2024-05-09 09:49:52 +08:00

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13 KiB

{"version":3,"sources":["container/HashContainer/HashMap.js","../../src/container/HashContainer/HashMap.ts"],"names":["Object","defineProperty","exports","value","default","_Base","require","_checkObject","_interopRequireDefault","_throwError","obj","__esModule","HashMapIterator","HashContainerIterator","constructor","node","header","container","iteratorType","super","this","pointer","_node","_header","throwIteratorAccessError","self","Proxy","get","_","props","_key","_value","set","newValue","TypeError","copy","HashMap","HashContainer","forEach","el","setElement","begin","_head","end","rBegin","_tail","rEnd","front","_length","back","key","isObject","_set","getElementByKey","undefined","checkObject","index","HASH_TAG","_objMap","_originMap","getElementByPos","pos","RangeError","_next","find","_findElementNode","callback","Symbol","iterator","bind","_default"],"mappings":"AAAA;;AAEAA,OAAOC,eAAeC,SAAS,KAAc;IAC3CC,OAAO;;;AAETD,QAAQE,eAAe;;ACJvB,IAAAC,QAAAC,QAAA;;AACA,IAAAC,eAAAC,uBAAAF,QAAA;;AAEA,IAAAG,cAAAH,QAAA;;AAA8D,SAAAE,uBAAAE;IAAA,OAAAA,KAAAA,EAAAC,IAAAD,IAAA;QAAAN,SAAAM;;AAAA;;AAE9D,MAAME,wBAA8BC,MAAAA;IAElCC,YACEC,GACAC,GACAC,GACAC;QAEAC,MAAMJ,GAAMC,GAAQE;QACpBE,KAAKH,YAAYA;ADPjB;ICSEI;QACF,IAAID,KAAKE,MAAUF,KAAKG,GAAS;aAC/B,GAAAC,YAAAA;ADPE;QCSJ,MAAMC,IAAOL;QACb,OAAO,IAAIM,MAAuB,IAAI;YACpCC,IAAIC,GAAGC;gBACL,IAAIA,MAAU,KAAK,OAAOJ,EAAKH,EAAMQ,QAChC,IAAID,MAAU,KAAK,OAAOJ,EAAKH,EAAMS;ADLtC;YCONC,IAAIJ,GAAGC,GAAYI;gBACjB,IAAIJ,MAAU,KAAK;oBACjB,MAAM,IAAIK,UAAU;ADLd;gBCORT,EAAKH,EAAMS,IAASE;gBACpB,OAAO;ADLH;;AAER;ICOFE;QACE,OAAO,IAAIvB,gBAAsBQ,KAAKE,GAAOF,KAAKG,GAASH,KAAKH,WAAWG,KAAKF;ADLhF;;;ACaJ,MAAMkB,gBAAsBC,MAAAA;IAC1BvB,YAAYG,IAAmC;QAC7CE;QACA,MAAMM,IAAOL;QACbH,EAAUqB,SAAQ,SAAUC;YAC1Bd,EAAKe,WAAWD,EAAG,IAAIA,EAAG;ADVxB;AACJ;ICYFE;QACE,OAAO,IAAI7B,gBAAsBQ,KAAKsB,GAAOtB,KAAKG,GAASH;ADV3D;ICYFuB;QACE,OAAO,IAAI/B,gBAAsBQ,KAAKG,GAASH,KAAKG,GAASH;ADV7D;ICYFwB;QACE,OAAO,IAAIhC,gBAAsBQ,KAAKyB,GAAOzB,KAAKG,GAASH,MAAI;ADV/D;ICYF0B;QACE,OAAO,IAAIlC,gBAAsBQ,KAAKG,GAASH,KAAKG,GAASH,MAAI;ADVjE;ICYF2B;QACE,IAAI3B,KAAK4B,MAAY,GAAG;QACxB,OAAe,EAAC5B,KAAKsB,EAAMZ,GAAMV,KAAKsB,EAAMX;ADT5C;ICWFkB;QACE,IAAI7B,KAAK4B,MAAY,GAAG;QACxB,OAAe,EAAC5B,KAAKyB,EAAMf,GAAMV,KAAKyB,EAAMd;ADR5C;ICkBFS,WAAWU,GAAQ/C,GAAUgD;QAC3B,OAAO/B,KAAKgC,EAAKF,GAAK/C,GAAOgD;ADR7B;ICkBFE,gBAAgBH,GAAQC;QACtB,IAAIA,MAAaG,WAAWH,KAAW,GAAAI,aAAAA,SAAYL;QACnD,IAAIC,GAAU;YACZ,MAAMK,IAA0CN,EAAK9B,KAAKqC;YAC1D,OAAOD,MAAUF,YAAYlC,KAAKsC,EAAQF,GAAOzB,IAASuB;ADPxD;QCSJ,MAAMvC,IAAOK,KAAKuC,EAA4BT;QAC9C,OAAOnC,IAAOA,EAAKgB,IAASuB;ADP5B;ICSFM,gBAAgBC;QDPV,ICQsBA,IAAG,KAAHA,IAAQzC,KAAK4B,IAAO,GAhG3C;YAAE,MAAU,IAAIc;AD0Ff;QCOJ,IAAI/C,IAAOK,KAAKsB;QAChB,OAAOmB,KAAO;YACZ9C,IAAOA,EAAKgD;ADLV;QCOJ,OAAe,EAAChD,EAAKe,GAAMf,EAAKgB;ADLhC;ICcFiC,KAAKd,GAAQC;QACX,MAAMpC,IAAOK,KAAK6C,EAAiBf,GAAKC;QACxC,OAAO,IAAIvC,gBAAsBG,GAAMK,KAAKG,GAASH;ADLrD;ICOFkB,QAAQ4B;QACN,IAAIV,IAAQ;QACZ,IAAIzC,IAAOK,KAAKsB;QAChB,OAAO3B,MAASK,KAAKG,GAAS;YAC5B2C,EAAiB,EAACnD,EAAKe,GAAMf,EAAKgB,KAASyB,KAASpC;YACpDL,IAAOA,EAAKgD;ADLV;AACJ;ICOF,CAACI,OAAOC;QACN,OAAO;YACL,IAAIrD,IAAOK,KAAKsB;YAChB,OAAO3B,MAASK,KAAKG,GAAS;sBACd,EAACR,EAAKe,GAAMf,EAAKgB;gBAC/BhB,IAAOA,EAAKgD;ADLR;AACJ,UCMFM,KAAKjD,KANA;ADCP;;;ACOH,IAAAkD,WAEclC;;AAAOlC,QAAAE,UAAAkE","file":"HashMap.js","sourcesContent":["import { HashContainer, HashContainerIterator } from \"./Base\";\nimport checkObject from \"../../utils/checkObject\";\nimport $checkWithinAccessParams from \"../../utils/checkParams.macro\";\nimport { throwIteratorAccessError } from \"../../utils/throwError\";\nclass HashMapIterator extends HashContainerIterator {\n constructor(node, header, container, iteratorType) {\n super(node, header, iteratorType);\n this.container = container;\n }\n get pointer() {\n if (this._node === this._header) {\n throwIteratorAccessError();\n }\n const self = this;\n return new Proxy([], {\n get(_, props) {\n if (props === '0')\n return self._node._key;\n else if (props === '1')\n return self._node._value;\n },\n set(_, props, newValue) {\n if (props !== '1') {\n throw new TypeError('props must be 1');\n }\n self._node._value = newValue;\n return true;\n }\n });\n }\n copy() {\n return new HashMapIterator(this._node, this._header, this.container, this.iteratorType);\n }\n}\nclass HashMap extends HashContainer {\n constructor(container = []) {\n super();\n const self = this;\n container.forEach(function (el) {\n self.setElement(el[0], el[1]);\n });\n }\n begin() {\n return new HashMapIterator(this._head, this._header, this);\n }\n end() {\n return new HashMapIterator(this._header, this._header, this);\n }\n rBegin() {\n return new HashMapIterator(this._tail, this._header, this, 1 /* IteratorType.REVERSE */);\n }\n rEnd() {\n return new HashMapIterator(this._header, this._header, this, 1 /* IteratorType.REVERSE */);\n }\n front() {\n if (this._length === 0)\n return;\n return [this._head._key, this._head._value];\n }\n back() {\n if (this._length === 0)\n return;\n return [this._tail._key, this._tail._value];\n }\n /**\n * @description Insert a key-value pair or set value by the given key.\n * @param key - The key want to insert.\n * @param value - The value want to set.\n * @param isObject - Tell us if the type of inserted key is `object` to improve efficiency.<br/>\n * If a `undefined` value is passed in, the type will be automatically judged.\n * @returns The size of container after setting.\n */\n setElement(key, value, isObject) {\n return this._set(key, value, isObject);\n }\n /**\n * @description Get the value of the element of the specified key.\n * @param key - The key want to search.\n * @param isObject - Tell us if the type of inserted key is `object` to improve efficiency.<br/>\n * If a `undefined` value is passed in, the type will be automatically judged.\n * @example\n * const val = container.getElementByKey(1);\n */\n getElementByKey(key, isObject) {\n if (isObject === undefined)\n isObject = checkObject(key);\n if (isObject) {\n const index = key[this.HASH_TAG];\n return index !== undefined ? this._objMap[index]._value : undefined;\n }\n const node = this._originMap[key];\n return node ? node._value : undefined;\n }\n getElementByPos(pos) {\n if (pos < 0 || pos > this._length - 1) {\n throw new RangeError();\n }\n let node = this._head;\n while (pos--) {\n node = node._next;\n }\n return [node._key, node._value];\n }\n /**\n * @description Check key if exist in container.\n * @param key - The element you want to search.\n * @param isObject - Tell us if the type of inserted key is `object` to improve efficiency.<br/>\n * If a `undefined` value is passed in, the type will be automatically judged.\n * @returns An iterator pointing to the element if found, or super end if not found.\n */\n find(key, isObject) {\n const node = this._findElementNode(key, isObject);\n return new HashMapIterator(node, this._header, this);\n }\n forEach(callback) {\n let index = 0;\n let node = this._head;\n while (node !== this._header) {\n callback([node._key, node._value], index++, this);\n node = node._next;\n }\n }\n [Symbol.iterator]() {\n return function* () {\n let node = this._head;\n while (node !== this._header) {\n yield [node._key, node._value];\n node = node._next;\n }\n }.bind(this)();\n }\n}\nexport default HashMap;\n","import { initContainer, IteratorType } from '@/container/ContainerBase';\nimport { HashContainer, HashContainerIterator, HashLinkNode } from '@/container/HashContainer/Base';\nimport checkObject from '@/utils/checkObject';\nimport $checkWithinAccessParams from '@/utils/checkParams.macro';\nimport { throwIteratorAccessError } from '@/utils/throwError';\n\nclass HashMapIterator<K, V> extends HashContainerIterator<K, V> {\n readonly container: HashMap<K, V>;\n constructor(\n node: HashLinkNode<K, V>,\n header: HashLinkNode<K, V>,\n container: HashMap<K, V>,\n iteratorType?: IteratorType\n ) {\n super(node, header, iteratorType);\n this.container = container;\n }\n get pointer() {\n if (this._node === this._header) {\n throwIteratorAccessError();\n }\n const self = this;\n return new Proxy(<[K, V]><unknown>[], {\n get(_, props: '0' | '1') {\n if (props === '0') return self._node._key;\n else if (props === '1') return self._node._value;\n },\n set(_, props: '1', newValue: V) {\n if (props !== '1') {\n throw new TypeError('props must be 1');\n }\n self._node._value = newValue;\n return true;\n }\n });\n }\n copy() {\n return new HashMapIterator<K, V>(this._node, this._header, this.container, this.iteratorType);\n }\n // @ts-ignore\n equals(iter: HashMapIterator<K, V>): boolean;\n}\n\nexport type { HashMapIterator };\n\nclass HashMap<K, V> extends HashContainer<K, V> {\n constructor(container: initContainer<[K, V]> = []) {\n super();\n const self = this;\n container.forEach(function (el) {\n self.setElement(el[0], el[1]);\n });\n }\n begin() {\n return new HashMapIterator<K, V>(this._head, this._header, this);\n }\n end() {\n return new HashMapIterator<K, V>(this._header, this._header, this);\n }\n rBegin() {\n return new HashMapIterator<K, V>(this._tail, this._header, this, IteratorType.REVERSE);\n }\n rEnd() {\n return new HashMapIterator<K, V>(this._header, this._header, this, IteratorType.REVERSE);\n }\n front() {\n if (this._length === 0) return;\n return <[K, V]>[this._head._key, this._head._value];\n }\n back() {\n if (this._length === 0) return;\n return <[K, V]>[this._tail._key, this._tail._value];\n }\n /**\n * @description Insert a key-value pair or set value by the given key.\n * @param key - The key want to insert.\n * @param value - The value want to set.\n * @param isObject - Tell us if the type of inserted key is `object` to improve efficiency.<br/>\n * If a `undefined` value is passed in, the type will be automatically judged.\n * @returns The size of container after setting.\n */\n setElement(key: K, value: V, isObject?: boolean) {\n return this._set(key, value, isObject);\n }\n /**\n * @description Get the value of the element of the specified key.\n * @param key - The key want to search.\n * @param isObject - Tell us if the type of inserted key is `object` to improve efficiency.<br/>\n * If a `undefined` value is passed in, the type will be automatically judged.\n * @example\n * const val = container.getElementByKey(1);\n */\n getElementByKey(key: K, isObject?: boolean) {\n if (isObject === undefined) isObject = checkObject(key);\n if (isObject) {\n const index = (<Record<symbol, number>><unknown>key)[this.HASH_TAG];\n return index !== undefined ? this._objMap[index]._value : undefined;\n }\n const node = this._originMap[<string><unknown>key];\n return node ? node._value : undefined;\n }\n getElementByPos(pos: number) {\n $checkWithinAccessParams!(pos, 0, this._length - 1);\n let node = this._head;\n while (pos--) {\n node = node._next;\n }\n return <[K, V]>[node._key, node._value];\n }\n /**\n * @description Check key if exist in container.\n * @param key - The element you want to search.\n * @param isObject - Tell us if the type of inserted key is `object` to improve efficiency.<br/>\n * If a `undefined` value is passed in, the type will be automatically judged.\n * @returns An iterator pointing to the element if found, or super end if not found.\n */\n find(key: K, isObject?: boolean) {\n const node = this._findElementNode(key, isObject);\n return new HashMapIterator<K, V>(node, this._header, this);\n }\n forEach(callback: (element: [K, V], index: number, hashMap: HashMap<K, V>) => void) {\n let index = 0;\n let node = this._head;\n while (node !== this._header) {\n callback(<[K, V]>[node._key, node._value], index++, this);\n node = node._next;\n }\n }\n [Symbol.iterator]() {\n return function * (this: HashMap<K, V>) {\n let node = this._head;\n while (node !== this._header) {\n yield <[K, V]>[node._key, node._value];\n node = node._next;\n }\n }.bind(this)();\n }\n}\n\nexport default HashMap;\n"]}