2024-05-09 09:49:52 +08:00

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# glob-stream
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A [Readable Stream][readable-stream-url] interface over [node-glob][node-glob-url].
## Usage
var gs = require('glob-stream');
var readable = gs('./files/**/*.coffee', { /* options */ });
var writable = /* your WriteableStream */
You can pass any combination of glob strings. One caveat is that you cannot __only__ pass a negative glob, you must give it at least one positive glob so it knows where to start. If given a non-glob path (also referred to as a singular glob), only one file will be emitted. If given a singular glob and no files match, an error is emitted (see also [`options.allowEmpty`][allow-empty-url]).
## API
### `globStream(globs, options)`
Takes a glob string or an array of glob strings as the first argument and an options object as the second. Returns a stream of objects that contain `cwd`, `base` and `path` properties.
#### Options
##### `options.allowEmpty`
Whether or not to error upon an empty singular glob.
Type: `Boolean`
Default: `false` (error upon no match)
##### ``
Whether or not to treat dotfiles as regular files. This is passed through to [node-glob][node-glob-url].
Type: `Boolean`
Default: `false`
##### `options.silent`
Whether or not to suppress warnings on stderr from [node-glob][node-glob-url]. This is passed through to [node-glob][node-glob-url].
Type: `Boolean`
Default: `true`
##### `options.cwd`
The current working directory that the glob is resolved against.
Type: `String`
Default: `process.cwd()`
##### `options.root`
The root path that the glob is resolved against.
__Note: This is never passed to [node-glob][node-glob-url] because it is pre-resolved against your paths.__
Type: `String`
Default: `undefined` (use the filesystem root)
##### `options.base`
The absolute segment of the glob path that isn't a glob. This value is attached to each glob object and is useful for relative pathing.
Type: `String`
Default: The absolute path segement before a glob starts (see [glob-parent][glob-parent-url])
##### `options.cwdbase`
Whether or not the `cwd` and `base` should be the same.
Type: `Boolean`
Default: `false`
##### `options.uniqueBy`
Filters stream to remove duplicates based on the string property name or the result of function. When using a function, the function receives the streamed data (objects containing `cwd`, `base`, `path` properties) to compare against.
Type: `String` or `Function`
Default: `'path'`
##### other
Any glob-related options are documented in [node-glob][node-glob-url]. Those options are forwarded verbatim, with the exception of `root` and `ignore`. `root` is pre-resolved and `ignore` is joined with all negative globs.
#### Globbing & Negation
var stream = gs(['./**/*.js', '!./node_modules/**/*']);
Globs are executed in order, so negations should follow positive globs. For example:
The following would __not__ exclude any files:
gs(['!b*.js', '*.js'])
However, this would exclude all files that started with `b`:
gs(['*.js', '!b*.js'])
## License
[allow-empty-url]: #optionsallowempty