined);\n }\n this._eraseNode(node);\n return iter;\n }\n forEach(callback: (element: K | [K, V], index: number, tree: TreeContainer<K, V>) => void) {\n let index = 0;\n for (const element of this) callback(element, index++, this);\n }\n getElementByPos(pos: number) {\n $checkWithinAccessParams!(pos, 0, this._length - 1);\n let res;\n let index = 0;\n for (const element of this) {\n if (index === pos) {\n res = element;\n break;\n }\n index += 1;\n }\n return <K | [K, V]>res;\n }\n /**\n * @description Get the height of the tree.\n * @returns Number about the height of the RB-tree.\n */\n getHeight() {\n if (this._length === 0) return 0;\n const traversal =\n function (curNode: TreeNode<K, V> | undefined): number {\n if (!curNode) return 0;\n return Math.max(traversal(curNode._left), traversal(curNode._right)) + 1;\n };\n return traversal(this._root);\n }\n /**\n * @param key - The given key you want to compare.\n * @returns An iterator to the first element less than the given key.\n */\n abstract reverseUpperBound(key: K): TreeIterator<K, V>;\n /**\n * @description Union the other tree to self.\n * @param other - The other tree container you want to merge.\n * @returns The size of the tree after union.\n */\n abstract union(other: TreeContainer<K, V>): number;\n /**\n * @param key - The given key you want to compare.\n * @returns An iterator to the first element not greater than the given key.\n */\n abstract reverseLowerBound(key: K): TreeIterator<K, V>;\n /**\n * @param key - The given key you want to compare.\n * @returns An iterator to the first element not less than the given key.\n */\n abstract lowerBound(key: K): TreeIterator<K, V>;\n /**\n * @param key - The given key you want to compare.\n * @returns An iterator to the first element greater than the given key.\n */\n abstract upperBound(key: K): TreeIterator<K, V>;\n}\n\nexport default TreeContainer;\n"]}